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    • Neville

      Sujan Patel: Starting 8 different companies and getting 4.5m visitors per year

      Sujan is owner of MailShake, RightInbox, Pick, Voila Norbert, WebProfits Agency. You have a wife, 3 kids, run 5+ companies, you’re invested in 10+ more, drive sweet supercars and race motorcycles.

      How many SaaS companies do you own? "Currently 5 SaaS."

      • How many SaaS companies do you own?
      • Do you have a CEO of all these companies?
      • And are all these companies along the same vein?

      Do you start these companies yourself or buy them?

      • How do you run them….like do you have a bunch of Indian dudes somewhere working on this.
      • How do you think about what to get into? You just look for something profitable and try?
      • Do you start these tools yourself or buy them? 
      • Do you use investors to buy these companies?
      • Do you have an office?

      What is the primary way you market your companies?

      • One of your primary ways you market your SaaS companies is Content Marketing on all of them. How do you do that?

      Have you noticed SEO changing in recent years? "Yes, a tectonic shift has happened."

      • Have you noticed SEO changing in recent years?

      Do you place any importance on video or social media?

      • What importance do you place on videos?
      • What importance do you place on social media?

      Why are emails so powerful, and have they changed over the years?

      • Why are emails so powerful? Still seem to be the backbone of all companies. 
      • Why is an email newsletter so powerful? 
      • What do you think of SubStack?
      • Has reaching out via email changed at all? MailShake knowledge. 
      • What email service do you use or recommend? Infusion → ConvertKit. Like Apple products comparison.

      Where does SujanPatel.com's $1m+ revenue come from?

      • “SujanPatel.com blog generates over $1 million in revenue a year. That comes from the 20 to 30 leads I get per month for consulting engagements.
      • If you were a newbie would you start a blog today, or just an Instagram or Twitter?

      How would you make a million dollars today?

      • Sujan Patel goes broke. He needs to make a million bucks in the next year or two. What would you do? Start a SaaS? Sell a product? 
      • What do you think people miss going to the next level. Like me, what do you see I’m not doing.
      • Why don’t you go the full on Tai Lopez route and brag about stuff more?

      How do you juggle work and family?

      • How do you juggle the dad thing? 
      • Hiring yourself out? You spoke about this years ago, how did that go?
      • How do you schedule your time?
      • How do you get this much stuff done? What does a WEEK look like. -Nate
      • What do you think maximizes your productive time, minimized unproductive time. -Nate
      • How do you make decisions on what’s most important -Shaggy

      When it comes to cold emails, keeping them short and valuable is key.


      Have you noticed how everyone is always sitting at their computers, tapping away and sending emails?


      Listen to the podcast:

      Follow Sujan:

      🖥 Website: SujanPatel.com, MailShake, RightInbox, Pick, Voila Norbert, WebProfits Agency

      🐦 Twitter: @sujanpatel

      🌇 Instagram: @patel_sujan

      ▶️ YouTube: @SujanPatel

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