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    The best formula for coming up with email list ideas is [TOPIC] + LIFE:

    [TOPIC] + [LIFE] = [EMAIL]

    Basically just take a topic you're trying to write about and apply it to a common concept in life that most humans can relate to.

    For example, I would take whatever topic and apply it to different subjects such as:
    • [TOPIC] + Life.
    • [TOPIC] + Kids.
    • [TOPIC] + Love.
    • [TOPIC]Fears.
    • [TOPIC] + Career.
    • [TOPIC] + Money.
    • [TOPIC] + Friends.
    • [TOPIC]Tutorial.
    • [TOPIC]Tools/Hacks.
    • [TOPIC] + Emotional Side.
    • [TOPIC]Technical Skills.

    You can smash those two together and instantly be able to come up with a huge list of potential email ideas, see all your customized email list ideas below:

    [TOPIC] + KIDS:

    These will be how [TOPIC] relates to your kids.  It can be stuff about future generations, how having kids impacted things, or personal stories relating to both.  Here's some examples:
    • What my kids have taught me about [TOPIC].
    • Even my 3 years old understands [TOPIC].
    • [TOPIC] and having kids changed my life forever in a great way.
    • How to explain [TOPIC] to a 4 year old.
    • I never thought [TOPIC] and kids would mix well, but it turns out...
    • What's the point of doing [TOPIC] if it doesn't make my kids proud of me?
    • What I want my kids to know about [TOPIC].
    • How I still manage to run [TOPIC] while taking care of kids.
    • The tools I use to juggle [TOPIC] and kids.
    • Why I'm teaching my kids all about [TOPIC].


    This is going to be how [TOPIC] has affected your career in any way.  Has [TOPIC] made your career better or worse? Has it helped you become a better employee or entrepreneur?  These are great topics to talk about.  You can even use very personal stories about your own career.  Here's some examples:
    • The full story of my career in [TOPIC].
    • How I accidentally stumbled into [TOPIC] and made a career out of it.
    • [TOPIC] changed my income forever.
    • [TOPIC] was the first smart thing I ever did in my career, and here's how I started...
    • It wasn't until 5 years into my career that I learned about [TOPIC].
    • Excellence in [TOPIC] comes from 3 key things...
    • How to start a career in [TOPIC].
    • How to make a career out of your passion for [TOPIC].
    • It's not hard to make a career out of [TOPIC]. Here's my guide how.
    • The Pro's and Con's of a career in [TOPIC].

    [TOPIC] + MONEY:

    These will talk about a super juicy subject: MONEY!  Everyone usually wants more money and ways on how to get it. So show people how [TOPIC] relates to money and various ways of getting more.
    • [TOPIC] changed my income almost overnight.
    • How much money does [TOPIC] make?
    • How you can double your income in the [TOPIC] industry.
    • I had my largest month ever with [TOPIC] by doing this....
    • One of the best money-making niches in [TOPIC].
    • How much money can you make if you consult on [TOPIC]?
    • How much I make doing [TOPIC].
    • 3 tests I did this year that doubled my [TOPIC] income.
    • The economy is shifting, and people in the [TOPIC] industry can thrive.
    • Here's why [TOPIC] is a great side-hustle.
    • Here's why [TOPIC] is a great long-term skill to learn.


    Friends are a super important part of your life. So talk about how friends impact [TOPIC]. Maybe some friends are helpful, and some friends are not so helpful. Talk about your experiences with it:
    • Most of my best friends I made through [TOPIC].
    • My friends didn't understand [TOPIC] at first, but then I told them this...
    • It was difficult telling my friends at work I was going to quit and start [TOPIC].
    • [TOPIC] lost me a lot of friends.
    • [TOPIC] made me a lot of friends.
    • [TOPIC] took a toll on my closest friendship because that friend was trying to hold me back.
    • Some of my friends HATED that I was so successful with [TOPIC].
    • Soon as I got some success with [TOPIC] my friends started asking about it!
    • It's nice having a community of friends to support me in my [TOPIC].
    • My friends were always so curious how I started [TOPIC] in the first place.

    [TOPIC] + LOVE:

    Love is something everyone experiences at some point.  Why not relate THAT to your topic?  The good, the bad, everything:
    • How [TOPIC] affected my love life.
    • [TOPIC] was my first real love.
    • "Me and [TOPIC] sittin' in a tree....K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"
    • When I was first learning [TOPIC] it put a strain on my spouse and I.
    • Everyone that loved me was worries.....and that's when I discovered [TOPIC].
    • I don't think anyone loves [TOPIC] more than this guy.
    • A loving spouse is what supported me the early and lean days of my [TOPIC] career.
    • No one actually LOVES doing [TOPIC].....but it's a necessity.
    • Learn to love [TOPIC] and it will make you a lot of money.
    • I met my partner through [TOPIC].


    How-to articles are often the most searched articles out there. Why not give the people what they want?
    • How to [TOPIC] for a living.
    • How to use [TOPIC] to double your sales.
    • How one of my students used [TOPIC] to triple her sales in less than 12 months.
    • How to create viral [TOPIC] posts on your website.
    • How to make [TOPIC] proposals to large companies.
    • How to generate tons of leads in the [TOPIC] industry.
    • How to find people looking to buy [TOPIC] services.
    • How to find people looking to buy large amounts of [TOPIC].
    • How to upgrade your [TOPIC] business without spending any money.
    • How to make your [TOPIC] without hiring someone to do it.
    • How to [TOPIC] like a rockstar.
    • How to become the best at [TOPIC] and leave the competition in the dust.
    • How to be the Michael Phelps of [TOPIC] and crush everyone else.
    • How to get into [TOPIC] without spending a dime.


    This is where you open up about your challenges and struggles.  People relate to you more when you open up and get vulnerable.  This is your chance to let it all out....
    • When I started [TOPIC] I was scared to death...
    • I felt like I wasn't good enough for [TOPIC] and could never succeed in it....
    • When I first started [TOPIC] I seemed happy on the outside, but on the inside I was dying...
    • I've never told anyone about this from my beginning [TOPIC] days....
    • It's not easy when you first start [TOPIC]. There's a lot of emotional pain you go through first...
    • I didn't choose [TOPIC].  My parents pressured me into it.  At first it was tough....
    • I could believe how good other people in [TOPIC] were.  I felt I'd never get to their level...
    • The first time I succeeded in a [TOPIC] deal I was smiling so hard that it hurt my cheek muscles!
    • I wanted to prove my parents wrong so bad, and that's what pushed me to succeed in [TOPIC].
    • There's no one that's gone through more pain doing [TOPIC] than I have, and I want to show you how to avoid my mistakes.


    One of the most helpful things is showing someone exactly how to do a specific thing.  Send people cool tutorials on how they can immediately accomplish a specific task in the [TOPIC] industry:
    • [TOPIC] is super easy if you automate scheduling using this tool.
    • Here's how you use Microsoft Excel to make your [TOPIC] work easier.
    • Here's how to use Google Docs to save all your [TOPIC] files.
    • Here's a trick I use with [TOPIC] clients that blows them away.
    • Put this script in your email footer and you'll likely get 2 more [TOPIC] clients per month.
    • Take 45 seconds to install this Chrome Extension that every [TOPIC] person needs.
    • Here's how Photoshop can improve your [TOPIC] performance.
    • Here's how learning to outsource on Fiverr can help your [TOPIC] business.
    • [TOPIC] + . A complete guide to setting up a [TOPIC] website.
    • A full guide to outsourcing 50% of your [TOPIC] work without paying too much.

    [TOPIC] + FEARS:

    Relate to people on an emotional level by sharing your fears and doubts.  Many people have fears, so discuss them, and maybe even some solutions that you've found.
    • For a full month I would wake up every night having nightmares about [TOPIC].
    • I was scared the first time I went to a [TOPIC] convention.
    • Fear of succeeding in [TOPIC]....it's a real thing.
    • I don't know about you, but the first time I worked with a [TOPIC] client I was super nervous.
    • How to calm your nerves when giving a [TOPIC] presentation.
    • My trick to calm myself down before giving a [TOPIC] presentation to important clients.
    • Respond to this email and let me know your fears about [TOPIC].


    Impart your knowledge of [TOPIC] on people by showing them some cool tips, tricks, tools and hacks you've learned over the years!
    • 11 ways to make better [TOPIC].
    • Every trick I use to do quality work in the [TOPIC] industry.
    • I could do [TOPIC] without these 13 free tools.
    • In a world full of products for the [TOPIC] industry, here are the only 3 I use.
    • Every successful person doing [TOPIC] uses this trick.
    • Every successful person doing [TOPIC] pays for this research tool.
    • 12 years of [TOPIC] experience and here's the top 3 things I've learned.
    • If you want higher [TOPIC] sales then implement these 4 hacks immediately.
    • The lowest cost (yet highest ROI) trick I've learned in my 8 years of [TOPIC].
    • [TOPIC] tools you can use for less than $50 each.



    Save all these email list ideas to your own files:

    Email List Ideas Banner
    Copy/Paste all the stuff in this box then save this list of topics in your own files.  I keep a giant Google Doc full of my email ideas, and this should help start your own :)

    Email list ideas for [TOPIC]:
    • [TOPIC] + LIFE:
    • [TOPIC] changed my life forever for the better.
    • The first time I heard about [TOPIC] it changed everything.
    • I never knew the impact [TOPIC] would have on me.
    • The best thing about [TOPIC] was the way it changed my life.
    • When I got good at [TOPIC] it changed my life.
    • The first book I ever read on [TOPIC] altered the course of my entire life.
    • When I started learning about [TOPIC] it felt like I found my calling.
    • There was something just so enjoyable about [TOPIC].
    • I felt completely comfortable learning about [TOPIC].
    • One time at band camp I started [TOPIC] and....
    • [TOPIC] + KIDS:
    • [TOPIC] and having kids changed my life dramatically.
    • What my kids have taught me about [TOPIC].
    • Even my 3 years old understands [TOPIC].
    • How to explain [TOPIC] to a 4 year old.
    • I never thought [TOPIC] and kids would mix well, but it turns out...
    • What's the point of doing [TOPIC] if it doesn't make my kids proud of me?
    • What I want my kids to know about [TOPIC].
    • How I still manage to run [TOPIC] while taking care of kids.
    • The tools I use to juggle [TOPIC] and kids.
    • Why I'm teaching my kids all about [TOPIC].
    • [TOPIC] + CAREER:
    • The full story of my career in [TOPIC].
    • How I accidentally stumbled into [TOPIC] and made a career out of it.
    • [TOPIC] changed my income forever.
    • [TOPIC] was the first smart thing I ever did in my career, and here's how I started...
    • It wasn't until 5 years into my career that I learned about [TOPIC].
    • Excellence in [TOPIC] comes from 3 key things...
    • How to start a career in [TOPIC].
    • How to make a career out of your passion for [TOPIC].
    • It's not hard to make a career out of [TOPIC]. Here's my guide how.
    • The Pro's and Con's of a career in [TOPIC].
    • [TOPIC] + MONEY:
    • [TOPIC] really changed my life forever.
    • How much money does [TOPIC] make?
    • How you can double your income in the [TOPIC] industry.
    • I had my largest month ever with [TOPIC] by doing this....
    • One of the best money-making niches in [TOPIC].
    • How much money can you make if you consult on [TOPIC]?
    • How much I make doing [TOPIC].
    • 3 tests I did this year that doubled my [TOPIC] income.
    • The economy is shifting, and people in the [TOPIC] industry can thrive.
    • Here's why [TOPIC] is a great side-hustle.
    • Here's why [TOPIC] is a great long-term skill to learn.
    • [TOPIC] + FRIENDS:
    • Most of my best friends I made through [TOPIC].
    • My friends didn't understand [TOPIC] at first, but then I told them this...
    • It was difficult telling my friends at work I was going to quit and start [TOPIC].
    • [TOPIC] lost me a lot of friends.
    • [TOPIC] made me a lot of friends.
    • [TOPIC] took a toll on my closest friendship because that friend was trying to hold me back.
    • Some of my friends HATED that I was so successful with [TOPIC].
    • Soon as I got some success with [TOPIC] my friends started asking about it!
    • It's nice having a community of friends to support me in my [TOPIC].
    • My friends were always so curious how I started [TOPIC] in the first place.
    • [TOPIC] + LOVE:
    • How [TOPIC] affected my love life.
    • [TOPIC] was my first real love.
    • "Me and [TOPIC] sittin' in a tree....K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"
    • When I was first learning [TOPIC] it put a strain on my spouse and I.
    • Everyone that loved me was worries.....and that's when I discovered [TOPIC].
    • I don't think anyone loves [TOPIC] more than this guy.
    • A loving spouse is what supported me the early and lean days of my [TOPIC] career.
    • No one actually LOVES doing [TOPIC].....but it's a necessity.
    • Learn to love [TOPIC] and it will make you a lot of money.
    • I met my partner through [TOPIC].
    • How-to articles are often the most searched articles out there. Why not give people what they want?
    • How to [TOPIC] for a living.
    • How to use [TOPIC] to double your sales.
    • How one of my students used [TOPIC] to triple her sales in less than 12 months.
    • How to create viral [TOPIC] posts on your website.
    • How to make [TOPIC] proposals to large companies.
    • How to generate tons of leads in the [TOPIC] industry.
    • How to find people looking to buy [TOPIC] services.
    • How to find people looking to buy large amounts of [TOPIC].
    • How to upgrade your [TOPIC] business without spending any money.
    • How to make your [TOPIC] without hiring someone to do it.
    • How to [TOPIC] like a rockstar.
    • How to become the best at [TOPIC] and leave the competition in the dust.
    • How to be the Michael Phelps of [TOPIC] and crush everyone else.
    • How to get into [TOPIC] without spending a dime.
    • When I started [TOPIC] I was scared to death...
    • I felt like I wasn't good enough for [TOPIC] and could never succeed in it....
    • When I first started [TOPIC] I seemed happy on the outside, but on the inside I was dying...
    • I've never told anyone about this from my beginning [TOPIC] days....
    • It's not easy when you first start [TOPIC]. There's a lot of emotional pain you go through first...
    • I didn't choose [TOPIC]. My parents pressured me into it. At first it was tough....
    • I could believe how good other people in [TOPIC] were. I felt I'd never get to their level...
    • The first time I succeeded in a [TOPIC] deal I was smiling so hard that it hurt my cheek muscles!
    • I wanted to prove my parents wrong so bad, and that's what pushed me to succeed in [TOPIC].
    • There's no one that's gone through more pain doing [TOPIC] than I have, and I want to show you how to avoid my mistakes
    • [TOPIC] is super easy if you automate scheduling using this tool.
    • Here's how you use Microsoft Excel to make your [TOPIC] work easier.
    • Here's how to use Google Docs to save all your [TOPIC] files.
    • Here's a trick I use with [TOPIC] clients that blows them away.
    • Put this script in your email footer and you'll likely get 2 more [TOPIC] clients per month.
    • Take 45 seconds to install this Chrome Extension that every [TOPIC] person needs.
    • Here's how Photoshop can improve your [TOPIC] performance.
    • Here's how learning to outsource on Fiverr can help your [TOPIC] business.
    • Here's how KopywritingKourse.com helped me increase my [TOPIC] business.
    • [TOPIC] and . A complete guide to setting up a [TOPIC] website.
    • A full guide to outsourcing 50% of your [TOPIC] work without paying too much.
    • [TOPIC] + FEARS:
    • For a full month I would wake up every night having nightmares about [TOPIC].
    • I was scared the first time I went to a [TOPIC] convention.
    • Fear of succeeding in [TOPIC]....it's a real thing.
    • I don't know about you, but the first time I worked with a [TOPIC] client I was super nervous.
    • How to calm your nerves when giving a [TOPIC] presentation.
    • My trick to calm myself down before giving a [TOPIC] presentation to important clients.
    • Respond to this email and let me know your fears about [TOPIC].
    • 11 ways to make better [TOPIC].
    • Every trick I use to do quality work in the [TOPIC] industry.
    • I could do [TOPIC] without these 13 free tools.
    • In a world full of products for the [TOPIC] industry, here are the only 3 I use.
    • Every successful person doing [TOPIC] uses this trick.
    • Every successful person doing [TOPIC] pays for this research tool.
    • 12 years of [TOPIC] experience and here's the top 3 things I've learned.
    • If you want higher [TOPIC] sales then implement these 4 hacks immediately.
    • The lowest cost (yet highest ROI) trick I've learned in my 8 years of [TOPIC].
    • [TOPIC] tools you can use for less than $50 each.

    Enjoy all the email list ideas, hopefully they help jog your brain down the right path!
    Neville Medhora - Kopywriter

    Here's some more helpful email resources:
    Follow Up Email Templates
    Email Open Rate Examples
    Introduction Email Templates
    B2B Cold Email Templates
    Email Swipe File

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