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    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday December 22nd, 2023)

    Swipe📁Wisdom🧠Interesting🧐Picture🖼 • Essay📄Splurge✍
    Edition: Friday, December 22nd, 2023
    A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!


    🎤 Listen to this email here:


    Good morning! Let’s re-do this classic 1950’s David Ogilvy ad for Schweppes Tonic Water →

    Here’s the original…



    Let’s give it a more modernized headline 😂



    What if we made it more seasonal and festive??



    Let’s give it a totally different 90’s vibe (AI):



    Let’s make it a little more eye-catching.
    …get it…EYE catching 😏


    Let’s make it tropical feeling 🌴


    That was a fun exercise!  🙂


    I love seeing local flyers like this in the wild because :
    $2 worth of printing
    $2 worth of tape
    Thousands of eyeballs and thousands of dollars in revenue.



    Here's the world’s top podcasts from 2023:


    It's interesting that each one is from a specific individual:


    Saw my buddy @thesamparr taking an evening stroll with the baby, and definitely thought he was wearing a bullet-proof vest 😂



    Jay Leno accidentally gives some great marketing advice when talking about the CyberTruck's controversial design.

    Reminds me of the quote: "Dare to polarize; it's better to be loved by some and hated by others, than to be forgotten by all."


    Jay Leno says: “I just watch people get angry and either hate it, or love it. Bob Lutz told me when the Viper came out, half the people hated it an half the people loved it. But we’re not selling cars to the half that hate it. If you have 100 people that means 50 of them are buying it.”

    It reminds me of this quote: “In a world full of ‘meh,’ be a ‘wow’. Blandness gets lost in the noise, but boldness has a chance to be heard.”

    And also this quote: “If you try to be everything to everyone, you’ll be nothing to no one. Dare to polarize; it’s better to be loved by some and hated by others than to be forgotten by all.”


    Which of these is the better name for an agency that does newsletters and high converting content marketing?
    A.) Copy10x
    B.) Kopy10x
    C.) Email10x
    D.) Content Fun
    E.) CopyGang
    F.) Kontent
    G.) Optimize Upgrade
    H.) Upgrade
    I.) Upgraders
    J.) Generate
    K.) ConGen
    L.) Show Don't Tell
    M.) BuildUp
    N.) Rebuild
    O.) GoBig
    P.) BigCheck
    Q.) Create10x

    Reply and let me know which you like! Or you can tell me they're all "meh" or give me your own suggestion!

    I hope you enjoyed these Friday tid-bits!
    Neville Medhora



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    Hey Neville,

    You've successfully distracted me on a very busy last day of work before a much-needed break! Sneaky.

    • E) CopyGang is the best for me. 
    • You and plenty of others love using the phrase 10x but I reckon it's a trend not a name that will last. Steer clear of fads for longevity and respect.
    • And lots of the others don't make it clear what the agency does at all. Upgrade applies to anything, even your underwear! Generate what? Don't you want someone to see the name and understand immediately what you do? 
    • I would definitely include copy or content in the name.
    • Move away from the Ks, my friend! You've progressed from KKK to CCC. They're kooky, not copy. Embrace good, mature spelling and improve your SEO to boot.
    • You could go straight for something like Copy Upgrades or capitalise on your own name brand if it's a sole venture: Medhora Copy Agency. MCA. Pretty cool initials too.

    Back to work. Happy holidays to you and yours! Thanks for all the great emails. I look forward to more in 2024.

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    I'd say J) Generate is my favorite as it's a strong verb and you can do some fun branding things with it. It's not prescriptive though and not aligned to your core brand so up to you on how you'd want to position the agency. 

    And tell Sam, he's got a good taste in strollers, the city select is choice 👌. Smart to do the walk with the weight vest as well. My weight vest ends up being my 5-yr old half way through a walk lol. 

    Happy holidays. 

    ps - 8 years ago today you and Noah did a "Coconog" webinar. Just remembered that I took notes on it. Great stuff!

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