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    $997 for first 14 months, $365 renewal

    What’s included...

    ✓ Instant Access To All Courses
    ✓ Review Your Copy In Forum
    ✓ Live Weekly Office Hours 
    ✓ Learn + Practice Copy

    ✓ In one year update and optimize all your marketing

    • Get instant access to the full library of training material, our community forums, and Office Hours where you can get live advice and help with copy projects. Stay on long as you'd like. Cancel or pause your subscription inside your account with one click. We hope to see you inside.

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    • Recent Wins

      I'm learning everything I need to know about how to market myself and my business! It's already making a difference in how I use social media.

      Thank you for helping me get my messaging clear, concise, and effective! 

      I'm learning all the ways I can use copywriting skills to earn money.

      Thanks for helping me grow my business!

      I just started the course and got my first $100 gig!

      Thanks for all the feedback. Booked my fifth client today!

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