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    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday February 17th, 2023)

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    A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!

    Edition: Friday, February 10th, 2023

    🎤 Listen to this email here:


    This helpful magazine guide shows how to use a cast iron skillet...the guide is so good you can cut it out of the magazine and frame it.

    I love when helpful information is so good it can be art!

    cast-iron-skillet-rules-chart (1).jpg

    It reminds me of this Guinness Oyster Guide that was designed for bars to clip it out of a magazine and frame it in the bar (and conveniently advertise Guinness to all the bar patrons)!



    Here's an interesting thing about copywriting: 

    A lot of copy can be replaced by a simple image.

    This one-image ad shows a great Before/After example of a shower that was old, but has been remodeled: 


    This is a perfect example of the classic copywriting advice:


    The image does all the heavy lifting, not much need for additional copy!

    ....this other bathroom remodeling ad takes it even a step further, and cleverly uses "This Morning" and "Late Afternoon" in place of "Before and After."


    By giving specific times this ad demonstrates not only that they can remodel a bathroom, but also how FAST they can remodel a bathroom!


    I've watched some great documentaries lately and thought I'd share!
    - Ms Cleo doc (HBO)
    - Shaq doc (HBO)
    - Bernie Madoff doc (Netflix)
    - Playboy Hugh Hefner doc (Amazon)
    - Dana Carvey Show doc (Hulu)

    I had run out of documentaries to watch so I asked for recommendations, here's some of them you all wrote back:

    • Man on Wire
    • Operation Odessa
    • My Octopus Teacher
    • Icarus
    • The Dissident
    • Redeem Team
    • Coinbase documentary
    • Toni Morrison documentary
    • Air
    • The Elephant in the Living Room 
    • Pepsi, Where's My Jet?
    • Full Swing
    • Fire of Love
    • Bill Russell doc
    • Roadrunner
    • Dealt
    • The Great Hack
    • (watched) Free solo
    • (watched) Andre the giant
    • (watched) Comedian by Jerry Seinfeld
    • (watched) Stutz by Jonah Hill

    I keep a list on my phone of docs to watch, hope this helps you add to yours!


    Soon after this email goes out, I'm headed off to go to a friends bday party at this ranch in an undisclosed location!


    Should be fun 🙂


    I heard a friend talking about a daily check-in practice his team does at work called: P.E.I.

    You rate each of these from 1-5:
    Physical: How you feel physically.
    Emotional: How you feel emotionally.
    Intelligence: How sharp or clear you feel.

    Everyday when they meet the team shares their PEI. This lets you know if someone is grumpy, or isn't 100% fit to do a certain task.


    Years ago I made a small checklist to see why I would be grumpy on some mornings:


    ...however this PEI methodology is much simpler and better. 

    On a day where you are:
    Physical: 2
    Emotional: 2
    Intelligence: 1

    ...that may not be the ideal day to do creative work. So you know you need to rest up and handle your life before you're at optimal creativity. 

    I thought this was a cool check-in practice and hope you try it out!


    This interesting scribble shows you the different endings of surgical terms, and what they mean:


    I learned something from this, but wish 12 year old Neville knew about this! 

    Then I could've invented terms like:

    • Buttectomy: You cut your butt off.
    • Buttplasty: You change the shape of your butt.
    • Buttrraphy: You sew up your butt.
    • Buttdesis: Your butt is stuck together.
    • 😂

    Ok...that's enough for today, have a great Friday!!
    Neville Medhora




    Recommended Comments

    I like this one,  and it does help to put things in perspective when i am having a bad day 

    Years ago I made a small checklist to see why I would be grumpy on some mornings:


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