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    Get A Job vs Start A Business ?

    Get a job or start a business

    So you've officially become torn between getting a job or starting your own business....

    ....What to do??

    I've seen this conundrum play out hundreds of times, and hopefully this experience can help guide your decision.  Read on my friend:


    1.) Let's start why it's awesome to own a business:

    Running your own business is super glamorized because people see all the good stuff about it.....and to be honest, there ARE a lot of good things about it:

    When you're running the show, you get to do ANYYYYTTTHING you want!  Do you want your "global headquarters" (aka you with a laptop) located on a beach in Costa Rica?  Cool.....go!

    You get to write off a shit-ton of stuff on your taxes. You even get to save more money by being a business owner (a normal ROTH IRA allows you to sock away $5,500/year in savings tax free, however a business SEP IRA allows you to sock away $53,000/year.  That's 10x more.  Giggity).

    You get to be your own boss, call all the shots, decided what you want (and don't want) to do everyday.  It's 100% up to you.

    Many first time entrepreneurs go through this short-lived euphoria of setting up their business and it's exciting and fun!

    This is known as the "Playing Business" Phase.  It's where you get caught up in making business cards, making overly-complex business plans, thinking of incorporating an LLC, hashing out who's gonna be your C.T.O. and C.F.O. and Chief Whateverthefuckyouwant Officer.

    And by all means, you SHOULD enjoy aspects of this!

    It's fun!

    It's exciting!

    It's creative!

    But it also doesn't make you ONE GODDAMN DOLLAR.

    Soon this "Playing Business" euphoria starts to wear off, and reality starts to set in.  In whatever business you go into, there's going to be a lot more unexpected expenses and hassles than are generally reported.

    It kind of goes like this:

    Good and bad running business



    I have a friend who runs a big commercial real estate company.  It would seem like an envious and glamorous position to have millions of feet real estate under management, but if you were to go work for them, you would see the most whackadoodle shit of your life.  Tenants do some WEIRD things, people file dumb lawsuits, drunk drivers literally run into your buildings, homeless people setup camp inside buildings, insurance companies use borderline illegal tactics, people steal stuff, city regulations are always changing, moving a toilet and faucet for a tenant can cost more than $30,000 in plumbing alone.....it's just one thing after another.  

    It's never straight-and-simple as it seems.

    With that in mind, let's talk about the BAD parts of owning a business:



    2.) The BAD parts about owning a business:

    Let's just start with this my friend:

    You tend to see the "highlight reel" of someone's life, not the bad sides.

    For example, here's two pictures that make running a business seem awesome:

    1.) this is a pic of me having fun on a $5,800 gravity flight where a plane flies in parabolas over the ocean and creates a "weightless" environment:


    Pretty sweet huh?  That flight wasn't cheap, yet the disposable income from my business allowed me to do it without thinking much of the price.

    ....and in this picture below I took a two-week-long workcation to Thailand. Here I am working in a hammock on a private beach:


    Seems pretty relaxing right??

    These two pictures you'll see on my social media accounts make owning a business seems pretty fun!!

    But what I don't show you is that for every 1 cool picture like that, there's 5 or more boring pictures like this:

    dark office neville lamps

    That's a picture I took....

    ....in a dark-ass office.

    ....all alone.

    ....at 1:45am.

    ....on a Tuesday night.

    ....and my contacts were dry and hurting from looking at a screen for 12 hours.

    ....doing work I didn't want to do.

    THAT my friend, is the part of owning a business that doesn't get much attention. Because I run my own business, it's 100% up to me to get things done, and sometimes this is what it takes.

    Owning a business doesn't seem so great at that moment.

    But people cherrypick what they choose to view something as.

    It's great working on your passion or working for yourself.....but there WILL ALWAYS be sour patches in the journey.  Lots of them.  The most successful people I know have one thing in common: They simply work a ton.  That's it.

    Yet that "boring" part of owning a business is rarely focused on.

    I pulled these quotes from some of my notes from interviews where people ask about a work/life balance:

    Question asked to Elon Musk:

    "How do you balance your work and personal life, and take care of yourself?"

    Elon's Response:

    "I'm not currently performing a set of actions that will maximize my life expectancy."


    Question asked to Neil DeGrass Tyson:

    "How do you balance your work and personal life?"

    Neil's Response:

    ::he laughs hysterically::  "I don't. If I achieve a balance, then I'm not working hard enough."


    Question asked to Mark Zuckerberg:

    "How do you separate your work and personal life?"

    Mark's Response:

    ::he laughs::  "I don't."

    The answers they gave all elicited laughs from the audience, but behind those answers are people who essentially work nearly every waking hour they have.  

    When a lot of people think about owning a business they imagine freedom, money & passion.......not 24 hours a day of work.



    3.) The GOOD parts about having a job:

    This part should more accurately be called "Good parts about having a GOOD job."

    If you're working a minimum wage fast food job and you're barely scraping by on that salary.....I'd imagine your job doesn't seem that great.

    However if you're highly paid engineer and you're making a great salary.....life probably isn't THAT bad!

    A steady job can provide you all sorts of sweet stuff:

    • You get a steady Income.
    • You learn new Skills.
    • It's hard to F-up TOO badly.
    • You learn how large companies operate.
    • You show up from 9-5 and take home a check.
    • You can balance work life and personal life.

    I think one of the greatest benefits of having a job is the stable income. Every single month you get a nice check!

    stable income drawing png

    Stable income is great in a lot of ways.  You can measure out exactly how much you can spend, therefore you can plan & prepare very well.  You are pretty much guaranteed this income.

    You don't have a feast-or-famine mentality like you sometimes get in a business.

    It would seem that if you:  Work with people you like + Working on projects you like + Get salary/perks you like = You probably like your job.

    I actually don't see the problem with having a job like this.  In fact I know tons of people at great companies who like their job at around an 85% level, and live a great life because of it!



    4.) The BAD parts about having a job:

    While having a stable income and job can be great, there's some obvious downside of having a job:

    • Your schedule always revolves around your job, not your own social activities.
    • You're sometimes forced to do things you don't want to do.
    • You're sometimes forced to work with people you don't like.
    • You're often pigeonholed into the same work everyday.
    • You get a stable salary, but the potential for that number skyrocketing higher is very low.

    Being forced to interact with people you don't like + Working on a project you don't like = You probably hate your job.

    As with anything in life, there's positives and negatives.  And despite all the good things a stable job can bring, it'll also bring some bad things.



    5.) Get A Job or Start A Business? It depends on your Risk Tolerance:

    A lot of young people working at a company will say this line: "I don't want to be like those old people who've been working there for over 30 years!"

    But that's not looking at it correctly.  Those "old people" are in their 50's and 60's and are trying ride out the cushy gig they've got going!  They treat their job as a way to earn money and live a nice life.  What's wrong with that?

    If you're young, hungry and aggressive.....then perhaps that lifestyle isn't for you YET.  But stack on 20 years of life experience, get a spouse, pile on some kids, get roped into a mortgage and maybe the view will change:

    family expenses

    It really just depends which stage in your life you're at.  The guy above needs some serious cash flow coming in to support his family, and he probably spends most of his time in one place near his home because of the kids' school, and he probably prioritizes family above work......so maybe he WILL want to ride out a cushy job for all it's worth.  A stable 9-5 job is probably ideal for this guy at this stage.

    However if you're freshly out of college and wondering what to do in life, assuming you have low financial burdens, you can pretty much DO ANYTHING YOU WANT for a few years with very low consequence.


    Personal Side Story:

    All through college I had little side businesses going, and I was also WAY more frugal than I am now, so I saved nearly all my money.

    By the time I graduated college, I had built up somewhere between $30,000 and $50,000 in savings to live on.  My rent at the time was something like $320/month, and I had extremely minimal monthly expenses, so theoretically I could live for 1-2 years pretty comfortably off that money and still have some emergency cushion money.

    So while everyone was busy getting jobs after college, I was able to just "test the waters" with entrepreneurship before I got a job.  I already had business(es) going at that time, and they were making money, so I wouldn't suffer any downsides by taking this path (like going totally homeless).

    So going the entrepreneur route for me was actually NOT a risky move at all.

    Some people think I riskily dove off a cliff into the unknown waters of business......but it's more like I slowly walked down a staircase into the water, AND had a life jacket on (my savings account), AND had a lifeguard in case things went terribly wrong (my parents).





    6.) What to do if you're curious about starting a business:

    Without fail, this is the specific path I've seen for people who've successfully transitioned out of their jobs:

    Keep job --> Work on side project in spare time --> If it gains traction, go harder --> Quit job when side income becomes greater than job.

    I'd say there's an 80% chance of you actually not enjoying running a business at all, or not willing to push/sell hard enough to make it.  If you can't successfully run a business "on the side" then you probably won't be able to run one full time either.

    You have to be CURIOUS and WORK HARD at whatever you do, and expect that you might not make money for a loooonng time.

    What if I told you the "marketing blog" you're starting will NEVER make a cent.  Ever.

    Would you still do it?  Would you still slave over posts at 3am trying to make them perfect?

    A lot of people want to follow their passion, but ALSO expect it to make hella money.  These are conflicting views, as your passion may not always make you a lot of money.

    But also without some passion, it's unlikely you'll push hard enough to make a business.

    Here's a thought experiment:

    There's two YouTube channels started on the same day:

    YOUTUBE CHANNEL 1.) A grown man starts a YouTube channel because he saw that some YouTuber's make lots of money.....so he starts doing product review videos and putting a bunch of affiliate links in the description. He hopes his new YouTube channel will make him millions like that famous YouTuber he is copying.

    YOUTUBE CHANNEL 2.) A kid in his parents house who is absolutely obsessed with tech gadgets, computers, and programs makes a channel for fun where he reviews tech and does tutorials on hundreds of programs.  He does it for fun and it's his hobby.  Making money from it never entered his mind.

    Which of these two YouTube channels will end up succeeding?

    Channel 2 is the answer.

    Here's a real life example of that:

    This is Marques Brownlee.  He's been one of my favorite tech reviewers on YouTube for years.  He produces super high quality gadget reviews, has good opinions about new tech stuff, and gets access to all these gadgets before they come out:


    He's super influential with 3.5million+ subscribers. I was surprised to find out that currently he's only 22 years old.  One would surmise that being such an influence in tech AND so young: "This kid came out of nowhere!!!"

    However if you look back on his YouTube channel, it goes back over 7+ years to when he was 13 years old.....and he did literally HUNDREDS of tech reviews and how-to videos per year since he was 13!!!!

    In our How To Become A Famous YouTuber research we analyzed how long it took Marques to become popular, and the data shows it took him over 4 years of getting no traffic before he started taking off....and in that time he published HUNDREDS of videos just for the love of it!

    MKBHD Youtube Channel Stats Chart

    You can see his oldest videos here and notice he published several times per week for YEARS before gaining a lot of traction:


    marques brownlee old photo

    Seriously, check out his old archives and click "more videos" to see them all.....it's literally HUNDREDS OF VIDEOS PER YEAR.

    Clearly this kid had a passion for reviewing and showing off tech, and also one hell of a work ethic to consistently put out this many videos by himself, in his spare time.

    So is it really any wonder he's one of the top tech reviewers today?

    Is it really any wonder the guy that posts 4 tech reviews and amazon affiliate links gets frustrated "he made zero dollars" and promptly quits?

    I can't wait to see Marques' face when someone asks him "How did you get 4.8 Million subscribers so quickly?"

    His answer will be: "I consistently filmed, edited, and published over 2,000 videos over the course of 8 years."


    Personal Side Story:

    I've done the "passion" thing before, and I've done the "let's just grab some money" thing before.  They both work if you're willing to put in a lot of effort:


    When I started NevBlog I didn't realize it would lead to other stuff.  It's just that blogger.com was an easy way to keep track of monthly finances in chronological order.  I never in a million years though NevBlog would make a cent.  I updated that blog for YEARS just because I wanted to track my finances, stay accountable, and remember what the hell I did the prior month.

    I even have an ultra-old website Neville1.com that dates back 17 years to the year 2000 where I posted articles and pictures using Microsoft FrontPage 1997.  It was a hobby.  It was fun to me.

    So when people ask me about how KopywritingKourse got to become such a large blog so quickly.....I don't think of it like that.  I think of it as a slow 17 year progression starting with some dumb personal website I made as an experiment and continuous improvement ever since.



    A business I started in high school and made money all through college for me was HouseOfRave.com (I sold the business in 2011 so I no longer own it).  I drop-shipped rave gear. I didn't give a CRAP about raves, I've still never been to one till this day,  However I was totally in love with eCommerce and being able to sell stuff online.  HouseOfRave was started out of pure curiosity to see if I could start an eCommerce business.

    It quickly started making money, however it never gave me as much joy as other hobby projects.  I kept it around to make money.



    By doing something on the side, you will quickly figure out if you love it or hate it.

    Many people romanticize the idea of owning their own business.  Many want to "be a blogger" and in their head imagine some nomadic lifestyle with money magically pouring in.

    I'll hardcore push these people to START their own blog, even if it's ghetto at first.  Normally at this point they spend 90% of their time doing dumb stuff like picking out a blog theme or obsessing which email service provider to use in the future when they have 800,000,000,000,000 subscribers.

    Almost without fail, within a month they've stalled out.

    They stop blogging because they quickly realized they hate it.

    We're humans and we tend to romanticize what it'll be like "on the other side."  We see only the positive aspects, but until we experience those negatives, it's difficult to realize those negatives even exist.


    It's hard to figure out what you like.

    It's easier to figure out what you DON'T like.

    No no no YES


    Personal Side Story:

    I really really really expected myself to become a doctor when I was in high school (after all I AM Indian).  It just sounded cool to be a doctor, so I enrolled in this program in high school where I got to leave school for 3 hours every-other-day and shadow different doctors.

    I think it was around the 6th week of shadowing doctors that I ABSOLUTELY KNEW I would not enjoy that work.

    It just wasn't for me.  The empathy required, the paperwork required, the rules you have to follow, the amount of caution you need at every step, the amount of studying biology involved.....I could just tell my personality at the time would NOT have fit into that profession.

    I still didn't fully know what I wanted to be, but I sure as hell knew what I DIDN'T want to be.  I could clearly tell that I was not willing to dedicate the next 10 years of my life to enter that profession.

    Knowing this saved me years of time in college (had I not done that program, I would have enrolled in a pre-med course and wasted years of time).



    "Bro....you haven't answered my question. Should I get a job or start a business??"

    Here's my ultra-short answer:

    If you have job + love it = Stay at job.

    If you have job + hate it + curious about business = Milk your job long as you can and start something on the side.

    If you don't have a job + don't have a business = Try both.

    Try a bunch of things on the side.  Remember, it's easy to find out what you DON'T like.



    Job Vs. Business Quotes From People I Respect:

    My opinion is just ONE opinion.  Here's a few other viewpoints on keeping a job vs starting a business:

    job vs business advice

    job vs business advice

    job vs business advice

    job vs business advice



    Hope reading this post helped you clarify if you want to go down the path of starting a business or getting a job! You can download this entire post and signup for my email list to get more great info about which way to go:

    Download this entire post for your own files:

    Get this whole post sent to your email so you can keep it for future reference or send it to a friend:



    Here's some related posts to keep reading:

    Neville Signature


    P.S.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE hearing people's stories or opinions on this subject.  Comment below letting me know which you think is better (Starting a biz -or- having a job)?  What did you choose your path, and why??

    User Feedback

    Recommended Comments

    Guest Neville


    Well so glad you liked it Jamie!

    I wrote this article because so many people come to me claiming they just want to abandon their jobs and go with some project full time (and usually they don't even know what this "magical" business is).

    They're often surprised to find I think this is a terrible idea until they've gotten it off the ground in their spare time. If they can't do THAT, they won't be able to do it full time either.

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    Guest Neville


    Jacob, I think you played it EXACTLY right. I had the luxury of having a stockpile of cash after college and crazily-low expenses.

    I also had supportive parents and zero student/credit debt. Not everyone gets those luxuries I had. So for different people, they might have to take on a job for that dependable income to pay off loans etc.

    You're right, too many people get sucked into the BS that just quitting all work and doing your own thing is awesome, but they don't realize it's often MORE WORK and LESS MONEY!

    A good job can in the end teach you more and make you more money than a shitty business ever will.

    Thanks Jacob :)

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    Guest Neville


    Oh wow, thanks for the high praise Chris :) So glad you liked, I just starting writing it originally as a rant, and ended up turning it into a full post.

    I may even go back and add to it since it's been getting a lot of praise lately, and hopefully it super helps a few people out there.

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    Guest Neville


    Great (possibly prize-worthy) story!

    I totally agree that nothing in life provides fail-safe security, but the great thing is your job gave you TONS of experience, TONS of cool resume thingies, TONS of contacts, and I assume TONS of money over the years.

    And you're doing the right thing, playing a little business on the side. In a few tries, you may hit something big. Maybe, maybe not. But the point is you're staying on a steady ship until there's another ship to swim too.

    Best of luck, awesome story!!

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    Guest Neville


    Not sure I totally agree Siti. Business is inherently more risky than a job. I think the SAFEST thing to do is: BOTH :-)
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    Guest Neville


    Thanks Steve! I agree, however you never know until you try.

    I started my first financial blog purely because I was obsessed with saving money and making it also. I didn't have nay burning need for money at the time, but it turned out I was quite "passionate" about the subject.

    That inadvertently lead to a bunch of profitable businesses along the way.

    SO while someone working may not have a hot fire under them to push them, they might stumble into something they're reasonably talented at and start growing.

    Thanks for the two cents Steve!!

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    Guest Neville


    Glad this came at a good time Jennifer.

    It sounds like you can:

    1.) Get a different job first.


    2.) Start something on the side, and make a REALLY GOOD EFFORT at making it work, and keep your job right now and milk it for all the money you can get.

    Use that hatred of your job as fuel to make you work harder!!!

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    Guest Neville


    Totally agree Roger. If you're gonna spend your time at some place everyday between 9 and 5, it would make sense to give it the best shot you can at getting a GOOD place to go everyday. Preferably one that gives you new skills/contacts also.
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    Guest Neville


    Why thank you Dennis, and glad it got you sucked in :)

    I think you're right, and that is a better way to put it! Multiple sources are always better if you can pull it off, I think that's why doing something on the side (even if it's small) is important.

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    Guest Neville


    Hahahha, that's hilarious Eric :)

    It's funny that people don't want to be chained to a desk, because when they start working for themselves they're just chained to a different desk!

    But it seems you're doing the right thing, great job Eric!

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    Guest Neville


    Well, glad you're at least learning from the experience Ian. A lot of people go down the route you faced and make less money with more work, but that is rarely promoted.

    Definitely staying at a job then working on the side is the most logical route for most people!

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    Guest Neville


    You actually followed a smart path and started copywriting on the side for years, and NOW that you're bringing in money it's safer to quit.

    Good job Graeme!

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    Guest Neville


    Awesome, so glad this clarified it for you Andrea!

    Keep climbing that ladder, making connections, learning skills, and getting paid along the way. But also make sure to start something on the side you like working on.

    But MAKE SURE you don't give up after one try. Sometimes it takes several attempts to hit the right business. I did like 10+ businesses before anything of notable success!! Keep hustling on the side, and in due time something will come up.

    Best of luck Andrea!

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    Thanks for the encouragement Neville! Love your site.
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    Ha, you speak the truth.

    That said I did consider that and realized I'm okay with it. Mostly because the chain feels a lot less uncomfortable when it's long enough to reach my kitchen. Also when I can wear it in my underwear.

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    Guest Konstantin


    To be or not to be - that is the question!

    To leave my job or to stay - this idea is being settled in my mind during 3-4 years. I really want to be independent from any stupid boss decision but fear makes its role. I tried to manage some business in my country but it failed. Now I am making a new one and in this period of 'building' I work on my job. Some businessmen recomend not to leave your job for business if you are not sure in it. And their advice helped me. But it doesn't mean not to continue work hard over another idea.

    I'm full of motivation to start a new business and I recommend to everyone to run your own business. Even if you experience the defeat you will become stronger. Find your weak moments and strengthen them. Always analize your success and your defeat. When you work over your own idea you can work harder and longer like Neville.

    @Believe in yourself

    @Analize your rise and fall

    @Strengthen your weak points

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    Guest Neville


    Very welcome, good on YOU for putting forth the effort!
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    Guest Neville


    Bahahah......yeah I think having the OPTION to work from home is the best. I know people who were forced to work from home all the time and they hated it after two weeks. But being able to stay home when you want seems optimal.

    Then when you want some office time and interaction with co-workers, saunter on in :)

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    Guest Neville


    Hey Konstantin, it seems you're the perfect candidate to work at your job long as you can (and milk it for all it's worth) and work on a business on the side.

    Once you find an idea/business that begins working, if it starts paying you more than your job, at any point you can quit if you'd like.

    I think this sounds like the most logical route for you right now, best of luck!!

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    Guest Marie


    As of now I choose my job. I have regular salary and company benefits (annual leave ticket, health insurance) and I'm grateful for it. But I'm not closing the idea of starting a business on the side, because it's good to have a plan B. I wanted to be a freelance copywriter, while having a day job. I'll continue to be an employee until I know I have a strong backbone to start a full-time business.
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    Guest Konstantin


    Neville, thank you for your comment and your article.

    We should always think about the way to run our own business. Business changes the responsibility for your life. I think articles like this one will always be popular because everytime people would like to improve their lives. And your mission is to remind them that they can do it.

    Neville, continue motivate people for success!


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    Guest Jason



    This is a GREAT post! It really covers all the bases.

    I've been from one end of the spectrum to the other.

    I started doing web-dev on the side in 1999. I ended up quitting my job as a contractor and grew an agency to 10. A few years later (2005) it was back to just me again.

    Last year I decided I was tired of doing it all and took a job as a software developer. I thought it would be great getting to focus on just doing one thing all day. And I can't complain. It's a great job for a great company. But it turns out I actually crave the variety I had when I was solo. I've also learned that, although I have more years of business experience than the ownership (a 3-some), it's not my business. My input is only as valuable as they decide it is. Consequently I find myself in that space where I have the good job but not the fulfillment.

    I gave up too early. I gave up on myself. I was self-employed, doing pretty well, for over 15 years and instead of buckling down, I took an easier path and now have to figure out how to get back.

    This post was a great reminder of the reasons why.

    Thank you!

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    Guest Nicholas


    Great post. Loved it! This phrase hit the spot for me:

    "If you can’t successfully run a business “on the side” then you probably won’t be able to run one full time either."

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