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    Psychology of Marketing: Using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

    The way we're going to think about psychology of marketing today is rooted in this dude named Abraham Maslow who famously came up with Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

    It's this pyramid-looking chart of basic needs you need to accomplish before moving up the pyramid:

    Abraham Maslow Pyramid

    We're using this pyramid as the basis of how to market to specific groups of people (and figure out their behavior), as they respond to vastly different messages.

    If you want to figure out what piece of society you're trying to market to, just find where Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs your average customer fits:

    Figure out what piece of society you're talking to:

    Poor people respond to certain things.

    Middle Class people respond to certain things.

    Rich people respond to certain things.

    Similarly people on different rungs of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs respond to different things.  

    Since we're greedy little marketers we need to know which stage we should be going after....let's take a look at this Hierarchy of Needs to understand the marketing psychology behind each stage:

    Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Chart

    Your position in this pyramid is fluid through your life.  You might be on the lower rungs now, but in 5 years could be at the top.

    You can also dramatically drop in the pyramid for a variety of reasons.

    For example, let's say someone spent $6,000 to attend a conference on how "To be the best version of your actualized self" (or some high-level hippie crap like that).  They will be super interested to attend every  session, UNLESS all of a sudden they dramatically drop on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.....

    ......maybe they've been holding back a massive poop for 4 hours, and now IT'S EMERGENCY STATUS.  They have effectively been pushed back down to a low level of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs at this moment to the Physical level.

    Nothing at this point will take their mind off the absolutely urgent need to excrete!


    Yes, I just used a poop joke to teach you about Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs....but you will probably remember that FOREVER ;-)

    That example is a very temporary one.  As soon as the person finds a restroom and takes care of bidnaz, they're back to their normal top-of-the-hierarchy self.

    Similarly, if someone at the top of the pyramid just moved to a new city across the world and they have no family, no friends, no significant other......this might make them very sad, and push this person down the pyramid to the Love/Belonging stage.  It will probably become a big obsession of theirs to make sure they find a new source of love & friendship in this new city:

    Move down maslow's pyramid

    Until this person gets that feeling of love and belonging back into their life, it'll be hard to move beyond that stage for them.

    Also the broader economic climate dictates where most people will be in Maslow's Hierarchy.  If the economy has been booming for five years straight and everyone is still drunk off cheap money, easy employment, and good economic news......then a lot of people will be at the top tiers of Maslow's Hierarchy because the economy is booming, everyone is making great money and everyone in happy.

    However if the economy collapses, people are losing their jobs, losing their savings, and all the news is bad.....then a lot of people will get pushed lower down the Hierarchy:

    Depression and Boom Times Chart

    Now let's see what people at each stage of the Hierarchy need and want (so we can better sell to them)!


    --What people at each stage of Maslow's Hierarchy are looking for--


    The Physiological (Physical) Stage:


    WHO IT IS: This is going to be people in 3rd world countries, people in disaster zones, someone lost in the woods.  For the most part, you probably won't be marketing to this crowd as they have bigger problems (such as staying alive) and they probably have little to no money.


    You probably shouldn't be marketing to these people. You should be helping them.

    These are going to be some of the poorest and most helpless people. So marketing to them would not be lucrative for the most part, and you might be kind of an asshole if you're too predatory on them.


    The Safety Stage:


    WHO IT IS: These are people that would be considered "poor" or "lower middle class".  They live extremely paycheck-to-paycheck and have little-to-no support structure if they get kicked out of their dwelling.

    These are people that if they stopped working, would be 2-3 months away from being homeless.

    Most people reside their entire lives here, and until pretty recently in society, most of the world constantly lived at this rung in Maslow's Hierarchy.

    • They fear they'll lose their income.
    • They don't have a backup plan or savings.
    • They don't have skills that secure their income earning potential.
    • They aren't entirely sure they can fund their children's education.
    • They likely work at a pretty crappy or boring job out of necessity.

    A lot of predatory businesses prey on this level of people because they're the easiest to scam, the most hopeful, BUT they they still have enough income to spend money on things.

    If you were to put out a scammy ad that said: "Work at home!  Make $3,000/week! Barely have to work!" You'd most likely get people in this rung of the hierarchy responding the most.


    • They want to have stable incomes.  They respond well to "Side Income" kind of talk.
    • They want to live in a stable environment.  They probably don't live in the greatest of place (either country with unstable government, or live in a household they share with a lot of people).
    • Affordable access to medical services.
    • A safe place to call their own home.
    • Providing basic needs for children.



    The Love/Belonging Stage:


    WHO IT IS: These are typically people in the middle class or higher.

    They have their basic needs met.  They live in a decent place, have a decent income, have a decent savings.

    Typically these people are relatively educated,  and have a decent amount of money to spend.  This is the level a lot of middle class people in a society will be in.

    They're probably not looking to change the world, but they want to create a small little world around them where they belong.

    They probably have jobs that aren't terrible, but also aren't a bundle of joy.  They typically look outside of their work to find happiness.


    • They want to join groups and be part of groups.  (Church, sports, classes).
    • They want to have fun with family and friends, and will look (and pay) for novel ways to do it.
    • They want to have a sense of community.



    The Esteem Stage:


    These are people in the upper middle-class and higher.

    You know someone is in the "Esteem" stage when they say stuff like "I want to DO something with my life."

    I would like to remind you that this stage in life is a luxury afforded by the advances in our society.  In the past you'd only get very wealthy members of society hitting this level.  Now with all the cool stuff we have, this level can be reached by nearly everyone in a stabilized society and a decent income.


    • Need to respect themselves.
    • Need for others to have respect for them.
    • Need to feel important.
    • Need to feel accomplished.
    • Want their job to not only provide money, but also be "fulfilling."



    The Self Actualization Stage:


    WHO IT IS: These are people who've accomplished everything they need to.  Often people who've made their "Fuck You Money" and no longer worry about things like income or being able to provide for their families.

    This "Self Actualization" rung is where you get people who have #WhitePeopleProblems and #1stWorldProblems.


    • To solve hard problems.
    • To be creative and abstract.
    • They want to "make every moment count."
    • They want their lives to be filled with "satisfying" activities.

    This is where upper-middle-class and rich typically are.

    This spot is weird.....because I think once you reach the top (with current human biology) you artificially have to put yourself back down the hierarchy and start over, like this (my opinion):

    The circle of life

    For 99% of human history almost no one ever reached this stage.

    And it's actually interesting to watch as huge portions of our society hit this top stage at a young age.

    But people at this stage will pay for things like:

    • Seeing the world.
    • Figuring out how to be more effective.
    • Figuring out the "meaning" of life.
    • Searching for a "higher purpose."


    If I had to sum up what people at each stage would say in one short sentence it’s:

    The Physical Stage:

    The physical Stage

    “I wish I had food and shelter to live.”


    The Safety Stage:

    The Safety Stage

    “I wish I had a stable job.”


    The Love Stage:

    The Love Stage

    “I wish I belonged to a group of people that love me.”


    The Self Esteem Stage:


    "I wish I had a respectful job where I can be in air conditioning all day."


    The Self-Actualization Stage:


    "I wish I had a life path that I really love, pays better than my peers, and helps people."



    If you liked this post, you can download the whole thing as a PDF here:

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    Neville Signature


    P.S.  Where do you see yourself on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?  Let me know in the comments what stage you're at.

    P.P.S. Where do your prospective customers stand in Maslow's Hierarchy?

    P.P.P.S.  If you have any additional thoughts on this stuff lemme know below, I love thinking about these things!

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    Guest Neville


    Lol....thanks Nora!

    It looks like you have some traction on your site already. I think maybe for you instead of thinking TOO DEEPLY about where you customers are on Maslow's Hierarchy, maybe just make the best damn site for food.....and for people connected over food?

    The Hierarchy is a nice framework to apply for like A MINUTE, not to stress too much about.

    I find it helpful to view what to offer people like this: "What would IIIIIII personally want from this site?"

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    Guest Neville


    Hey Jess, I think you're right in that your audience is going to be usually not in the super-rich crowd....but that's ok. A lot of businesses focus on middle-to-lower classes and do fantastic.

    You just gotta give them something they want.

    I noticed you're selling hoops, but it seems that business model is relatively old now.....because now you can buy stuff online ANYWHERE (I'm looking at YOU Amazon)....

    It's tougher to sell an easily-available product independently now.

    When I ran a rave company, there was someone selling these customized light up hoops that were awesome. They made the most money of any hoop seller because each one was a custom piece of art....not "just a hoop you can buy on amazon."

    Perhaps try experimenting with some other products, and see if anything strikes gold!

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    Guest Neville


    Hey Timbo! Everyone has their own funny journey through life, and Maslow's Hierarchy is a FRAMEWORK to view it through, not necessarily the "right" way.

    But yes, there are a lot of people that strive for self actualization without first hitting some crucial spots along the way, and Maslow's pyramid is super useful for them to realize that.

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    Guest Neville


    This might be the greatest compliment I have ever received. Poop on brother.
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    This is fascinating. In some ways I feel I am at the Esteem stage because I have big dreams and want to see them out and work only jobs that I find fulfilling, but in other ways I know I come from a long line of people that were/are stuck at the safety stage and a part of me knows I still struggle on that level and the love level as well. I guess it speaks to the fluidity of it all that you mentioned.
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    Guest Neville


    Well then by all mean go fulfill those big dreams! But realize you gotta work hard and smart to get out of that safety stage.......it sometimes takes years to build a business machine that works smartly, and in the beginning it's hard work. Go do it.
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    Guest Sofiner


    Hi Nev. I think that you might be interested in cognitive dissonance in marketing. It is weirdou tension when our attitude and behaviour does´nt match. Its also reason why positive thinking works. Thanks for great post dude.
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    My customers (mailing list and visiting) are mostly in the top 2 of the pyramid.

    Travelling cyclists.

    Instagramming their buddies back home coz they just rode up Mont Ventoux after having delicious 0.80EU cent croissants in Bedoin and nasty French coffee and will now be enjoying icy Heinekens and super underestimated French woodfired pizza at that super secret place in Bedoin only peeps who've been there know about.

    I know this because I have hard data from asking them via surveys.

    This post has helped immensely.

    Much excellent.

    Very helping.

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    Guest Samantha


    This is super interesting. I'm a wellness coach and am thinking about where my clients would fall. Oh the one hand- they have their basic needs met, and might have high income. On the other/ some of them are dealing with diabetes, obesity, hypertension or other chronic diseases that are seriously impacting their quality of life. But it's hard to tell if the persons health problem is a "small inconvenience" or a truly painful event that is impacting their ability to climb the pyramid.

    Look forward to hearing your thoughts on this.

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    Guest Savannah


    I'm definitely on top and i believe my costumers are in the love and self esteem areas. Thanks so much! This was highly insightful!
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    Guest Neville


    No problem Sofiner! I'm well aware of cognitive dissonance. I like to call it, "Ummmm that looks weird."

    I used to see it a lot when I'd read someone's blog, love all the posts, then look at a product they sell, and the page is all of a sudden SUPER SALESY and it turns me away from buying.

    It was a cognitive dissonance between the attitude in their posts vs. the sales pages.

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    Guest Neville


    Oh yea....DEFINITELY people in the top!

    Seems like those bike rides are a more luxury-based sport filled with exotic locations and expensive equipment.

    For you, offering premium experiences that are SUPER UNIQUE might do well. Not just a bike tour maybe, but a bike tour that is somehow exclusive or gets them to a place usually not accessible my most people.

    Basically if it'll make a kickass Instagram picture, they'd probably pay a lot for it :)

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    Guest Neville


    Hmmm.....if their physical ailments are holding them back from things, it might be holding them down the pyramid. Some issues like diabetes (if managed correctly) probably won't hold someone back from doing things at the top of the pyramid.
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    Guest Karen Hunt


    Thanks for the replies Neville and Amanda. I've recently specifically chosen to work with clients like this because I really value the healing work they do, they just have a hard time with the business/marketing side of work. So I'm doing it in a way that they can afford without me feeling undervalued, i.e. not 1:1 but by creating community and doing group and online coaching. Hopefully win/win/win :)
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    Guest Beverley


    Loved this representation. I'm between the top two and my clients are too. Worth remembering in designing marketing information and the language you use. Thanks for the insight.
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    Hi Neville,

    I was actually thinking of something similar just yesterday.

    And it dawned to me that my upper-middle class audience is actually constantly shifting between the 2nd level and the 4th level where they usually belong.

    That's because there is a 'soft' economy over here and everybody is scared about their income. Weather they are business people (many cheques are bouncing right now) or employees (people are getting fired right, left and center).

    Very interesting read.


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    Nev, thanks for a very engaging post. I loved the addition of pooping to clarify the concept. I laughed out loud at the diagram of that stick dude skirting off to the can. If you are what you eat does that mean stick people eat sticks? Thank you for making learning less painful.

    My business is making snacks, my customers eat snacks. The food is a better for you option although i believe its a, eat it cuz its good snack food. So, maybe they are love/esteem/actualized people although I want everyone to love it cuz I love it and think its amazing and kick ass. im not trying to be a healer by making some magic food although that could be cool too, maybe made from magic beans... Ok i will leave the jokes to you, one of my fave things you do.

    Im a self actualized pooper and feel fortunate to live in a place where i have the opportunity for this. Thank you for encouraging thinking.

    Take care.

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    Guest Matthias


    Great post dude.

    I hover in the Safety / Love belonging realm and every so often hit get into the Esteem groove. I have a good job that I like and makes me feel accomplished but always have the feeling of wanting to do more. Also, the job is in a boom / bust sector which explains the safety factor (when will the ride end).

    I read and listen to tons of business content but find it hard to get behind an idea and take action.

    P.S. I may have read this while near a toilet.

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    Guest Adam Thomas


    Great breakdown.

    Took maslow and broke it down to a very simple level. Also, great primer on segmentation. You can't market to everyone.

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    Guest How To Scam People For Money


    […] This kind of crowd doesn’t understand that success usually requires years of hard work. They want the end result, without the hard work. These people are generally on the lower ends of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. […]
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    Guest Steve Szubert


    Neville, I love what you do, your insights, how you explain things...

    But I have to disagree with Maslow, his idea of a hierarchy, and especially the order of hierarchy that he defines.

    The way I see it, the root is family/tribe. From birth, our basic needs, security and survival all depend on it. As we grow up, we become contributors as well as beneficaries. Our place in our tribe IS our self esteem. Our tribe cn also inspire and support our self-actualisation (at least, it's much easier when they do). So, all those needs are inseperable, inextricably intertwined.

    The root of fullfilling all those needs is family/tribe. Throughought history, Royals, Emporers, conquerors ...even the Robber Barons, built there success on a strong family/ tribe.

    And my point is this. The key thing for a successful internet business is to identify a clear tribe, a niche, and become a leader in that tribe. And within that tribe, to focus on those who are willing and able to invest their time and money.

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