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    • Neville

      Mike Feldstein - Riffing on Business Ideas

      Me and Mike Feldstein did a pod ep riffing on different local business ideas, including the pro's and con's of each.

      I think this would be a fun "brainstorming" episode for you to listen to!

      We both share our experiences of unusual places where people make money in local businesses, including the ways to start for nearly zero investment (Mike is a master at that and has done it many times).

      We go over these 8 business ideas:

      💡 The Tree Business.
      💡 Snow Shoe Rentals (and rental companies in general).
      💡 AirBnB Experiences for promoting local businesses.
      💡 Luxury Picnics.
      💡 Face Painting (surprising).
      💡 Wallpaper installation.
      💡 Wall Picture Hanger Person (also TV Mount Installation).
      💡 Sauna Rentals
      💡 Travel Homeschool Teachers.

      My favorite lesson from this interview is: "The money is in being the person delivering the final solution."

      (We talk about it around 11:25 ).

      About Mike Feldstein

      Mike Feldstein is the founder and CEO of Jaspr that makes cool looking giant air purifiers. 10+ years ago he got into the “Disaster Business” by restoring homes after big floods, then started a generator business to combat ice storms, then started restoring homes after wildfires, then saw air quality sucked so he made giant industrial level air purifiers for the home, then Covid hit and all of sudden it was mandated in Canada doctors offices had to have large purifiers and Jaspr became a hit.


      On the page we also have a bunch of the short clips from this episode:

      You should find the workspace that makes you happy


      Some businesses don't have to be that big


      Did you know that bamboo can make you rich?


      Neville's Notes (these are all the notes I took from the ep):

      • 0:36: Mike’s quick story of starting businesses. Floods, Fire, Mould Removal and Disaster Chasing.
      • 0:56: “Doing business is the place of greatest need is the most leverage possible.” Combine this with knowing how to run some basic Google Ads and getting a website up can be very profitable.
      • 1:57: Having a house as an office.
      • 4:09: How Peter Theil thought in percentages.
      • 5:39: We’ll talk about biz ideas, but list the Pro’s AND Con’s of each idea.
      • 7:13: The Tree Business. Different ways to make money.
      • 11:22: The money is in the person delivering the final solution. Don’t be the electrician who can get you a generator and has a rec for a gas guy, but THE generator guy. Don’t be the carpenter be the sauna company.
      • 20:07: Snow Shoe Rental Idea (and rental companies in general). Easy to start and make money quick, but not super scaleable.
      • 23:13: AirBnB Experiences are a great way to promote local businesses.
      • 27:32: The one who packages up everything is the one that gets the profit.
      • 24:42: Luxury Picnics.
      • 31:36: Face Painting. Can make $4k in a weekend.
      • 35:57: Wallpaper installation. An unexpectedly expensive service. Make more money by giving a wallpaper consultation.
      • 41:23: Wall Picture Hanger Person, also TV Mount Installation.
      • 43:16: Sauna Rental. $500/weekend.
      • 50:16: Looking for next health trends.
      • 53:09: “I think the things you don’t FEEL, I’m not bullish on.”
      • 53:26: Home Nursing. “Medical at home” or “Aging in place”
      • 56:57: Travel Homeschool Teachers.

      Listen to the Podcast


      Neville Medhora - Brainstorming ideas (lemme know if you like episodes like this or not)!

      User Feedback

      Recommended Comments

      You and Mike on pdacast again!!

      PERFECT. Just what I needed. 

      (That 1st interview was an absolute SMASH. I have it on replay regularly. His insights and experiences are dynamite.)

      ..."...dynamite..." haha - so old school.

      Have a great day, Nev.

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      • Administrator


      That's so awesome to hear Temi! 

      I really liked his first one, and I think we're definitely going to do a third because we didn't even get through half the ideas we listed 🙂 

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      Guest Nafisa


      Yes ok fine. I think everyone should do something. Every wrk has its own fantasy. Keep it up... Hope fr the best . ALLAH bless you.

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      • Administrator


      Thanks so much for the comment Nafisa!

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      Guest Niloufer


      Thanks for sharing Neville!
      I loved your discussion about qualifying your experience when you vouch for someone.

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      • Administrator


      Yes, vouching is good, but also a slight "disclaimer" if you haven't known someone long is good too 🙂 

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      • Administrator


      Very welcome Engr!

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      Could you transfer 1 million us dollars to my Bitcoin wallet address please ???

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      • Administrator


      Sure thing bud, coming right up 😂

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      Guest Michael


      Fire episode!

      My takeaways…

      Own the customer relationship and explore AirBnB Experiences more thoroughly to see what other opps exist.

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      • Administrator


      Thanks Michael! And yes, OWNING that customer end result is where the money lays!

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