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    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday May 3rd, 2024)


    Edition: Friday, May 3rd, 2024
    An educational (and fun) email by Copywriting Course. Enjoy!


    🎤 Listen to this email here:


    You know your Uncle Neville, he loves a good graph. Especially when a graph conveys a large amount of info...but simply!

    I liked a blog post about your maximum power through different ages.

    1.) It starts with a simple graph showing your maximum strength:


    2.) Then it breaks down differences between out-of-shape, average, fit, and athlete:


    3.) Then it categorizes only men:


    4.) Then it categorizes only women:


    Image Credit: Why I Exercise

    Looking at these charts conveys so much helpful information!


    Here's how to get more Twitter/X followers:

    Step 1. Be Nick Gray:


    Step 2. Invite a blind date for all-expenses paid trip to Tokyo. 


    Step 3. 400+ women from the internet apply to go.


    Step 4. He selected one, they arrived in Tokyo and he live-posted the date.


    Step 5. Thousands of people were reading the live updates and loving it!!

    nick grey twitter followers.jpg

    Nick is one of the most interesting people I've ever met, and this story captivated the internet on Twitter and Instagram!

    The blind date he picked wasn't revealed at first, and he gave updates with teaser photos like this:

    ConvertKit (2).png

    Turns out the woman was a 27 year old engineer who went to Stanford, and eventually was revealed to the tens of thousands of people getting live-updates of this public blind date:

    ConvertKit (4).png

    What a fun little internet story!


    How I thought I’d use Al:
    Asking ChatGPT to do stuff and create content.

    How I’m actually using Al:
    Using Google’s generative results to do research and answer questions from the web.

    For everyday use I’m using 90% Google and 10% ChatGPT at this point.

    How about you?


    This week I went to a morning Writing Club (hosted by @taskett).

    It was hosted at a coffee shop, there was a short amount of socializing followed by 1 hour of silent writing time.

    ~20 people were there, and everyone writing something!


    Fun idea!


    "Getting front of the right eyeballs" has always been the main goal of marketing.

    It's been a continuously developing thing over the years:

    1920: Get into the top radio programs or newspapers.

    1980: Put “AA” in biz name to be first in phone book.

    1990: Get on TV and radio ads.

    2000: Stuff webpages with keywords (SEO).

    2010: Add the right tags and keywords Google says.

    2024: Be at the top of their social newsfeed + own their email.

    Next: ???


    Question for people with a home sauna, do you lay down in it?

    I’m debating between: 1-2 person sauna I can sit but not lay, versus a 3 person sauna I can easily lay down in….but it requires more space and electrical wiring.

    Wondering if laying down is worth the extra effort 🤔


    UPDATE TO THIS QUESTION: So I ended up buying a 3-person Finnleo Hallmark 55c:


    The laying down + being able to fit more people was worth the extra complexity for me.

    I'm adding a 220v outlet, and it BAREEELLYY made the cut size-wise (see white string outline):


    I wanted a rectangle shaped one originally, but the size made it hard to park my car in the garage (too tight of a squeeze).

    This corner model sauna seems to be the right size to still fit a car there:


    I originally wanted a small sauna because 4' x 4' size was perfect for my garage...BUT it's too small for 2 ppl.

    I went to a store to test it, and in perfect position I'm still taking more than half the bench 😂


    When I spread out comfortable I basically took up that whole bench.

    Excited to start sauna'ing more!

    Neville Medhora



    P.S. Checkout some wins from Copywriting Course members:



    Recommended Comments

    Guest Feenix

    “Wondering if laying down is worth the extra effort 🤔


    …went to Kailash pilgrimage and got AMS last August…if weren’t for steamroom in Kathmandu, recovering would’ve been impossible 😜

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    • Administrator

    Ok that's good to hear, because I bought a bigger 3 person one I can lay down in!

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    Did you get traditional or infrared? 

    I have a 2 person traditional and love it. If you have the space, it'd be nice to lay down. 

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    • Administrator

    Traditional only...I'm not a huge fan of the infrared ones.

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    For questions and Google, perplexity kinda solves it for research. 

    Me I'm - trying to - use AI now to build small, usefull tools and stuff like AppScript for Google Sheet. 

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