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    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday October 28th, 2022)

    Swipe📁Wisdom🧠Interesting🧐Picture🖼 • Essay📄Sketch✎
    A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!

    Edition: Friday, October 28th, 2022

    🎤 Listen to this email here:

    #1.) Swipe:

    Here's a funny "Swipe File In The Wild" I saw yesterday while walking around my neighborhood....this hilarious van promoting their plumbing service 😂


    Here's the side of the van featuring a dude "flying" above an air conditioning condenser unit 😂


    Sometimes I'm skeptical of advertisements that are purely just "funny" but don't actually work. Many bar/restaurant signs are like this:


    However this Radiant Plumbing van totally caught my eye, made me laugh, and made me take a pic....and now I'm talking about it here to 56,734 people current on this SWIPES email newsletter....so maybe it works!

    #2.) Wisdom:

    Something to remember when selling your product:

    People generally don't want the product itself, but rather the change it brings:


    #3.) Interesting:

    I question the accuracy of this information, but I found this to be a cool visual layout for showing what age you "peak" at certain life skills or events.


    According to this chart, my plan to die at 85 on November 17th, 2067 is justified 😂


    Take the information in this chart with a grain of salt...but I do love the way it's laid out.

    #4.) Picture:

    There's this "Tooth Gem" fad happening where you can get a small fake diamond put on your tooth:


    ✦ It's NOT permanent.
    ✦ You can peel it off anytime.
    ✦ It'll last up to a week.
    ✦ It costs roughly $50.

    It's getting kind of popular:


    At an event this weekend they were giving them out for free, so a group of us decided to get them 😂


    It required a 2-minute "procedure" where they use dental glue to place the fake diamond, then use a UV light to harden it.

    It kind of looks like you're getting a dental cleaning:


    It was a fun little thing to do, not permanent, and a fun conversation starter!


    #5.) Essay:

    Since most of us work from home, your office area has become increasingly important. 

    Here's an evolution off my own office spaces as technology became more and more a part of our lives:


    College dorm room setup circa 2002:



    College dorm room plastic desks:



    Then for many years after I had the standard desk + computer combo in various apartments:



    Of course I'd randomly work from other tables or balconies on the laptop just to switch things up:



    There was even a hot minute where I attempted to go "100% laptop only" in order to not be attached to a desktop. I tried using an up-down rolling desk:



    That worked decently....but ultimately it wasn't great for long periods of work, and frankly it looked stupid:



    Then came the era of making a whole room into an office:



    Each version was a little different as video become more important and I had to make the offices look prettier on camera:



    Now many offices need teleprompters, good lighting, designed backgrounds, 3 camera setups, microphones etc:



    My current office serves as a reading room, recording studio, workspace for others, and can also turn into a queen bedroom for spillover guests:



    The ironic thing is, I'd say 50% of the time I just work from a laptop with friends on the dining table 😂


    #6.) Sketch:

    This crappy error message gets seen over 1,000 times a day on Copywriting Course:

    Error Message CC.webp

    It's a pretty crappy error message, and not very effective. I made it really quick as a placeholder and never updated. 

    Do YOU have any ideas on how to make this error message awesome? 

    I'd like it to convey why someone should join the Copywriting Course.

    People see this error message when they try to view member-only material, but they are not a member. 

    For example: We have a "Live Feed" sidebar on the blog with member-only material:



    If someone clicks one of those links without being logged in, they see that crappy error message:

    Error Message CC.webp

    I thought it'd be a fun experiment to take suggestions from this Friday S.W.I.P.E.S. Email list. 

    Reply to this email with your copy suggestions or design suggestions!

    If I use your ideas, I'll send you a C❤️PY tshirt!



    Recommended Comments

    Ohh Neville, I have a suggestion for the error page.

    SUGGESTION for ERROR page:

    Non-member, you have a mission.
    You have 5 seconds (kidding, maybe not)
    to decide. . . 
    To be or not to be a Member, and that's not the Members Only jackets worn in the 80's.

    Want to see inside the members arena? 
    We teach outstanding content strategies,
    show you the inner workings of the world of writing, 
    and help you sell your *&^** online! 

    We have people who are full-blown copywriters, not chat bots, and videos, but actual living people. 
    Find that in a course today for what we charge. 

    Come on, join the Kopywriting Fantastic Voyage! 

    Chat bots not included, do not use negative thinking, side effects include:
    Joy and happiness in finding a community that understands your trials and tribulations, improved writing skills, friends, and potential for higher income.

    Grow THAT! 



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    I had two ideas come to mind.

    One is a sketch of a person running into a wall. With the copy saying something along the lines of "ooops, looks like you ran into our paywall!" where you proceed to explain the benefits or transformations you promise on the other side. You can then have the same sketch but with a trampoline before the wall. The trampoline represents "membership," and that's where you can provide the viewer with a sign-up form. 


    My second idea isn't as fleshed out. But for some reason "hold your horses" came to mind where you can sketch out a person holding a horse (found this one on google):


    From there you can explain that the content the viewer is trying to click through is member only and they can become a member, with all these benefits and promises, by filling out the form.


    I hope that helps!

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    I have here two mock-up versions for your error page.

    Since online users are more scanners than readers, I would suggest you create little pieces which the user can choose from. (Kinda like doors, door A means -> becoming a member, and door B is for subscribing to the newsletter)

    If you would like to see at which point you need to start scrolling you can check out the mock-ups via this Adobe XD link: https://xd.adobe.com/view/6c5908ee-4ac7-4284-80fd-2199633d9ad1-390a/

    I hope this is helping you. I'm really enjoying your Friday emails 🙂

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    • Administrator

    Wow this looks so professional!


    I never considered a double-column layout before....this is giving me some great ideas. There's a high likelihood you'll be receiving a shirt 🙂 

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    Sorry, this area is for the cool kids club. Do you want to be a cool kid and start writing words that sell? Join our club. Here’s everything you’ll get…


    I’m glad to see we have the same Homer sticker on our laptops lol


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    Hope all is well with you and your family.

    Really appreciate your work and energy ️. 

    You seem like a pleasant person dude, 

    Really enjoy your content and delivery. 

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    Quick idea for the error message:

    You could use the "feed" format to present an enticing message for them to join. It looks "real" and people would read thinking they're getting the members only info.

    7:55am - Juan: Hey guys! I've just re-launched my landing page copy, could you guys give me feedback?
    7;56am - Neville: Sure would love to help!
    8:15am - Juan: *blurry screenshot*
    8:15am: Juan: man, these suggestions Neville and all you guys gave me are really awesome. 
    8:17am: Jennifer: yeah, I wish everyone could see this, it's a game changer for business!
    8:20am: Neville: well, funny you should say that Jenn, CopywritingCourse is closing it's monthly plan etc,etc,etc people can Join now by!

    Just a quick idea before getting my daughter ready for school!

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    Guest Kyle Van Deusen

    Need a big "sign up" button, the text link is too subtle. 

    Might be cool to let them see 1 thing if they sign up for the list (as a little value exchange)

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    Option 1: Do nothing. It does the job.

    Option 2: Have a single call to action. I'd suggest making "Become a Member" or "Unlock This Content" a button. 

    Can the subscribe for free or make it an exit intent pop up.

    Make the "Sign in" a link. So the only button is for signing up.

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    Have 1 CTA
    • You currently have 3 links above the fold and the one that sells "here" is the least noticeable
    • Make "here" → "Sell more online now" BFB
    • Remove the other links
    • Consider having your big smiling face on the page for trust

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    • Administrator

    Hey John you're 100% right, these are great suggestion!!

    Smiley face....like this?



    (or else)


    Am I doing that right? 😛

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    This is my suggestion for the copy. 

                STOP RIGHT THERE!
    (preferably in red).

    You can't access this benefit, but members can. 

    Did you say why?

    It's unrestricted for members as an exclusive inner circle. 

    You can get into the radius if:

    -You want to sell and earn massively online. 

    -You want to scale up your sales with proven methods. 

    -You want to give your writing a good polish and get it to convert into sales more. 

    -You want to walk in the footsteps of experienced and professional copywriters who can build a better copywriter out of you. 

    -You want to see great and converting value-packed copy(s) and learn the thought process behind them. 

    I would like to know what you think about it.

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