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    • Upcoming Events

      • September 17, 2024
        Office Hours:
        Thursday, September 17th, 2024, 2:00pm CST
        Join URL:
        Ask a question for the next office hours so we can discuss it live:

        These questions will be prepared, looked over, and answered live on the call!
      • October 03, 2024
        Office Hours:
        Thursday, October 3rd, 2024, 2:00pm CST
        Join URL:
        Ask a question for the next office hours so we can discuss it live:

        These questions will be prepared, looked over, and answered live on the call!

    Recent Office Hours Sessions

    Fiona’s new personal copywriting portfolio webpage.

    Do you have seperate lists for your email sequences?

    When to call, email, or visit in person when marketing?

    When setting up an autoresponder o you just provide valuable information or sell to them too?

    How to start mailing to a list of leads and customers that haven’t been contacted in years?

    Copy on an affiliate health product

    Trouble promoting a jewelry business on social media

    Making a motivational speaker page better

    Improving a website for a Wrap-It organization product

    Improving an email to get better app usage

    Making a cold email to 12,000+ CTO’s sexier and more appealing

    How to create an effective buying environment in your copy?

    Fixing a landing page about building a career in Plain Language

    Selling SEO services through cold email, how to better email fashion brands

    Increasing website conversion on a home buying website

    How to improve an UpWork profile, and take freelancing career to the next level.

    Fiona’s new personal copywriting portfolio webpage

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