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    $97 per month

    What’s included...

    ✓ Instant Access To All Courses

    ✓ Review Your Copy In Forum

    ✓ Live Weekly Office Hours 

    ✓ Learn + Practice Copy

    $960 for first 12 months
    $365 renewal

    What’s included...

    ✓ Everything from Monthly

    ✓ Save up to $414 in first year

    ✓ More you stay the more you save

    • Get instant access to the full library of training material, our community forums, and Office Hours where you can get live advice and help with copy projects. Stay on long as you'd like. Cancel or pause your subscription inside your account with one click. We hope to see you inside.

      - See full list of features -


    • Recent Wins

      What a thorough and engaging education on copywriting, marketing and self-promotion! 

      I'm learning so much through the courses and by having my copy critiqued.

      This course is helping me become a more confident writer and get better clients.

      I've been getting steady copy work even after maternity leave. 

      The hands-on, personalized feedback and edits are so helpful. I can publish and post everything I write with total confidence.

      1 month old calculator made in Office Hours is ranking on page 1 and rapidly climbing with 50+ ranking keywords.

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