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    The S.T.U.P.I.D. Email (Friday May 13th, 2022)

    (Swipe, Thought, Uplifting, Picture, Interesting, Drawing)

    This is a fun email for Friday May 13th, 2022. Hope you like it 🙂


    🎤 Listen to this email here:



    This is a fun(ny) ad from FedEx which harps on the famous question:
    "Which came first: The chicken or the egg?"

    FedEx is showing how fast they deliver a package through this ad 😂





    I've written 5,000+ blog posts and emails reaching hundreds of millions of people.

    This is the messy process of creation they all follow:

    STEP #1.) Have tons of random and disorganized thoughts.

    These thoughts & ideas come to you in the shower, on walks, or randomly...



    STEP #2.) Put all those thoughts into disorganized writing.

    Just get all those thoughts into writing in one place.

    This could be in a Google Doc, a note in your phone, a Wordpress post, or wherever you write.

    It doesn't have to be organized (or make sense) yet...



    STEP #3.) Edit, Organize, & Trim.

    This is where you'll start putting your disorganized writing into a coherent structure.

    60% of the time the article changes it's focus at this stage...



    STEP #4.) Start making your article clean & clear.

    Re-read your article, and RUTHLESSLY cut out sentences that "don't earn their pixels."

    At this point your article is ready.


    HINT: You'll still NEVER be 100% satisfied with the final product...so 90% happiness on an article is great 🙂





    I originally started using Instagram as a place to post my daily to-do lists all scratched off, like this:


    The problem is my friends didn't wanna see these everyday, especially since the stuff was already crossed off.

    In order to share my daily to-do lists I recently created a "Journal" feature in our members area:


    Any member can click that tab, and it'll automatically add to a running journal log.

    For example I always create my to-do lists the night before, and I snapped a pic and shared it:



    It's kind of neat keeping a running work journal because you are forced to write out what you're doing, other members can see it, and people often leave feedback or give you ideas.

    It's so cool the internet allows you to work in a community like this 🙂





    Whenever my friends (and 4-door-down neighbors) @thesamparr and @SaraSodineParr go out of town I get a free guard dog named Sid 🙂

    Here's Sid playing the guitar:



    Here's Sid watching podcasts with me:



    Here's Sid lazying in the office:



    Here's Sid guarding the gym while I workout:



    Here's Sid chameleon-ing into the office rug 😂






    One of the obvious technologies that will appear in our lifetime is Augmented Reality (AR) glasses.

    Right now we use tiny phone screens to view our information, but if you had glasses which can display pixels, your screen can be ANY size you want!


    If you acquired a pair of AR glasses from 5 years in the future, you would essentially be a superhuman:

    You'd be able to listen to conversations, transcribe, and reply using GPT-3. People could ask you questions, and you read what pops up on your AR glasses.

    It would appear like you are answering any question instantly.


    You would instantly know pertinent information at all times:


    Imagine doing a standup comedy set with these glasses on. Instead of having to remember jokes, you could literally read them without anyone knowing:


    This technology is still early, and I imagine it'll be like smartphones in the last 20 years: They are initially useful-but-limited devices, but in 10+ years their usefulness will massively increase.





    Speaking of to-do lists from earlier in the email, here's the format I use for my hand-drawn to-do lists:


    I've been using this method for YEARS....in fact here's a video from 2012 showing the exact same method I've been using!


    Hope you enjoyed these little tidbits, have a happy Friday!

    Neville Medhora - CopywritingCourse.com | @NevMed


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