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    Mixergy Copy Teardown - Episode 2

    Know who Andrew Warner from Mixergy.com is?


    Well he’s a super hardworking dude/husband/father/entrepreneur that’s not only built several of his OWN companies, but also put out 1,146+ interviews with entrepreneurs…literally for free.

    (Best to watch in High Def on Fullscreen)

    The two times I was on his show both interviews blew up (and subsequently made me a lot of money). Woot! So when I saw an email from him today, I thought it could use a little Email Viagra!This is the original copy from the email he sent out, asking his audience for a favor:

    From: Andrew of Mixergy.com

    Subject: Did you do it?

    Hey, Andrew here.
    Can you help me with something real quick?
    I recently shared a cool little trick to make sure you get every new Mixergy interview–for free.If you missed it, just keep reading…


    If you did it already–awesome! You’re all set.

    Would you do me a quick favor, though?

    Go to iTunes and tell me what you think about Mixergy.

    (If you’re not sure how to add a review or rating,

    we’ll walk you through it here.)

    Or, if you have a serious bone to pick, feel free to hit ‘reply’ and tell me about it! ;) Your feedback is important to me.

    Oh, and I’m going to pick some great reviews to read during future Mixergy shows!

    Thanks, guys

    Andrew Warner – Founder, Mixergy

    PS. If you missed out on the cool trick to get every interview for free, don’t worry! It’s not too late. Here’s the gist:

    New Mixergy interviews are free to watch, but only for a limited time. After that, you have to be a Premium Member view it.

    I don’t want you to miss out, though. So click here, follow the instructions, and you’ll never miss an interview.

    Noooowww……I’m not sure if that was written by a member of his staff or Andrew himself, but it just seemed really weak.  

    I know Andrew has a SUPER LOYAL following, but I have a hunch this email didn’t work all that well.

    It was all ASK ASK ASK.

    And no GIVE GIVE GIVE.

    I would suggest trying this:

    1.) Some super-juicy info about behind the scenes at Mixergy. 

    2.) Show that you put these out for free. 

    3.) Make a small ask to review on iTunes. 

    Well here’s what I’m proposing Andrew change his copy to:

    From: Andrew of Mixergy.com

    Subject: some fun Mixergy stats

    Hey Andrew here, I hate doing this but it’d really help me out (or skip to the end to see the request):

    I work my freakin ass off to put out Mixergy interviews.

    I still put out 3 interviews per week.  Which means I have to:

    • Find people to interviews.
    • Do research on them.
    • Schedule a time in (which is super hard for busy people).
    • Coordinate 4 people to get the interview prepared.
    • ….not to mention all the email writing and WordPress stuff.

    I know some people think I “just do free Skype sessions” with guests….but it costs me over $1,400 per recording to produce each episode.

    It takes over 25 hours of cumulative man hours to put out a single episode.

    On top of this I’m a full time husband and full time dad of a 1 year old!!

    …….and then I put the interview out for free.  

    Only a small percentage of people pay for all the interviews which helps me cover costs.


    Could you please leave a review on iTunes of Mixergy?  

    That’s all.  It’s a slight pain in the ass to open iTunes and leave a comment, but it’ll seriously help me out A LOT.

    In fact when it’s 3am and I’m struggling to put out the next days Mixergy episode and I’m wondering “WHY THE HELL AM I DOING THIS FOR FREE!?” ……I look at my page and see the 5-star rating a 100+ reviews and remember why.

    I feel like I do a lot to put these episodes out.

    And if you’ve picked up any nuggets of info from them over the years, I would smile to the moon if you left a kind review.

    Click here to leave a Mixergy review on iTunes

    Looking forward to serving you more in the years to come,

    Andrew Warner – Founder of Mixergy


    P.S. Even though it takes very little time, I sincerely appreciate each and every review.  Thank you so much!

    I think this format is a lot more appealing!  

    1.) If offers up some small inside looks into what it takes to put out a Mixergy podcast.  

    2.) It shows how much damn work goes into getting this done, and makes them happier to go out of their way to share.  

    3.) Asks them to leave an iTunes review in the end, as if it were a sales pitch.  Not just a “hey review me dawg.”




    What if Andrew wants to request this again, but doesn’t want to send this long email out over-and-over?  Well how about posting something like this to the email list or twitter or FB or Instagram?


    I dunno if this would exactly be Andrew’s style….but it gets ALL that text across in a small little image.  

    If you see this Andrew, hopefully this helps for the future.  Have someone on your staff swipe the copy from above and re-try it…..see if it gets a better result! more effect! 

    And for anyone that DOES like Mixergy (like me!), go ahead and leave a review for the podcast!

    Hope you enjoyed Andrew!


    Neville Medhora




    P.S.  Leave a comment if you see anything else that could be improved, or letting me know you liked this!  There might be 2 free NevBox’s sent anywhere in the world to my two favorite comments ;)

    User Feedback

    Recommended Comments

    Guest Neville


    Thanks Tam!!! How kind :)

    I'll be putting out these teardowns every week hopefully.....maybe two sometimes if I'm feeling rambunctious.

    Lemme know if you have suggestions!

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    Guest Neville



    Oh wait....that's the point :)

    Lemme know if you have a page you want me to teardown at BiggerPockets! I love that name.

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    Guest Neville


    Hey Samir, thanks!

    I think one of the things you might wanna do is GET RID OF THE FLUFF.

    For example:

    What is the HELL is "mindfulness?"

    Like....real concrete examples, not wishy-washy language like:

    "Using the body as an anchor."

    "The balance between doing and being."

    "More kindness to the physical body."

    These kinds of things are hard to sell if there's no clear and concrete benefits.

    Best of luck Samir!

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    Guest Neville


    Oh sweet! Glad to hear that it's working for you Robin!
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    Hey Steve,

    Hope you found the info helpful.

    Can you be more specific about where you saw me using too much "we" talk and not enough "you" talk? Thanks for the feedback!

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    Guest Neville


    You're right.....that would be one way of doing it.

    However I know Andrew is a super-honest dude....so unless he really was counting on these reviews to keep the podcast free, he wouldn't say this.

    However you're that it WOULD work!

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    Guest Neville


    Hmmm.....cooking tips will be a hard one to compete with. Can you maybe go into a specific niche or something?

    Maybe start an Instagram account that gets hugely popular? You basically need to grow your following on SOME platform. It'll be hard to grow your email list without a lot of inbound traffic (which it seems you're not getting much of just yet).

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    Guest Neville


    Awesome, reply to the comment again and lemme know how it goes Mary!
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    Guest Neville


    Love The Jay Man!

    Met him at a conference recently and spoke with him for a while. He was the most in-demand guy at the whole conference, yet ALWAYS the nicest (and best dressed) guy in the room!

    Thanks Lewis :)

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    Guest Neville


    That's cool. Not sure if it's the most impactful.

    I kind of read that and said, "Meh" in my head.

    What if you changed it to:

    "There's all these losers out there who want to make a difference, but have NO MENTORS OR EXAMPLES TO FOLLOW. Let's get this podcast ranked super high so those people can achieve more. This means we can literally change lives by getting this podcast ranked!"

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    Guest Neville


    Hey Steve, it looks like your site is pretty bare at the moment. You even getting any people to the site yet?
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    Guest Neville


    Hey Lakeisha!

    Honestly you are in a super VISUAL business (hair).....so you don't need much copy.

    Basically you just need to post picture of the hair you've done. People will scroll through your work, and if they like it, they can book a session.

    For businesses like your hair/makeup services, just a bunch of before & after photos will sell it....you probably don't need more than 2 paragraphs of copy answering:

    -How to contact you.

    -Your service pricing.

    -A button to book a session.

    Best of luck!!

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    Guest Steve


    It seems silly, but little changes can subconsciously keep someone reading. Here are yours and then my attempt.

    "Instead of overcharging for an expensive service, we teach you how to form your Pennsylvania LLC, yourself."

    We’ll give you step-by-step video tutorials.

    We’ll provide you with all documentation you need.

    We’ll show you how to fill everything out correctly.


    These are the same thing, but focused on the readers perspective

    rather than yours.

    Instead of overcharging for an expensive service, you will learn how to form an LLC in Pennsylvania.

    You get step-by-step video tutorials.

    You will be given all documentation needed.

    You will know how to fill everything out correctly.

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    Guest Steve


    No real traffic yet, I'm building content.

    My email list has grown to 5 people(Like you, I'm going to try to double it before the end of the year).

    I need more stuff first then I'll be able to do some split testing with the copy.

    Thank you for looking at it.

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    Guest Matt


    Hey Steve,

    Thanks for the helpful tips! You are so right, and even though I know this, I got "too close" to my messaging and lost perspective.

    I updated the copy and used a lot more 'you' and a lot less 'we'. Thanks man!

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    Guest LaKeisha


    Thank you so much for the response!!!! you rock!! Reading all the peoples responses you did are awesome too!!
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    Guest 5 Cool Things #23 - F**k You. Pay Me, SEO and a very serious matter - Plus Creativity


    […] One Teardown: Mixergy Copy Teardown […]
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    Guest Will Franco


    TOTALLY DIGGING you reply Andrew!

    And Neville - You've got mad skillz!!!!

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    Guest Weekly top 5 #23 - F**k You. Pay Me, SEO and a very serious matter - Shapes


    […] One Teardown: Mixergy Copy Teardown […]
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