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    Can I Build A Social Media Plan (That’s not annoying as sh**)?

    I want to spend 1 hour per week doing social media, but make it LOOK like I'm posting every single day!
    I enjoy posting on social platforms, but I hate getting sucked back into them constantly. There's just so many of them, and they're all extremely addicting.
    For example it's difficult to go on Facebook to respond to a comment without getting sucked into it:
    Facebook computer sucking up time

    My main beef with social media:

    I'll end up spending hours per day getting drawn into the social media world without any longterm rewards.
    I prefer doing work that disproportionally benefit me. Example:
    I might spend 3 hours writing an article on my website today, but over the course of time:

    • Day 1: People read it, even while I sleep.

    • Day 2: People read it and signup to the website, which builds my audience.

    • Day 3: From that article I can make 5+ social media posts, exposing the content to different networks.

    • Day 10: The article starts to rank in Google, sending me more traffic.

    • Day 20: Someone links the article and sends their traffic to the article, growing my audience.

    • Day 50: I am writing an article about something similar, and can reference that old post and use content from it.

    • Day 100: Someone finds the article and shares it to their social media following, growing my audience.

    • Day 500: I still get traffic, signup, and sales from 3 hours of work I did 500 days ago.

    ...basically that article works for me, and builds an asset I own.
    This process happens with social networks too....you can definitely build an asset on a platform. However, the key difference is ultimately the social networks owns the asset, not you. Also as network popularity shifts, you lose much of that benefit.
    But if Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube and Twitter have the eyeballs of damn near every person on Earth.....then it's worth playing their game.
    Starting around February 2020 I want to start posting on a regular schedule to track the activity and see what happens. A little mini-experiment. I'd also love to share the numbers as the experiment goes on!
    So let's first see where we are with baseline numbers:

    Current social analytics for all of 2019:

    For 2019 social traffic to Copywriting Course was just 1.62% of all traffic. That is a pretty small number....BUT these numbers are just page view counts. Just because someone didn't visit the site, doesn't mean a social media post wasn't effective!
    For example if someone watches one of my YouTube videos and doesn't click my links, but still enjoyed and liked the video....that is a success! However that success won't get reflected in these numbers.
    With that said, let's take a look at this 1.62% section of social traffic from copywritingcourse.com (Jan 1st, 2019 - Dec. 31st, 2019):

    Social Only Traffic For 2019:

    1.62% of copywritingcourse.com traffic in 2019 came from social platforms.


    Social Only Traffic For 2019 By Platform:

    copywriting course social analyticsYouTube and Facebook were the top referring social networks for me, however look at the Instagram stats, they completely stand out even though I didn't post one single thing to Instagram for all of 2019.


    Social Only Traffic For 2019 By Platform:

    copywriting course social graphsSocial traffic stayed roughly the same through the year, versus overall site traffic which grew every month:
    copywriting course social analytics graph


    Facebook Page Views From ~8,500 Follower Page 2019:

    fb-social-page-stats-2019.jpgI've never looked at these numbers before, and realize they suck ass. 


    7 Days Of Instagram Profile Views (Account Not Touched For ~3 Years):

    instagram-stats-bef.pngFor having zero participation for nearly 3 years, Instagram was still sending OK numbers.


    Then I Made A Post, Instagram Profile Views After That (Account Not Touched For ~3 Years):

    instagram-stats-aft.pngAfter making a single post in preparation for this post, the numbers shot up.


    The Plan:

    Just post on social media 5 times a week February 2020 by using automation tools.
    I half-heartedly already do this on Twitter, LinkedIn, and a Facebook Page, but I'd like to put a little bit of extra effort this time and see if the numbers improve (I'll be using principles from this post to boost engagement).


    Of course posting to all these networks would be extremely time consuming, so I'll continue to use Buffer to schedule posts (I currently use their Chrome Extension for this already).
    I'm totally open to new platforms for this, as I have little experience with any of them.

    The Hypothesis:

    As a user of social media myself, there's a massive amount of posts I actually read or remember, but I never "Like" or "Heart" or "Share" them or "Click" them.
    This tells me there's a gigantic layer of exposure you get in social media that is never reflected in the stats. It's like an iceberg:

    Iceberg analogy social media exposure and likesIt makes sense that there's a HUGE amount of non-tracked exposure from social media.

    So if I actually got 52,949 trackable clicks to my website through social media, I estimate the number exposures I got is between 10x and 100x that.
    So my hypothesis is that with a larger dedicated amount of time to social media, my social media traffic will obviously go up, but also the amount of total exposure will expand larger than that.

    Posts Made:

    Posted Monday, January 27th:

    Posted Wednesday, January 29th:

    Posted Monday, February 3rd:

    Posted Wednesday, February 5th:


    Week By Week Stats:

    No updates for 2+ years:
    Week 1 of experiment:
    Week 2 of experiment:
    Week 3 of experiment:
    instagram stat neville week3
    Week 4 of experiment:
    instagram stats neville week 4
    Wow....just over a week of not posting and the stats dropped by over 60X. That's insane. Look at this chart of it"

    Conclusion So Far:

    After even a few posts I've come to the conclusion that I am not a big fan of having to post on a reglar schedule about copywriting stuff on my personal Instagram page.
    I also still feel we wasted a lot of time doing/thinking about social media rather than making true "Base Content" that builds an asset:
    base content
    I have far better (and rewarding) time creating the "Base Content" rather than the social media side.
    Also with my base content it keeps returning more and more traffic per month, even if I don't post much. Whereas you can see my Instagram stats dropped by something like 60X less when I didn't post for about 10 days.
    This indicates that social media, for myself at least, is a lot of endless treadmill work that can evaporate if you don't post a lot.

    I will be updating these stats every week, let's see what happens!
    Neville Medhora
    Facebook: @KopywritingKourse
    Twitter: @NevMed
    LinkedIn: Neville Medhora
    Instagram: @KopywritingKourse
    YouTube: @Kopywriting

    P.S. Do you have any social media tips for me??

    I'm particularly interested in:
    - Tips for using social media without getting too sucked into it.
    - Tips for better tracking analytics on each platform.
    - Different services or software for automating parts of this (besides the content creation).
    - Feel free to ask any clarifying questions!

    User Feedback

    Recommended Comments

    Guest Neville Medhora


    Hey Lina! We were just looking at Hootsuite today on a call.....do you like it?? Any downsides?
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    Guest Neville Medhora


    Thanks Rachael! Was just reviewing Hootsuite based off recommendations here. I currently use Buffer, but the problem is if we want to create REALLY HIGH QUALITY posts on each network, going into the actual network is always best (it helps you re-size images properly, use hashtags properly, and link properly).


    While Buffer is great for sharing links etc, sometimes I still find it best for longer form content to physically login to each network and post.


    If I can get around that with Hootsuite it'd be awesome :)

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    Guest Janellea Macbeth


    I don’t think it matters WHAT calendar you use, although I have been using Angie Gensler’s. The work flow is the most important part of using a social calendar!
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    Guest victor efenure


    For the love of Growth as a writer .... Medium dot com is where you need to give the most "social media" attention to. Wish you all the best this new year....
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    Guest DeniseRenee


    Hey Nev!


    (It's been a while since I've jumped in the comments!)


    I'm totally interested in your experiment and I'm excited to see what you learn so that I can see how someone with a much larger audience than me is handling it. I'm in the beginning stages of building a new brand with a heavy video content strategy and I'm looking for every social media audience building hack I can find :)


    When you do your follow up article, I'd love to know the mix of content you're posting, and which content types you found most effective. As a writer, I'd really love to see how you engage people on Instagram.  I'm always challenging myself to make writing more visual and interesting on that platform.


    Thanks, as always, for sharing great ideas!


    ~Denise Renee

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    Guest Guilherme


    I'm considering focusing on one or two platforms, those most suited for the goal/type business . For instance, maybe youtube and medium would be worth an extra effort, while twitter and instagram, while having good numbers on paper, possibly aren't as effective, bottom-line-wise, because they are "quicker" platforms, with less attention spam. Also, stuff on medium and youtube have a greater life span that those of twitter and instagram. Of course, experimentation is essential, and I'm very curious to see your results :) Great post.
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    Guest Neville Medhora


    Hey Rohan, that's IS a possibility for sure. After this experiment is complete I might make an assessment as to which to focus on.


    So far from our few trial posts, it seems the process for now will be:

    Step 1.) Make an Instagram post.

    Step 2.) Format that post and post it in Buffer (where LinkedIn, FB, Twitter) get updated.


    The cool thing about these automation tools is that once you connect your account, any update you make goes to ALL of them.


    So instead of just totally letting the non-highest performing accounts rot, at least there's a chance to revitalize them later!


    For example I let my Instagram account rot for nearly THREE YEARS...I then posted a single post, and it was the highest social media day I've had in years.


    So for non-performing accounts, for now I will just automate their uploading, and then later if they start performing give em more love.

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    Guest Neville Medhora


    Hey Janellea, thanks for the input! Having a calendar is great, as it takes out all the guess work from what you're posting.


    For now we're kinda freeballing it, but we do have a list of "types of posts" we can do to spur ideas.


    For this experiment I will be all over the place....some personal posts, some business-y posts. No real order :)

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    Guest Neville Medhora


    Thanks Rob!


    I just added this "iceberg" analogy to show that from viewing my current social media stats, there's a huge ocean of exposure you get from social media that isn't reflected in the stats:

    iceberg analogy social media


    So if I got 52,949 trackable clicks to my website through social media, I estimate the number exposures I got is between 10x and 100x that.


    That sounds pretty powerful if used correctly!

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    Guest Neville Medhora


    Hey Laurie, I use alllllll sorts of tools to prevent me from social!


    I have Chrome extensions that:

    - Stops the Facebook Newsfeed from showing.

    - Doesn't show recommended videos on the YouTube sidebar.

    - I have a "site blocker" which I push, and it blocks all distracting websites for 90 minutes.


    Even though, I still get sucked into them sometimes :)

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    Guest Neville Medhora


    Hey Adrian I have seen it, however I like to highly customize each post (I've noticed FAR MORE engagement when doing each one).


    I currently auto-post with something similar called Buffer!

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    Guest Neville Medhora


    Thanks Mark! I previously have already auto-posted old content over and over, and it works.


    However what works EVEN MORE is taking a good blog post, formatting in a new way for a specific social network and posting that.


    While it takes far more time, it definitely gets more engagement. We'll see if it's worth it!

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    Guest Neville Medhora


    Oh I DEFINITELY already use that, I would otherwise get sucked into Facebook every time I open it!

    facebook eradicator

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    Guest Neville Medhora


    Hey DR yeah longtime!


    I actually think from past experience the type of content that works the most is a MIX of personal-ish and business-ish.


    As for posting on all platforms, we've decided it's easiest to best FIRST make an Instagram post, then re-jigger the post for other social platforms after that.


    So far from our few trial posts, it seems the process for now will be:

    Step 1.) Make an Instagram post.

    Step 2.) Format that post and post it in Buffer (where LinkedIn, FB, Twitter, Pinterest) get updated.


    That seems to be how we'll proceed for now, but will continually update....already the traffic from today and yesterday have been my highest social media traffic days, just by following this.

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    Guest Neville Medhora


    #1.) Yup.....I still get sucked in 😳


    #2.) Very true. I've un-followed nearly all accounts that are non-friends.


    #3.) Yes true. I spend SOME time answering as many comments as I can initially, but afterwards my engagement tends to drop off in order to keep sanity.

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    Guest Neville Medhora


    Very true Guilheme. My whole post here goes over why I think it's far more important to FIRST create big pieces of content (Blog + YouTube), then use social media to break up concepts from those pieces and promote them.


    Because then you can take a single piece of content and turn it into MANY pieces of content across different social platforms:

    media pieces

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    Guest Neville Medhora


    No problem, we're all good! That was a rare time when having a Twitter account helped improve my community, other than that I'm quite averse to any political discussion.
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    Guest Rachael Maher


    The one thing I like best about Hootsuite is the ability to post to all the platforms quickly. I have read that videos should be uploaded directly to Facebook, but I didn't know there was a difference for hashtags. Does it make a difference with hashtags when posting directly?
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    I know the feeling! Creating content for these platforms is so easy and quick that it becomes much more tempting to post on them, rather than write a few thousand words article. Please let us know how the experiment went in a few months!
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    Guest Neville Medhora


    That seems to be the sentiment so far Lucas! I didn't post on Instagram for 10 days and the stats went down by 60X. That is NUTS.


    I'd rather keep focusing on the "Base Content" layer of my site:

    base content

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    Really interesting experiment!  Cheers for sharing Neville!


    The other thing I'm wondering since it's likely your biggest of all the big goals - did you see any difference in the overall no. of sales, or shift in sales by channel (as best as you can tell) vs. before you reactivated.


    On reading about how you do social and your mention your conversions by channel, it occurred to me I would be really interested to know how you set-up your GA dashboard (and any other tracking) to measure the sales conversion side of things aswell. I'm looking to do it myself and it seems like alot of folk overcomplicate all of that, and I'd imagine you'd have thought about it in the same effort vs. effectiveness type of way given it's always probably some degree of fuzzy at the end of the day.


    Thanks again for sharing, all the best!




    Ps. (BTW. I should pass on - I really enjoyed your book and your blog, and find some of the posts really memorable too 'everyone should do consulting' and the 'content strategy' one for a start. Similar to your own view on social, I very rarely click or do anything that would tell you much about this enjoyment otherwise!)

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    Guest Sofie


    MeetEdgar comes highly recommended as a robust scheduling tool. I don't use it myself as I still have the impression that my posts on Facebook do a little better if I use the very unpleasant Facebook scheduler.


    Later is practical for Instagram feed posts.

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