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    Meeting Request Email Templates (Schedule A Call Using These Emails)

    • Neville
    • Neville
    • Last Updated:


    Let's say you need to schedule a call with someone. These are templates you can use to get a meeting scheduled. They are geared towards getting meetings with potential clients.  

    #1.) The Standard Meeting Template:

    Subject 1: Schedule a meeting?
    Subject 2: Meeting tomorrow?
    Subject 3: [Company] + [Their Company] Meeting
    Subject 4: You + Me = Meet?

    Dear Marketing Manager,

    Our company, [Name], would like to request a meeting with you to discuss the services that we can offer you.

    [Details Of Service]

    Please contact me with an opening in your schedule so that we can arrange a meeting.

    [Name] - [Email]

    #2.) Flattery Then Schedule A Meeting:

    Subject 1: Love your work!
    Subject 2: You're a legend.
    Subject 3: Quick call (with a legend)?
    Subject 4: You are legendary in the [Industry] community

    It's great to finally connect with a sales legend!

    Hi [First Name],

    I have to say this right off the bat: I really admire the work you've done at [Company] and how you've improved [What They've Done]. I would love to pick your brain on [Their Specific Skill].

    I think you can continue to increase those sales with [Your Services] time is precious but I wouldn't ask if there wasn't some substantial benefit for you -- can steal you away for a 15 minute phone call tomorrow at 10AM EST?


    #3.) Casual And Informative Meeting Invitation:

    Subject 1: Call tomorrow?
    Subject 2: 3 things to cover tomorrow
    Subject 3: Tuesday at 4pm - 4:15pm sound good?
    Subject 4: Touching base tomorrow

    Hey [Name]!

    Mind if we hop on a (strictly timed) 15 minute call tomorrow?

    I'd love to:
    -- Show you what our top clients is doing to get more emails.
    -- Show you where you site is lacking conversions.
    -- See if I can improve your conversions on the spot.

    Does 4pm - 4:15pm on Tuesday sound good?

    Talk soon,

    #4.) Traditional Meeting Template (Kind Of Boring And Generic):

    Subject 1: Availability tomorrow?
    Subject 2: Let's schedule a call
    Subject 3: [Company] can use our help
    Subject 4: [Product] + [Their Company] = Amazing!

    Hey [First Name],

    I hope you're doing well! I wanted to reach out because [Explain How You Got Their Content Info From A Trusted Colleague Or Recommendation].

    [Name Of Company] has a new platform that will help: [Your Team At] [Their Company Name] [One Sentence Pitch Of Benefits].

    I know that [Our Product] will be able to help [Name Of Your Company] [Insert High Level Benefit]. Are you available for a quick call [Time Options]?


    #5.) Personalized Industry Meeting Email:

    Subject 1: [Insert Company Action] lately?
    Subject 2: Saw the news about [Insert Company Action]
    Subject 3: Saw you in the press recently
    Subject 4: [Impressive Customer] uses us, would you like to also?

    [First Name],

    Because I work so much with [Your Targeted Industry], I constantly follow industry news. Recently I noticed you’ve [Insert Company Action].

    Usually when that happens, [Insert Business Issue] becomes a priority. That’s why I thought you might be infestered in finding out how we helped [Impressive Customers] get going quickly in their new direction - without any of the typical glitches.

    If you’d like to learn more, let’s set up a quick call. How does [Time Options] look on your calendar?


    P.S. If you’re not the right person to speak with, who do you recommend I talk to?

    #6.) Brag A Little Bit:

    Subject 1: [Your Company] + [Their Company] = ❤️❤️❤️
    Subject 2: Quick chat about [Field] tomorrow? (we're near the top)
    Subject 3: [Impressive Customer] loves us
    Subject 4: Top 15 companies in [Industry] use us

    Hi [First Name],

    My name is [Name] and I’m with [Company Name], a [What You Do]. We’ve worked with venture backed startups to Fortune 500 companies like [Impressive Customers].

    We take a different approach to growing companies and aren’t like other [Companies In Your Niche]. We move quickly and if we don’t think we can kick butt for you, we’ll be upfront about it.

    Are you free for a chat [Time Options] about [Field]?


    #7.) Offer Demo Of The Product:

    Subject 1: Quick demo of [Product]?
    Subject 2: Respond faster to customers
    Subject 3: Faster support for [Their Company]
    Subject 4: Does [Their Company] have painfully slow support?


    I've seen from your website that you're getting repetitive support requests.

    I'm the [Title] of Gorgias, we help support teams treat all customer support in one screen. This way, the support team can respond faster to customers.

    Do you think it could help [Company]? If so, happy to tell you how (here's my calendar) / show you a demo (we're in SF too).


    #8.) Casual Meeting Request After Meeting Someone In Person:

    Subject 1: Great to meet you!
    Subject 2: Had a fun time yesterday!
    Subject 3: Met at [Host]'s party
    Subject 4: Great meeting, let's keep it going...

    Hey [Name]!

    We met at Lesley’s party yesterday.

    Sounds like you were interested in some of the copywriting services we offer.

    Wanna setup a quick meeting this week to see what we can do? Schedule a time here.


    P.S. When I say 15 minutes, I actually mean 15 minutes. I totally respect your time 🙂

    #9.) Cold Website Help Meeting Request:

    Subject 1: Issue with your site
    Subject 2: [Issue] with site?
    Subject 3: Can I fix your [Issue] bug?
    Subject 4: [Industry] professional at your service

    Hi [Name],

    I noticed [Issue] on your site, when I was using it for [Use Case].

    I’m a [Position] and I’ve fixed this for other [Industry] professional, and I think I could help. I have some free time coming up next week - here’s a link to my scheduler: [Scheduler Link]

    [Name] [
    Scheduler Link] / [Website]

    #10.) The "Brutal Honesty" Strategy:

    Subject 1: [Pain Point] bothering you? I can help
    Subject 2: I do [Solution] for [Industry] people like you
    Subject 3: Quick call (15 min strict limit)
    Subject 4: 15 min call scheduled for tomorrow?

    Hey [First Name],

    [Name] here. You don’t know me, but thanks to some stealthy internet stalking, I know that you [Pain Point].

    It turns out, I can [Solution]. One of my clients even [Result].

    Would you be interested in hopping on a quick 15-minute call to learn more? If so, click here to schedule a call.

    If not, no worries. Just reply with "Scram, buddy. I'm not interested." Looking forward to your response!

    Mitch Glass
    P.S. - To sweeten the deal, here’s a picture of a cute dog:

    #11.) LucidChart Meeting Schedule Template:

    Subject 1: Make diagramming more exciting
    Subject 2: Most diagrams suck, not ours
    Subject 3: LucidChart wants you to diagram better
    Subject 4: Diagram Demo Day???

    Hi [First Name],

    You guys are doing some pretty great things in the professional design space.

    I'm reaching out because we've been able to help companies in similar situations drive increased visibility, collaboration, and efficiency as you diagram processes using Lucidchart. We offer integrations with G suite and can automate AWS network mapping.

    With over 10 million users, Lucidchart is the #1 alternative to Microsoft Visio.

    I'd love to learn more about your business, and see if Lucidchart would be a good fit. Do you have 5 minutes this week to talk?

    Business Development,
    Lucid Software

    #12.) UpCounsel "10 Minute Demo" Scheduling Request:

    Subject 1: Legal for [Company Name]
    Subject 2: Can we show you UpCounsel insider numbers?
    Subject 3: Handling your day-to-day legal work
    Subject 4: we just do all your legal work?

    Hi [First Name],

    I'm [NAME] from UpCounsel: A tech-enabled legal solutions provider & Menlo-backed company.

    Companies like Airbnb, HotelTonight and Stripe rely on us everyday to handle their day-to-day legal work – while saving 60% on their legal bills, this includes: contracts, intellectual property, employment, etc.

    We're offering 10 minute demos, would you like to schedule one?

    [Name] | UpCounsel
    Business Legal Solutions

    Try It – See Our Rates & Attorneys!

    #13.) Optimonk Specific Outreach To Shopify Vendors:

    Subject 1: Appointment request
    Subject 2: Just 15 min?
    Subject 3: More Leads. Less Effort. Better Shopify.
    Subject 4: Demo of beta-test Shopify product.

    Hi [First Name],

    I’m [Name] marketing manager at OptiMonk. We provide the most popular onsite retargeting tool for Shopify, which you can check here: https://apps.shopify.com/optimonk.

    We have an award-winning strategy for increasing the number of leads, by spending less time, effort, risks, however more potential. It is something we’ve been working on in our marketing department and I would love to share it with you.

    I’ve checked [Company Name] and I believe we have the same target market which is Shopify, so I thought this cooperation can be beneficial for both of us.

    I would really appreciate a 15 minute call with you to share further details. I believe it will be huge for both of us.

    Try it: Free trial for 14 days


    #14.) Zenefits Testimonial Included Meeting Request:

    Subject 1: Something of interest for [Company Name]
    Subject 2: [Impressive Customer] uses Zenefits, you on board?
    Subject 3: "We can compete with bigger companies bc of Zenefits"
    Subject 4: Onboard 45 associates in 6 weeks or less

    Hi [First Name],

    As a Co-founder in your industry, I wanted to reach out to you about Zenefits.

    We save companies countless hours (and dollars) by automating the manual data entry typically associated with HR. We do this by giving you a single place to manage your HR administration, compliance, benefits, and payroll - making it easy for systems to sync and share information.

    Why Our Customers Love Us: “Having a system like Zenefits means we’re able to compete with bigger companies that have a staff with so many HR people doing all this work.” - BioPoint, who relied on Zenefits to help them onboard 45 associates in 6 weeks.

    I’d love to show you how Zenefits can be [Company Name]'s solution and partner in HR. Do you have some time this week for a quick chat?

    [Name] | Zenefits | 250 Brannan St, San Francisco, CA

    #15.) Yodel Question-Based Meeting Schedule Email:

    Subject 1: Hello [First Name], I have a question about your Slack integrations
    Subject 2: Slack integrations??
    Subject 3: Customer service time down to 20 minute responses
    Subject 4: Slack + Magic = Yodel 😎

    Hi [First Name],

    Are you and your team avid Slack users? Are there some integrations that you wish you had? How would you like to get rid of your old phone system and run all your calls through Slack? Sweet right...we thought so too.

    I am [Name] from Yodel, the first fully integrated phone system for Slack. We give you the ability to ditch your old phone system and give you your very own virtual receptionist, through Slack, that automatically routes phone calls to the right team member.

    This makes incoming calls and customer service a synch.

    Does this sound like something you’d like to try for free? I’d be happy to show you how it works or simply give you and your team access. If so, here is my calendar to book a time this week or next.

    YodelTalk, Inc | www.yodel.io
    2443 Fillmore St, San Francisco, CA 94115


    #16.) Book a meeting with a CTO:

    Ranking: ️️
    Subject 1: Quick question about (company name)
    Subject 2: Here is a new monetization idea for (company name)
    Subject 3: Open to a new business tool?
    Subject 4: (my company) + (your company)

    Hi (first name),

    I checked out your site today. And was impressed with the simple and engaging user experience!

    Curious if (company name) would ever consider a custom ad platform? Because it is a great way to drive new revenue without compromising the user in any way.

    (my company) has helped launch ad platforms for (company x, y, and z). These brands have used our APIs to create promotions that have increased their revenue by millions.

    It would be great to chat to see how our APIs and SDKs could maximize your revenue and save you time and money.

    Feel free to arrange a call with us by clicking on this link.

    Best regards,
    (your name)

    #17.) Acknowledging how busy they are:

    Subject 1: New revenue generation
    Subject 2: Quick question for (first name)
    Subject 3: Looking for a new revenue stream?
    Subject 4: Quick question (I promise it will actually be quick)

    Hi (first name)

    I am sure you receive hundreds of messages a day. But I wanted to reach out because I think we can help (company name) own a new revenue stream. With a custom ad platform.

    I would love to share how our (specific tools) could save time and earn more money. Just like (client x and client y) are.

    Do you have a few minutes to chat next week?

    (your name)

    #18.) The anti-”I look forward to hearing back from you” close:

    Subject 1: Exploratory chat?
    Subject 2: Would love to connect next week
    Subject 3: Really impressed with your recent growth
    Subject 4: Next Tuesday at 10:00am?

    Hey (first name),

    I just researched (company name) and was really impressed with (specific thing you liked)!

    I was curious if you are exploring new revenue streams at the moment? If so, would love to connect.

    (My company) has helped brands like (company x, y, and z) quickly start generating new revenue. With (your service/product). 

    Do you have an opening in your calendar next week to connect for a brief chat? It would be great to see if we could help (company name) do something similar.

    If not, no response needed.

    All the best,
    (your name)

    Meeting request email templates tips:

    My job is to get meetings booked with C-level executives at 500+ employee tech companies (like Afterpay, Expedia, and Shutterstock). I typically send out 50 emails per day. Here are some tips I have learned along the way.

    Every great “meeting request” email typically has 4 main sections:
    • Relevant subject line
    • Intro with personalization
    • Reason for reaching out
    • Call To Action (CTA)



    The subject line has to be relevant to what you are looking for. But you also want to get them to be curious enough to open it.

    Good: Hey (name) are you open to chatting next week?
    Bad: Hey I saw a squirrel

    EX 1: quick question for you
    EX 2: open to chatting tomorrow?
    EX 3: I was born to work with you


    You must personalize the beginning of the email. These people are receiving hundreds of messages a day. And they will be able to instantly tell whether you have taken time to do some homework. Or if you are just mass spamming then your email will be deleted immediately. It is easier than you may think thanks to the internet. Spend 5 minutes doing a quick google search on them. Find one interesting fact about them or their company and mention it in the first line of the email.

    Good: I have been following you for 2.5 years now and love what you are building over at (company x)!
    Bad: Gotcha! No squirrels over here actually. But now that I have your attention…

    EX 1: Have been following you for a few years now and love what you do.
    EX 2: I just saw your tweet about (x) and totally agree. I think the industry is headed in a great direction.
    EX 3: I noticed on Linkedin that you just got promoted to Chief Revenue Officer. Congrats! I am sure you are going to provide tons of valuable in this new role.


    You have to get to the point quickly. Let them know why you have shown up in their inbox. And be respectful of their time. This part is key. Ask them a question about the problem you hope to solve for them. Then provide some social proof to give you some credibility.

    Good: Curious if you are experiencing (specific pain point that you can solve)? Because I think (my company) can help you with that. (my company) has helped some of the biggest brands in (their industry) like (company x, y, and z). They quickly got the results they were hoping for.

    Bad: I was wondering if you are having any problems in your business? I am not sure if we could fix any of those, but I would love if you could give us a chance!

    EX 1: I am reaching out because I have noticed that companies like (their company) are struggling in this (specific area). And I don’t want that to be the case for you.

    EX 2: We are currently helping (company x, y, and z) with this. And they have seen an immediate improvement in (x).

    EX 3: We already help (competitor of yours) and I think we could do something similar for you.


    This is where you actually ask for what you want. Which is to hop on a call. Make this part as clear as possible. And super easy for them to do. No ambiguity on what you are asking for.

    Good: I would love to hop on a quick call to share how we could help. Are you available next week?
    Bad: So what do ya say? Want to meet up and see if I could maybe be of some help?

    EX 1: Do you think this could be useful to you? If so, would love to connect. How about next Tuesday at 10:00am?

    EX 2: I would love to share a few specific ideas I have for (company name). Are you open to hopping on a call tomorrow at 3:00pm?

    EX 3: It would be great to share a quick demo of how exactly we could help. Do you have an opening Monday at 2:00pm? Or Wednesday at 11:00am?



    Download all these meeting request
    templates in one doc:

    - Get every template you see in this post -
    - Downloads as Word or Google Doc -
    - Keep it for your own files -



    Neville Medhora of Copywriting Course 

    P.S. Need help optimizing your emails? Have them reviewed →



    A Copywriting Course win from Jul 21, 2022:

    Your emails are bombastic as I read your email till end and as a copywriter I gain much knowledge and this latest email pushed me to appreciate your email sequences which landed in my inbox regularly.

    So just you are 🔥🔥🔥

    The S.T.U.P.I.D. Email (Friday July 15th, 2022)

    (Swipe, Thought, Uplifting, Picture, Interesting, Drawing)

    This is a fun email for Friday July 15th, 2022. Hope you like it 🙂


    🎤 Listen to this email here:


    #1.) Swipe:


    When I first saw this ad, I just HAD to read the fine text to figure out what the hell a "Lobster Test" was (turns out they just put the watch on a lobster claw to see if it would come off or break) 😂

    That's a clear form of getting people down the "Slippery Slope."


    They brought the ad home by showcasing the watch didn't skip at all because it was "shock proof."

    Gotta admit, I wouldn't have thought of this 😂

    #2.) Thought:

    I propose a way of getting all your work for the day done in 2 hours, called:

    "The 2-Hour Work Sprint"


    It's very simple: • You write your tasks on paper. • Start on #1, scratch off, go to next task. • Either share your screen, or sit next to someone.

    This would be a 2 Hour Sprint that happens everyday, and would knock out: ✔ All administrative tasks ✔ Email ✔ Random tasks ✔ Writing blog posts / social media ✔ Planning and scheduling

    I personally think the co-working aspect of this sprint is important. Either virtual or in-person.

    As for the timing: 1 hour is too short, and 2 hours seems to be working threshold. Some people may have to practice working for 2 hours straight.

    Watctchya think of this concept?

    #3.) Uplifting:

    This is a quick life assessment you can do in your head. Your scores will change at different times in your life.

    Try it:

    Rate these three areas of life from 1 to 5:
    ▪️ Health: Rate 1-5
    ▪ ️Wealth: Rate 1-5
    ▪ ️Love: Rate 1-5

    Start improving the lowest ranking one today. That's it!


    Here's some example results and the result from each:

    Health: 2
    Wealth: 4
    Love: 4
    Result: Start improving your health ASAP.

    Health: 5
    Wealth: 3
    Love: 5
    Result: Start planning out how to improve your finances to your expectations.

    Health: 4
    Wealth: 5
    Love: 2
    Result: Put more effort into family, friends, and love interests.

    Rating Scale:
    1: It's very bad and you want to change it immediately.
    2: It's not great, and change must be made.
    3: It's average. Not great, but not completely horrible.
    4: It's going well, could use some slight improving.
    5: It's pretty good, and you don't need a ton of improvement.

    #4.) Picture:

    There's a random restaurant in Austin called El Arroyo, and the famous thing about it is it's daily sign:

    It's Instagram page has 600,000 followers 😳


    Everyday they change their sign to something kinda funny, and they post it on Instagram:


    Their food is basic Tex-Mex food, but the amount of exposure and notoriety they've got from this basic sign is amazing!

    One key to the success: Consistency.

    They've been changing the sign everyday since 1975!


    #5.) Interesting:

    Here's some questions you can poke-n-prod at your own business:


    Here's 10 more:

    Business Questions lists.png

    Here's even 10 morrreee:


    And even 10 moooorrreeeeee!


    Today I'm working on a post with all of these, and adding examples to every single one (I'm up to 87 so far):

    That page should be updated throughout the day as I write more!


    #6.) Drawing:

    Ok, this is kind of random, but I've always wanted to use this silly image of "The Guy Peeking Over the Wall" on something:



    It's never been that great of an image. Like try to show him looking at an old ad or something.



    vintage-camera-ad (1).webp

    Meh....it doesn't work that well.


    But now he currently shows up as the error message I hastily made when someone tries to look at community content, but is not a member:


    Hope you enjoyed these little tidbits, have a happy Friday!
    Neville Medhora -
    CopywritingCourse.com | @NevMed


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