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    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday August 9th, 2024)


    Edition: Friday, August 9th, 2024
    An educational (and fun) email by Copywriting Course. Enjoy!


    🎤 Listen to this email here:


    This graphic showing how a “modern advertising agency” makes it seem extremely complicated!


    I saw it in this book:



    Checkout my brand new video called:

    Making friends, Keeping friends, and Growing your network (from the master Nick Gray)!

    When Nick moved to Austin a few years ago, within 2 months he had more friends and a bigger network than ANYONE I knew almost instantly. 

    This explains how he did it. 

    Also.....Nick doesn't really talk about it but he's also built and exited two very successful companies, and it's weird how few people actually know this about him! Very humble about it 🙂

    Watch/listen here (and please leave a comment)! →


    I estimate I consume 200 to 300 short form videos for every 1 blog post I read:


    Same for anyone else?

    I wonder if this is because people are writing less blog posts in general vs short social posts.....or I'm just not seeing the blog posts? 

    I think people are just writing WAY FEW LONG BLOG POSTS in general. 

    My prediction is this trend comes back. 

    I'm starting a twice-a-month habit of this. I miss writing blog posts (like this or this) which live on forever, and can also be "picked apart " for future social media posts or long videos. 


    This image hit hard recently:


    I love scrolling social media, and it actually ties into my business so it's not always "just a waste of time" for me. 

    HOWEVER this election year has made the social media posts more snarky and hard to read, especially Reddit. 

    On X and Instagram I aggressively un-follow people who talk too much about stuff I don't want to hear (or put them on Lists), so I don't see this content too much on those places. 

    But on Reddit.....man! Every single sub-reddit lately like:
    • /r/pics
    • /r/interesting
    • /r/funny

    ....they're all bombarded with election stuff, and it's not even thoughtful observations but just slams and snark.

    It feels very toxic and something to mindfully keep away from. 

    It kind of stinks that all the sub-reddits are being taken over 😞  


    Freelancers > Agencies

    I don't think agencies are bad, but for most work I've ever needed I think just hiring a freelancer first, seeing if they're good, then hiring them some more is far more effective than going with an agency. 

    For big companies I understand why a giant agency makes sense, but in my opinion in the modern world a very very small group of people can far outwork a large group of people. 


    While Copywriting Course is only 1/3rd a course, and 2/3rd "We help you directly with your writing".....a fun stat is:

    93 people.webp

    For example Dean watched a training video, implementing what he learned, and saw his best sales day ever the next day 🤯


    If you're interested in learning to sell better, this might be for you:


    Have a great Friday!
    Neville Medhora



    Recommended Comments

    I was checking out your audio notes to see how it is done. When I clicked on the donate part I was taken to a page that is not secured. It gives the not safe for browsing page. Check out the attached image. Thanks again for your weekly emails. 

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    Thanks so much for the heads up Murice, we changed it up now!!

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    Thanks for the feedback G! I think many people prefer text, but A LOT of people watch video!

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    I just deleted my reddit account and unfollowed anyone who posts election stuff on X.

    It's shocking how garbage reddit has become. Need to stop keying in the URL by habit when opening a new tab….

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    YES....I hit "r" on my browser then I'm in Reddit Land for an hour 😂

    And yes it's sad that it's just been dominated by political stuff, they used to ban politics from taking over every sub. Now I'm starting to think they just like bashing (one specific candidate) and are using Reddit for this purpose by allowing it to happen. 

    Sad because I love Reddit. Having to curb my usage to avoid just same-old-same-old political posts.

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    Just wanted to say, "Hi Neville!"

    I pray all is well with you...

    Reminder - Jesus loves you, forever. He has gifted you with great talent, abilities, wisdom, and the ability to make wealth (Deuteronomy 8:10).

    Thank you for sharing your gifts with others (like me). 

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    Thanks so much. You are a copy legend.
    I don't know if I would be asking for too much, email marketing samples. Thanks for all you have done for me.

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    Thanks so much Jerry, glad you liked it, Nick Gray is a legend!

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    Hey Fatima, very hard to tell without talking to the person and getting specific details. We do this all the time in our Members Area if you'd like personal help! 

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    1- What do you think is the best business model to start with in 2024 , for someone who has no money to start.

    2- Do you recommend starting a service agency? If yes, what services do you think are most in demand in 2024?

    Feel free to ignore the email. I was just watching some of your old videos and thought that you are probably the best person to ask for advice in this regard.

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    I'm a longtime follower of yours and have learned sooo much about copywriting (as well as other random stuff!) thanks to your content. I also love your long podcast episodes... please make more! Thanks for sharing so much value.

    I also work in the newsletter space - for an app called Meco which is a place to read and discover newsletters. It makes reading newsletters more productive and efficient. 

    At Meco, we partner with over 300 top newsletters (inc Ness Labs, Techpresso, Forte Labs) and pay them $6 for every new sign up we receive.

    I understand you usually don't do any advertising on your SWIPES email, but I still wanted to offer you to try out our pro version of the app to see if it helps you in your daily life 😉 It would be amazing to give a little bit back to you after so much you've done for me!

    Can I send you more details? I understand you must be super busy, but just a short reply would really make my day 🙂

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    200 to 300 short-form videos for every 1 blog post.

    I fall into this category. Then I backtracked and now consume mostly 1-2 hours of podcasts, videos longer than 15 minutes, long-form content from newsletters I subscribe to, the substack app, and interesting discussions from X.

    I choose not to open short on YouTube. Sometimes I open TikTok when I have too much free time to kill. 😄

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    • Administrator

    I'm very similar! I like consuming from "all of the above" 😂

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    200 to 300 short-form videos for every 1 blog post.

    I fall into this category. Then I backtracked and now consume mostly 1-2 hours of podcasts, videos longer than 15 minutes, long-form content from newsletters I subscribe to, the substack app, and interesting discussions from X.

    I choose not to open short on YouTube. Sometimes I open TikTok when I have too much free time to kill. 😄

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