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    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday August 16th, 2024)


    Edition: Friday, August 16th, 2024
    An educational (and fun) email by Copywriting Course. Enjoy!


    🎤 Listen to this email here:


    Some of the most "snackable" and helpful content I find is on Instagram or Reddit, and often in the form of slightly-helpful images like these:


    ....or this cool guide to seeing how much daylight is left:


    ...or this explainer of tax avoidance:

    how-rich-people-pay-no-taxes (1).jpg

    All these images convey a lot of info in a small amount of space which I think is a highly effective form of content. 


    I think Freelancers > Agencies.

    In my experience it's a lot easier to engage with a specific freelancer (from social, UpWork, Fiverr etc) rather than a full blown agency. 

    One thing I don't love about agencies is the long on-boarding process, then the delegation of work to multiple people. 

    This isn't BAD per se, and it might even be a great thing, but for small companies it's always so much easier to hire a freelancer (or multiple to do the same project). 


    These are “24 Psychological Triggers” are the underlying emotions that cause people to buy. Here’s all 24 with a simple example for each:

    1. Curiosity: “Discover the secret behind effortless productivity.”
    2. Greed: “Get double the product for half the price.”
    3. Vanity: “Make a lasting impression with our luxury accessories.”
    4. Guilt: “Don’t let your loved ones go without this essential tool.”
    5. Fear: “Protect your data before it’s too late.”
    6. Trust: “Recommended by 9 out of 10 financial advisors.”
    7. Belonging: “Join the exclusive network of top professionals.”
    8. Instant Gratification: “Start enjoying premium content right away.”
    9. Simplicity: “Set up in just three easy steps.”
    10. Scarcity: “Limited edition – only 50 left!”
    11. Authority: “Endorsed by leading industry experts.”
    12. Surprise: “Unlock unexpected bonuses with your purchase.”
    13. Urgency: “Offer ends at midnight tonight.”
    14. Comfort: “Experience unparalleled comfort with our new ergonomic chair.”
    15. Exclusivity: “Be among the first to experience our new product.”
    16. Nostalgia: “Revisit the charm of yesteryear with our vintage collection.”
    17. Reciprocity: “Get a free gift with every purchase.”
    18. Social Proof: “Over 1 million satisfied customers.”
    19. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out): “Don’t be the last to try this trending product.”
    20. Loss Aversion: “Avoid costly mistakes with our expert guide.”
    21. Hope: “Imagine a brighter future with our innovative solutions.”
    22. Love: “Show your loved ones you care with our personalized gifts.”
    23. Adventure: “Embark on an unforgettable journey with our travel deals.”
    24. Security: “Ensure your peace of mind with our advanced protection services.”


    These were all defined by the late Joe Sugarman, and are a very helpful tool to find an “angle” for your next sale.


    Does anybody else love doing fun house projects? I get so excited to do them 😂



    I’m seeing a trend of long-form bloggers that have slowed down because they were posting more short-form stuff....returning to long-form blogging.


    There’s a nice middle-space for thoughts that are longer than a Tweet, but shorter than a book.

    While it's much harder to post to a blog than many social sites, it's super nice to have a “home” for your content that's 100% controlled by you.

    I think the move is this:

    Make a long-form blog post that's really deep:
    ↪ make small social content from it.
    ↪ make short form videos from it.
    ↪ make long form videos from it.
    ↪ use the graphs/images from it.

    For example I frequently reference the concept of a "Triple Threat" and can always reference this article for the more in-depth explanation:


    I’m guilty of this as well….all my content (besides interviews) have become far smaller and snack-sized.

    This isn't a bad thing, but it's nice to at least once a month pump out a pillar content piece that lives on forever.



    I'm doing a bunch of concurrent split tests on

    CopywritingCourse, and one fun result from our sales page has been the length of our sales video. 

    8% engagement: 1 hour video
    24% engagement: 10 minute video

    The video is at the top of our sales page like this:


    For reference this is the 1 hour long video on YouTube (although on the sales page I serve the video through Wistia):

    While the video worked well, and is very comprehensive, the problem is people don't wanna be sold for ONE WHOLE FREAKIN HOUR!

    Someone told me, "I was 25 minutes in and still hadn't hit testimonials...."

    So we made a 10 minute version, and the average engagement rate (calculated by how much of the video people watch) went from 8% to 24%.

    The last test we're trying (still no conclusive results) is if a slideshow like this would be better than a video.

    Have a great Friday!
    Neville Medhora


    P.S. Checkout some wins from Copywriting Course members:

    ConvertKit (5).png


    Recommended Comments

    The last part - on a slide show vs a video, is incredibly interesting! Please share those results when you have them!

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    • Administrator

    I will when enough results come in! 

    We actually had the slideshow up for a while and tbh it worked great! Don't have specific enough STATS for it, but anecdotally it did very well.

    It's like a video but people could scroll through fast or slow as they wanted 🙂 

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    I hope you get to see and read this.

    It took a lot of courage to write you (I've been thinking about it for months).

    First of all, thanks for all the free value you've been giving out since I joined your newsletter. 

    I must confess your email is one I look forward to every week.

    I have a few questions regarding Copywriting Course.

    I've been in the online space for a few years now, written for clients in several niches. But I've only been doing trial and error.  I really want to build a business around Copywriting but I don't want to do it anymore without guidance. I've wasted a lot of years already.

    So here are my questions.

    1. Is there a limit to questions I can ask when I join Copywriting Course?Because I have a lot of questions (since I'm trying to rebrand).

    2. I've been trying to get writing clients online but I don't know how to create offers that sell. Will I be able to do that when I join Copywriting Course?

    3. Will Copywriting Course help me build a strong portfolio?

    I have reads a lot of reviews and testimonials from writers hours. I love them.  But I didn't see any on the questions I asked.

    It's long read, pardon me 😞 But I'd watch out for your reply.

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    • Administrator

    Hey Joy thanks for the kind words!

    1.) You can ask a reasonable amount (not like 10/day but 1-2/day questions). You can also come to Office Hours EVERY SINGLE WEEK and talk directly with me!

    2.) There is a course about how to build a portfolio and get clients, but keep in mind getting clients for copywriters is not our primary directive, but rather to get business owners to optimize all their content.

    3.) Yes it can help you build a portfolio, but in full transparency 80%+ of our clients are business owners looking to strengthen their own sales pages and emails. 

    Thanks for replying!

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