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    The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday February 3rd, 2023)

    Swipe📁Wisdom🧠Interesting🧐Picture🖼 • Essay📄Sketch✎
    A fun email for Friday. I hope you enjoy!

    Edition: Friday, February 3rd, 2023

    🎤 Listen to this email here:


    Checkout this door flyer I received:

    It appears to be handwritten (it's just a convincing print) so it catches your attention. Then it explains why replacing your windows is a good idea during the "down season."


    I thought this was a great flyer that drums up business in the slow season...and the "handwritten" nature of it somehow got me to read all the way through!


    The political style of your brain is a dictatorship, not a democracy. 

    You are the dictator in charge.

    Ruthlessly prune out people/news/information that doesn't serve you.



    I asked people this:
    Skip to 2025. You look back and reflect on February 2023 (today). What do you wish you started doing consistently?

    Here's some answers:

    Exercise. And probably, more writing.

    Its 2025, I have been consistent for 3 yrs doing,

    • Running a $50k MRR Saas
    • Writing(sharing my journey as a solopreneur)
    • Streaming(code)
    • Making yt videos

    Sleeping at a scheduled time

    Getting into action mode faster!

    Focused more on the high-leverage tasks with the most benefits.

    30-60 min of writing daily.

    Putting my thoughts out into the internet.

    Exercise & meditation.

    Writing publicly & exercising.

    Twitter, Inner Engineering, Workout.

    Ice baths 🛁 

    Finding early adopters.

    Gym and doing me more.


    Writing on Twitter again

    Making fresh mozzarella cheese every weekend.

    Probably stretching and reflecting more

    WHAT ABOUT YOU?? What will you look back on in 2-ish years and wish you'd been doing right now? Reply to the email and let me know!


    We had a weird freezing day here in Austin, so some buddies came over to co-work: @heydannymiranda, @thesamparr, and Sid Da Dog!



    "Copywriting" is associated with writing words on a page, but my definition is: 

    "Installing an idea into someone’s head and getting them to take action."

    The medium could be: 
    - Writing 
    - Images 
    - Videos 
    - Software 
    - Combination of all the above


    The medium of transmitting information has changed many times, the human brain has not.


    Apparently this is how Benjamin Franklin used to organize his day 🤔


    Almost all daily to-do list methods are similar. Like this "Ivy Lee Method" of productivity:


    The beauty of this system is it limits you to 6 main tasks, then forces you to first organize them by importance. You can fill out a chart like this everyday:


    My own daily to-do list method looks like this:


    I will say my daily to-do list is more complicated looking than my monthly goal layout which is very simple:


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