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    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday January 26th, 2023)

    Swipe📁Wisdom🧠Interesting🧐Picture🖼 • Essay📄Splurge✍
    Edition: Friday, January 26th, 2024
    A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!


    🎤 Listen to this email here:


    This is kind of fun, look at this “Visual Style Guide” used by the animation team for the King of the Hill TV show:


    It's neat to see all the very-intricate details for every tiny movement and gesture!

    Here’s a few more slides of the style guide:


    This cool illustration shows how much you learn from theory, from practice, and from mistakes:



    Best office ever: Laying in bed on a rainy day finishing up a book 😁


    I really love laying in bed reading (when I have a good book I'm into). One of the best feelings!


    I spent last weekend in Palm Springs and it was awesome 😎


    We stayed at one of those big crazy AirBnB's for a friends bday and it was very cool.



    One interesting tid-bit about Palm Springs was the airport is 90% outdoors, felt more like a farmers market or festival than airport!

    The view from the airport entrance alone was amazing!



    Toughen up.


    There’s a lot of talk about mental health, and that’s great. But like any movement, some people take it too far.

    It’s starting to get common for people to take “mental health days” anytime they’re sad, don’t feel like doing something, or something is even remotely hard.

    Well toughen up.

    Being sad sometimes is normal.
    Being tired sometimes is normal.
    Being anxious sometimes is normal.

    These are not always mental disorders. There are normal, everyday, human feelings.

    If you just tell yourself whilst feeling sad, “This is a pretty normal human emotion. Many people have experienced it. It’s usually temporary. It can almost always be solved by hanging out with loved ones, getting some exercise, taking a walk outside, or making a concrete plan on how to get out of your funk.”

    You will then be able to bear this emotion like a big boy or girl.

    A story in my mind that sticks out:

    Someone once asked Arnold Schwarzenegger whilst he was going through a nasty divorce, and a cheating scandal, and other political stuff how he was holding up. And he replied, “Well it’s better than being in the coal mines in Austria.”



    I always dread finishing a good book, because then I go into a LACK of having a gripping book to read!

    I just finished a hard-science book called House of Suns (my brother recommended it):


    I asked people some other book recommendations and they came up with:
    @henhaohank Pushing Ice
    @theryanhelms Spin, Three Body Problem
    @MouyyadA The Expanse 
    @JohnJBlatchford The Windup Girl
    @Ldnbox Under the Dome
    @loganletsgo Anything from Ted Chiang

    Do you have any other book recs for me, (hard-science fiction or just great books)??

    I hope you enjoyed these Friday tid-bits!
    Neville Medhora



    Recommended Comments

    Read the Expanse first. The whole thing. It's great. Windup Girl is cool too.

    Some of my absolute faves:
    A Fire Upon the Deep and the sequel A Deepness in the Sky
    Children of Time

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    my recommended fiction book is Shogun by James Clavell. It's set in the 1600s Japan and it follows the first Englishman to land in "The Japans". Its interesting to see how the introduction of gunpowder and guns really disrupted warfare in Japan. Kind of like AI or robots today, back then guns were seen as a joke until they saw it in a disciplined army, then it was terrifying.

    Edited by Camron Sabour
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    If you like humor, action, with a bit of sci fi, then I think you would enjoy The Lighting Effect. A wee passion project I published recently. Check out my reviews 

    I have never got around to promoting it as I have a day job and my goal was to write and publish a book and make my mum proud - both boxes ticked! I have nearly finished the sequel. I love crafting words!

    If you are interested, give me your postal address and I'll send you a (signed) copy.

    Keep up the great emails and being curious!


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    • Administrator

    That's so awesome Andrew, I know publishing a book is incredibly hard so that's a huge accomplishment!

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