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    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday July 26th, 2024)


    Edition: Friday, July 26th, 2024
    An educational (and fun) email by Copywriting Course. Enjoy!


    🎤 Listen to this email here:


    I love this "Apple Marketing Philosophy" from 1977. It's so simple and clear:


    It really emphasizes to employees that the product and quality is the most important thing. 


    I saw this cool chart (not sure who it's accredited to) of how to build a $100m/yr SaaS business for each price range of product.

    $100 range: Must be a viral product.

    $1,000 range: They start here and increase in price.

    $10,000 range: They are targeting B2B customers. Most popular price range for $100m/yr companies.

    $100,000 range: Targeting very large businesses.

    $1,000,000 range: Going after Fortune 500 companies or gov contracts.


    Here's another similar chart to that one:




    Here's a fun video I did with AppSumo covering:

    • My revenue streams.
    • How I create content.
    • Where all the customers come from.
    • Experiments > Businesses

    👇🏼 Watch it here 👇🏼


    YouTube Link

    I think it's a pretty great video to watch (or at least listen as audio in background)!



    A fun & cheap joy I weirdly love: Getting a carwash!

    Going through one of these carwashes is still super fun, like an adult Disney ride 😂


    I go through one near my house and it takes a few minutes to get through, and it's fun to just sit back, relax, and watch all those wipey things rub all over your car!



    STILL the best way I've found to organize the day:


    This is the format he's talking about looks like this:


    While almost everything I do is digital, the daily to-do list is my one physical leftover:
    • Notes = Digital 
    • Writing = Digital 
    • Calendar = Digital 
    • Daily To-Do List = Physical



    I'm writing this email immediately after our Thursday Office Hours where we hop on a call and live-write and live-review and live-discuss your problems:


    We wrote an email for someone today and he said:

    "This is my first time joining, and I already feel like I've got my entire subscription paid back already."

    We get so many comments like this we have a whole /wins section just to keep track of the 100+ wins per month we get like this, like:


    Have a great Friday!

    Neville Medhora



    Recommended Comments

    Interesting daily plan. I rarely hear suggestions to plan your day the day before. I learned this in 1997, I worked for Robert Half International as a Director. Ball busting culture. In at 6am, home at 6pm, a suit and tie required, and before you go home you plan your next day. They had a proprietary daily planner for it, 100 outbound calls per day also. Including the Director! 😳🤷🏻‍♂️

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    • Administrator

    YES, planning the DAY BEFORE is so important for me! 

    Otherwise I sit down in the morning and am kind of aimless and get distracted. Whereas if I have a solid set of "instructions" for my day it goes much better 🙂

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    • Administrator

    Thanks so much for that Kevin, glad you liked it!!

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    Quit the animation, we scroll down to read and before you know it you are back to the top of the email which I suspect is because of the animation. Help address it

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    • Administrator

    Hey Peter I've not seen this problem? Is your computer/phone rendering the top GIF in some weird way? Can you send a screenshot?

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    Haven't even joined your Office Hours (ever) and I could already say you're a breath of fresh air with the content you write!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    • Administrator

    Thank you so much Martie!!! So kind of you 🙂 

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    Guest Rachael

    OMG dude...I'm so into vintage style carwashes!! There was a time when they were almost extinct, and I've been pleased to see them back. As a baby, I thought they were supposed to be monsters trying to get us through the car, especially the dryers with the creepy suction arms, and it was a total thrill ride for me. LOL

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    • Administrator

    My favorite part is the dryers, it's so satisfying and also the windows start shaking which adds some suspense to the ride 😂

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