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    Neville Medhora

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    Guest Manoj Sain


    I am looking forward to create back links for using copy writing techniques.

    Please share your own experience where you applied some good techniques and got lot of back links.


    How copy writing does work in it...

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    Guest Neville Medhora


    Hey Manoj!


    Unfortunately my opinion is:

    "Tactics" to getting backlinks ALWAYS backfire in the long run, and almost never work in the short run either anymore.


    The basis of ranking something at the top of the search engines is:

    You must literally create the best piece of content in the world on that topic.


    It's Google's job to put the top content in the world for a query towards the top of the heap, so if you have the best article/video/experience/software for a query, you invariably get to the top by high quality sites linking you.


    There are ways to get exposure for more links (emailing people, social media outreach etc), but the basis for it is ALWAYS just creating the best content.


    If you want to take content that is decent, and really make it pop (and useful for people), I would suggest following this method:



    Hope that helps!!

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    Guest Abhishek Munian


    I want to do the course but i find it a bit expensive.


    May I know if there is a sale coming anytime soon?

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    I have a number of copywriting clients but am now looking into growing that into a small enterprise. How would you suggest vetting potential copywriters to work with?
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    When a once-successful press advertisement finally runs out of steam, what would your plan of action be for creating a new version?
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    Guest John Legg




    I am working out how to tell stories about the products I sell.  I'd like to talk about typical, fictional customers who have the sort of technical challenges my customers would have and how they solved them.


    I am not sure where to start.

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    Guest Michael


    In other words, if you have to resort to trickery for Google to rank your post, then you're directing people to crappy content. And that's no bueno. That's a lose-lose-lose situation. The visitor loses. Google loses. And therefore, you lose.
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    Guest Marcia Hunt


    First off, thanks for your epic content - you've made the internet a better place!


    How did you get so darned good at what you do! Have you desinged any landing pages for businesses and/or CV templates for entreprneuers?


    PS: My website's not finished yet! Just started building it! It's a pretty awesome, fun job though! Just saying...


    PPS: I'm always looking for your emails! Thanks so MUCH Neville!

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    Guest Johana


    Hi! I sell programming courses for kids and I still didn't find a way to write about them in an intresting way to the parents. Parents usually have no idea about programming and do not really want to know about it. They just want to make sure their kids are in good hands. Any tips on how to write about a product your clients don't use (their kids do) and usually have very little knowledge about? I have already used all the most common things like programming is the future, it will give them a better start etc. Thank you for any tips!
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    Can a person without any education certifications in copy writing or journalism hope to find a foothold in freelance copy-writing? If yes where and how does one to begin to look for clients without working in an advertisement agency? Does cold emailing work?
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    Guest Arvin


    Hi! I would like to know How do you do your copywriting research process? and how long it should take before you start writing? Do you have any article on this? Thanks!
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    Guest Johnny Freitas


    Hey, Mr. Medhora


    How can I find my first copywriting client without having any previous results to show, living in a country where most business owners don't even know that something like "copywriting" even exists.

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    Guest Harshita Srivastava


    Do you think it is necessary to nail a niche for a personal blog to be able to grow it? What if the blog talks about different aspects of lifestyle say travel, wellness, home decor, beauty, food, books, etc.?
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    Guest Berilac


    How do you manage your work? Do you keep a to do list? How you make sure you follow the items you add in there?
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    Guest Andrei Cornea


    Hey Neville, any thoughts on offering your services in foreign languages? Germany, Austria, Switzerland (same language) have 100 Million residents and we need good Kopy too


    Cheers, Andy (from Vienna)

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    Guest Scott Young


    Neville how can I use your copy writing course to totally blow up my resume which is just so full of words that nobody even gets to the bottom of the page to read it I’m thinking like the makeover you did for the guy with the sandwich board is it possible to use the KK copywriting course to totally simplify a resume and get noticed would love to pay someone to do mine for me again my question how can you use the cake a copy writing course to simplify and yet totally blow up a resume
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    Guest David


    I am a businessperson, I get a pool of candidates, vet them then look for organizations to hire them. They pay me to access my database and hire.


    I have been trying to sell more by focusing on how much time and money it saves them to interview and vet. What other pain point do you think I can use?

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    Guest Katherine Chalmers


    In January I started testing Drift chat on our website to continue addressing some top of funnel conversion issues. It is great - I have booked 15 meetings for the sales team and improved our MQL to SQL ratio and time to conversion. However, I would like to move beyond live chat and start implementing more of the automated chatbot features. Any tips for great conversational copy?
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    Guest Gabriel Costa


    Hey, it's not Neville here, but I think I can help you with this.


    First, to broke any objections, you should work for free. I know its a hard task, but thats the easiest way to find your first prospect.

    You have to put your life in this, and give the best result you can, and this will become your "recomendation letter" to any other person.


    You have a gold mine in your hands. A pent-up demand in copywrinting is explored with results. Show then results and you have their money in your pockets. Copywriting its not about to write texts, it's about drawing strategies e execute then.


    Good luck and keep faith ;)

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    Guest John Vi


    Hi Neville,


    Hope you are doing good.

    I really admire the blog articles you have put on your website.


    Learned a lot.


    Now it's time for me to implement.


    How would do you approach content writing so as to build new email list for someone starting new ?

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    How do you balance studying copywriting vs getting out there and pitching for business? Do you have any rules of thumb, eg don’t try and pitch before you have 20-30 hours under your belt studying copywriting techniques?
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    Guest Filip


    The best way to stabilize work/income as a freelance copywriter (ideally 15-20 hours/week)?


    Find repeat/regular copywriting clients (how?)? Find a small agency to work with (how?)? Sell something on your own (but where does traffic come from?)? Or something else?


    P. S. Advice such as "do a damn good work and they'll hire you again" doesn't count :D

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    Guest Foluso


    How do you employ the guilt effect in copywriting?
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