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    A Copywriting Course win from Jun 02, 2021:

    Neville inspired me to step up my game, and, using his trusty 'how much does this actually cost me per day' calculator , I bought a new Macbook Air (replacing an 11-year-old Macbook pro). So much less hassle and time wasted.

    A Copywriting Course win from Jun 02, 2021:

    "Hey Team, first I just want to say a big thanks to Neville in the office hours. Last time I saw him he basically said my auto responders were poo and too salesy. And he was totally right.

    After a little cry in the shower, I knuckled and started using AIDA everyday for everything that I am writing.

    Cue 2 weeks later and I have to say (I think) it's made a huge difference to the QUALITY and HELPFULNESS of my emails."
    -- MM

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