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    Units of Luck


    Instead of think of "Luck" as some nebulous concept, think of it like a unit of measure. 

    In other words: How many "Units of Luck" are you producing? 

    Warren Buffett talks about how lucky he is:

    • Two parents
    • Speaks English
    • Born in the United States
    • Born during a time when USA was booming

    Each one of these added "Units of Luck" to his life. 

    Here's other ways to add "Units of Luck" to your own life:

    • Be hard working, and willing to do more than someone else. 
    • Take more shots than other people normally do. 
    • When young try many different things, weed out stuff you don't like, do more of what you do like. 
    • Share your thoughts on the internet, this can attract other like-minded people into your network, no matter where they live. 
    • Go to places with successful people. Cities, events, gatherings etc.


    Personal Example:

    I have a wealthy family friend, and growing up people used to refer to him as "lucky." They said this because most of his investments did really well. 

    I approached him to be a sort of mentor, and after a year of observation I realized he was just really good at producing "Units of Luck." 

    He didn't look at 5 investments and all 5 did great. 

    Rather he looked at hundreds per day, and evvveeerrryy once in a while he'd spot gold. 

    To me this didn't seem like luck, but rather hard work and effort he put in.



    • You create "Luck."
    • "Luck" isn't a quality you have, it's a quality you build. 
    • You can create more "Luck."
    • People who create a lot of "Luck" get lucky.
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