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    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday March 31st, 2023)

    Swipe📁Wisdom🧠 • Interesting🧐Picture🖼 • Essay📄Sketch✍️
    A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!

    Edition: Friday, March 31st, 2023

    🎤 Listen to this email here:


    Because it’s “handwritten” you'd think someone wrote this and left it at your door…and it definitely got my attention enough to read through it!


    The ad above is from a flooring company, but it looks like the window installation industry has caught onto this too, checkout this "handwritten quote" from a window installer:



    Speaking of hand writing....I currently hand write my daily to-do list, but it lacks one major component:


    It's not digital so I can't share it between devices!

    My wishlist of features would be:
    • Access/edit from phone and desktop.
    • Easily integrates with everything.
    • Not many options, dead simple.

    SO I polled Twitter for the best *simple* daily to-do list app, here's results:

    Todoist: 21 votes
    Things3: 7 votes
    MS Todo: 5 votes
    Apple Notes: 4 votes
    Google Keep: 4 votes
    Written: 4 votes
    Apple Reminders: 3 votes
    Notion: 3 votes
    Teuxdeux: 3 votes
    TickTick: 3 votes
    Asana: 2 votes
    Evernote: 2 votes
    Sunsama: 2 votes
    Trello: 2 votes
    Tweek.so: 2 votes
    Alexa: 1 vote
    Any.Do: 1 vote
    Carrot: 1 vote
    Done: 1 vote

    I will commence playing around with a few of these! Let me know if you have suggestions as well 🙂


    In Apple Stores all screens are tilted at exactly 76° degrees. This is so you move the screen with your hand…interacting with the product more and making you feel more attached to it.



    They use protractors to measure the screens:



    The laptop screens are measured at 76° as well:



    Isn't that level of obsession so hilariously "Apple-like"? 😂

    I remember Earl Nightingale telling a story from the 1970's about a top television salesman (I'm paraphrasing this):

    "I was speaking to the top television salesman at a department store, and he said the secret to knowing who would buy is to see if they were playing around with the knobs.

    If they are touching the TV, flipping and turning things, they are far more invested in the TV and far more likely to buy."

    Guess the 76° Rule isn't so crazy!


    A fun & cheap joy in life is getting a carwash!

    Here's me enjoying my $7 thrill 😂


    It's like you go into a different world for a few minutes.

    Pro-Tip: If you have automatic seat presets, make setting #3 a "CHILLAX" setting where one button push leans the seat back, lowers the seat, and moves the steering wheel up 😎


    An extremely common Instagram Ad I’ve been seeing is this white paint makeover for older brick houses.

    They just paint over the brick, and paint the window trims black so it gives the house an updated "Stucco" look. TBH it looks pretty damn good!


    I think Before & After photos are one of the best way to get attention for a service on social media. It instantly shows the transformation people want without a lot of text. Here's another great example of Before & After ad:


    **Side Note** I posted that brick-to-white house makeover on social media, and HOLY COW DO SOME PEOPLE HATE IT!!

    I personally think it looks neat, but man the amount of hate comments it got was kind of hilarious. Never thought THIS would spark such a heated debate 😬


    Whatever your yearly goal is, you still have 9 more months to complete it:

    Q1: January, February, March
    Q2: April, May, June
    Q3: July, August, September
    Q4: October, November, December


    At this time I'd like to invite you to join The Copywriting Course.


    Because if you sell online we can help you optimize & improve every piece of marketing you have:


    Here's 4 Member Wins from March 2023 alone:

    "Thanks for the feedback on my newsletter. It worked really well. We sold out of our first shipment on the first day. " - HN

    "And I thought I was just gonna learn copywriting here. Thanks for the GOLD marketing advice." - JH

    "Major win---launched my podcast today! Thank you all for the inspiration, support and great feedback that made it possible!" - TG

    "I'm amazed how much my business grew in 2023. This course and the hands-on feedback from the mentors & community made all the difference!" - JN

    We go way beyond just a course, and actually help you re-write your copy and content!

    • You Learn (courses)
    • You Practice (copy practice assignments)
    You Get Guidance (our 24/7 reviewing forum)
    • You Get Live Reviews (our weekly Office Hours)
    You Improve


    For the next few hours if you join Copywriting Course, you'll get 30% off a whole year. Jump in today:

    Link: www.CopywritingCourse.com/join
    Coupon Code: Q2START (enter at checkout)

    I hope you enjoyed these Friday tid-bits!
    Neville Medhora





    The S.W.I.P.E.S Email (Friday April 7th, 2023)

    Swipe📁Wisdom🧠Interesting🧐Picture🖼 • Essay📄Sketch✍
    A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!

    Edition: Friday, April 7th, 2023


    🎤 Listen to this email here:


    Lol...I'm not sure who originally created this dentist ad, but it's been re-used by HUNDREDS of different dentists across social networks and ad networks.

    The guys tooth really grabs attention 😂



    I scrolled by this image and immediately had to screenshot it, so it worked! This chart assumes a 4% interest return per year.


    Sometimes it's just need to see a giant table of data like this, it makes for very screenshottable social media images!


    This was the equivalent of 18th century Google Chrome Tabs 😂


    This was a cool device that allowed researchers to read up to 8 books at a time (high tech stuff for the time)

    It's kind of wild that in many of our lifetimes information was retrieved by looking it up in books. That kind of thing is almost inconceivably inefficient now.

    •15 years ago NONE of these things even existed:


    • 2 years ago GPT-3 came out (predecessor to ChatGPT).

    • 4 months ago ChatGPT didn’t exist.

    New tools for learning and information retrieval are getting faster and cooler!


    Once you go this route, it’s hard to go back 😏


    A couple years back me and my brother went to Japan for a few weeks, and EVERY SINGLE PLACE IN JAPAN had an automated bidet like this.

    It took a few days for me to get used to, but once I got the hang of it going back to normal was hard.

    A few months ago I put one at my house, and it's AWESOME 😎


    Here's a quick essay by David Ogilvy (legendary marketer) on how to write:


    Here's the pieces of advice I like the most from this:

    2.) Write the way you talk. Naturally.

    3.) Use short words, short sentences and short paragraphs.

    4.) Never use jargon words like reconceptualize, demassification, attitudinally, judgmentally. They are hallmarks of a pretentious ass.

    8.) If it is something important, get a colleague to improve it.

    9.) Before you send your letter or memo, make sure it is crystal clear what you want the recipient to do.

    10.) If you want ACTION, don't write. Go and tell the guy what you want.


    This cool graphic by @OzolinsJanis is a great reminder to show the results of your work, not the tools:


    This is especially important in selling where showing the end result is more important....the specific tools used to get the customer there aren't as important.

    For example: The customer cares about how the picture and the picture frame look on their wall....they care less about the type of camera used:


    I hope you enjoyed these Friday tid-bits!
    Neville Medhora


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