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    How would you make a million dollars in one month?

    Holy crap, this is an interesting question…..


    How would you make a million dollars in one month?


    But seriously, let’s say I kidnapped one of your kids (and not the ugly one, but the good one)….and you had to come up with a $1,000,000 bucks by the end of the month to get him back.

    How would you do it?

    I already asked how would you make:

    This is a pretty difficult question to answer, so I again asked some very very successful friends in varied industries how they would make $1,000,000 in around a month to help jog your mind before you answer in the comments. 




    To people with billions of dollars, a million dollars is a thousand dollars. Solve a problem that someone with billions of dollars has.

    I would create a custom piece of software that saves a large company money, and sell them that custom solution. I would find WHO to sell it to through LinkedIn.




    There’s usually no way to inherently increase the value of an investment by 10x or 100x very quickly, unless it’s inherently super risky.

    So in this situation of making a shit ton of money quickly, I’d find a small pharmaceutical company that’s on the verge of an FDA approval announcement, and bet heavily for (or against) them.

    That’a the only way I can think of increasing an investment that rapidly.




    Well you’re talking a little crazy about making $1,000,000 that quickly, so I’ll give a crazy answer.  The stars have to align for this to happen, but I HAVE seen it done several times:

    You go and find a large apartment complex that’s in trouble and running under terrible management.  Perhaps a complex that owes $20million to bank, but their property is only appraised and worth $15million, and they are about to go bankrupt.

    You approach their bank and step in as a “solvent entity” to take over that loan.

    You say, “I don’t think the property is worth $15,000,000 as appraised…..but I’ll still offer you $16,000,000 and you don’t have to go through with the foreclosure process on the property.”

    The bank might be happy to sell you the loan, because they don’t wanna deal with the whole bankruptcy and foreclosure process. So you might be able to buy this $20million dollar loan at a SIGNIFICANT discount at around $16million.

    Now if the property forecloses, YOU get full ownership.  You can usually put in just a few hundred thousand dollars to increase the value of that property to $18million.  So now for roughly $16.5 million you sold a property for $18million.

    You just made $1,500,000 in profit in a super short amount of time.  

    The stars have to align for this to happen, but I’ve seen it done.




    If I wanted to be shady I'd make a pyramid scheme? Otherwise I'd borrow from friends or investors? But if you break down one million dollars, it requires an investment of $10,000 from only 100 people.Like....you just need to have 100 customers for something. That's doesn't sound totally unreasonable.

    An interesting way to look at how to make $1,000,000 in one month would be to break down the numbers, for example: Using this product pricing calculator you can work backwards:If you sell a product, to make $1,000,000 in one month:make a million dollars pricing breakdown

    • You need 5,000 people to buy a $200 product.
    • You need 2,000 people to buy a $500 product.
    • You need 1,000 people to buy a $1,000 product.
    • You need 500 people to buy a $2,000 product.
    • You need 300 people to buy a $3,333 product.
    • You need 200 people to buy a $5,000 product.
    • You need 100 people to buy a $10,000 product.
    • You need 50 people to buy a $20,000 product.
    • You need 25 people to buy a $40,000 product.
    • You need 5 people to buy a $200,000 product.

    Breaking it down in this way can makes generating a million bucks far more attainable. Can you sell 100 people a $10,000 product or service? That would be $1,000,000 in revenue! It might be difficult to do this from scratch, but thinking about this problem backwards can really help you plan out how YOU would make a million dollars in a month.


    Hope this $1,000,000 exercise stretched your mind a bit!  Go through the comments below, there’s some good suggestions on how people would make a million dollars in a month.   Also comment with the way YOU’D make a million dollars in a month, or how you’ve seen it done before.


    Neville Medhora – A Kontinuously Kurious Kopywriter

    Interested in seeing how others would make different sums of money each month? Checkout everyone's answers for:

    P.S. If you need help coming up with million dollar ideas, use this Business Idea Generator to kick around some ideas! Or if you start a membership program use this recurring revenue calculator to see how much to charge people per month to make a million bucks.

    P.P.S. Comment on the post with your plan/scheme/plot to make $1,000,000 in about a month, or how you’ve seen someone else make $1,000,000 in a short period of time.

    User Feedback

    Recommended Comments

    Guest Aaron grant


    Hmmmm... This is where the math needs to make a ton of sense, 'cause now we're talking crazy and I like crazy.

    I feel like talking about this type of stuff is the best way to 'stretch your mind', so:

    $1,000,000 is 1,000 1000's. Now, getting 1000 people to give you $1,000 inside of a month, short of a software or service going viral is a tall order. But 100 people giving you $10,000 is much more feasible... Since you're already asking the people you think would have the best shot at doing it (software, real estate, investor/finance) I'd focus on creating a piece of software that could help solve their very real, very expensive problems. Are they having a problem with accounts receivable? How about properly charging freelancers? You just have to find something that will solve a $10,000 problem. Then find where they are hanging out online (Linkedin, probably) and go HAM with outreach. Obviously, your marketing is going to have to be SUPER sharp, but getting 100 businesses out there to believe that you software could save them $10,000 over the longhaul CAN happen, and that's what we're talking about, right?!

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    Guest Joann Shaw


    I have been burnt more times than I care to remember. I sure could use that money to pay all my overdue bills off. I am so in the red right now that I cannot even answer my phone without a bill collector at the end of the line. My arthritis makes it hard to work for myself. I live off of family but they are saying they are running out of money so I do not know what to do right now. I could have helped myself and so many other people if this were true. I do not have anywhere to go right now and I am grasping at straws. I am a good person and I help others all the time. What would you suggest?
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    Guest Sheunesu Matemavi


    I would like to take part in this amazing idea of making a million dollars ina month. I am student at a distance university in Zimbabwe.
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    Guest Sultan Malik


    Well it is a difficult tasks usually for everyone. Almost impossible.

    But there are multiple ways we can get money from.

    1. Solution for rich people, buy casino(need a capital investment) at las vegas. Give a scheme to people who play at casino. Scheme of 20% cash back when they lose. Obviously many people will come to play there than before. For instance - 80 people loses money out of 100. Giving 20% cash back to 80 people of what they lost will bring more 1000 people to play. In the end will be much more profit.

    2. For a banking company, give the scheme of opening bank account at 0 cost. Then give loan features to those people who had made account in bank. Loan for short term with very less rate of interest. In the end gain profit.

    3. Contact NGOs to help to gather money to save kid.

    4. Money making plan in short term. I have a big plan for self which is long term plan according to my situation. I won't share that because it is not wiser to give own idea to others and loose own plan roots. )

    And clearly if anybody kidnaps kid, he will also see first before kidnapping that how much money I can get from the family.

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    Step #1 Rephrase Crisis into Opportunity

    Wherever there is crises, opportunity exists.

    This is a risky gamble, as it can make you loved and hated ALL at the same time.

    #Step 2 Act Fast

    Usually during tough times, most people site on the sidelines and complain how the world is coming to an end, the government isn't doing enough, blah blah blah...

    Take a look at the Syrian Refugee crises. Over 750,000 have crossed into Europe. Governments of European countries are spending millions, to take care of all this. If you could save Mr. Government $1.3 per refugee, by solving an inefficiency, or sourcing cheaper relief goods. That's $1M.

    So find a way, get viral, get your friends, colleagues, everyone you can think of and build up a campaign. ( Think back to 2012. Spread like wildfire. Don't know where it's reached. Started with K, ended with Y).

    Get in touch with billion dollar companies, give them publicity, make them look good for sponsoring your cause. Get volunteers to multiply your efforts.

    Donations can reach Billions in crisis like this. Billions with a capital B. Estimated donations for Haiti earthquake total $9Bn.

    Respond quick. Be the first on the scene. Keep a tiny-part of the profits (keep this discreet). You'll be doing a lot of good, but still be known by some people as the guy who kept $1 million worth of profits from needy people.

    Good luck :)

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    Guest Yves Farges


    The commitment must be total. The money-making environment must be completely modern (as in 2000+) because you are starting from scratch. It has been done, basically turning a good idea into a river of money. It has been done and more often than you think with some pretty kooky ideas, but in all cases the commitment is total.

    I would take a great idea and launch a kickstarter campaign to raise $10,000 and go 24/7 after funding with an innovative idea. I would mean pushing the envelope personally to become a tech-savvy kickstarter launcher in days and pushing hard.

    The ultimate example of this is the record-breaking kickstarter campaign designed to raise $10,000 and ended up raising $8,782,571 ( !!! ) ... for a card game ( !!! ) ... a weird card game called "Exploding Kittens" ( !!! )

    Here is the link to the kickstarter campaign page for the exploding kittens:

    Hard to believe and hardly the only successful one. Recently a kickstarter program to just bring to market a superior kitchen knife asked for $25,000 and ended up raising $1,083,344.

    Here is the link to the kickstarter campaign page for the MISEN knife:

    Now the deadline is flexible and one month is too short, but when looking at a million for one month, you are in reality looking at a million in a short period of time.

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    Guest Tim Mensch


    Exploding Kittens was a simple cashing in on The Oatmeal's fan base.

    It may or may not have been a great game, but it certainly isn't a 100x better than than the many that fun in the $40-$80k level. It is arguably not as strong of a game, or as fun of a concept, as some games that fund at that level. But when you have as many loyal readers as The Oatmeal, you can leverage that to push a Kickstarter to crazy heights.

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    Guest Steven Chen


    Sell as 40 Million USD Home for 3% Commission Rate = 1.2 Million USD.

    Has it been done? Yes, saw it a few times and we'll never know it through google as deals like this are VERY discreet.

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    I started a blog with that very idea- 7 streams of income. Glad to see the concept elsewhere.
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    Guest Bobbie sue


    Rob a bank! Hey maybe be an escort to rich people. Could do both. Finally I'm going be rich!
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    Guest Erik Jonsson


    I also agree that making a million dollars in real estate definitely could be doable. However, is it possible to get banks to agree on only 20% down

    payment on properties like that? I mean, most bigger apartment buildings I have seen for sale in the larger cities like NY or LA has cap rates of only around 5% at best.

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    It's pretty straight forward.

    You define what you want. In this case, $1,000,000 USD within 30 days. Generally it's not good to slap a time constraint on a goal, but it can still work.

    Then, think about the goal, with clarity, and experience it in your mind. Focus on this goal until you feel extremely extremely good about it. You want lots of excitement, eagerness, enthusiasm, and ultimately, feeling like you've already got it, like it's already yours.

    You just keep that excitement and eagerness going day after day and the next step to get it will present itself to you at the right time. To do this right, though, you've really got to BASK in the amazing feelings for most of the day, every day.

    Action is likely necessary at some point, it's just a matter of inspiration and timing. Due to the nature of the universe, we never know the best way to achieve anything, so we've got to basically ask for what we want and have the BEST possible next step show itself to us, THEN we can take action.

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    Guest Carl Hull


    Did you validate this idea. It really sounds fascinating? I would be interested in any follow up information.

    Thank you


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    Guest Leviticus


    Honestly, IMHO, this is THE best response I've heard so far!
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    i just made millions cha ching ????????$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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    Guest CreeperKiller51_YT


    Well, if I wanted 1 million in a month...

    I would start of with a penny and try to double it every day for 30 days. That is about 5 million. Oops, I have 4 million to much... Oh well, here comes that new gaming PC!

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    Guest Anthony Williams


    So I'm sitting back wandering, and trying to figure out raising a family of three. How can I become rich, and working an part time to make this dream happen , and become a reality .? So what I'm saying , can you send some information?
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    Guest Malik Numan


    I would go to the go fund me websites and ask for people to donate that I have to get this $ in less than a month or my child would be killed
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    Guest Erik Jonsson


    I might not know a lot about the oil/fuel industry, but isn´t Toms suggestion actually something that could work. Or is it too hard/unrealistic to do without having connections in the industry?
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    I wont do this but ive seen it done. Im sure I would have to offer up a huge cut, but.... Have the pastor of a mega church with 50k members ly handson your head and say that said he wants me to have 1 million, who in the congregation will help. Then convince 1000 people to donate $1000 plus a few extras to cover the pastor's cut.
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    Guest mark s


    i would get as many c.c offers as i can take the money out go to casino play roulette id pick 2-3 numbers startiing off with $50 each and play 1st or 2nd or 3rd starting at 200 with the odds as long as you have about 10 grand to start you can do this each time you lose double and add 50 on 1-2-3 with just the numbers add after every 20 spins when you win on the number half aside do it again this method you will win mite be boring and take many hours pending on what you bet go to high take the chance of loseing but wait till you hit the nubers a few times key is stick with the same 3 numbers
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