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    The technical stuff before auto-responders (don’t worry, it’s not hard):

    A really quick intro:

    If you already know a good deal about the technical side of autoresponders, you can maybe skip this "Technical" section. However if you're not certain of the fundamentals, we'll go through the really quick (and make it fun)! Let's get started!

    VIDEO 1: Intro to Aweber backend

    For this course we are going to ONLY be using Aweber.  Most auto-responder services are similar….but I’ve found Aweber simply the easiest to use. I can yap all day about how to use Aweber, but the best way is to just login and SHOW you!

    VIDEO 2: Setting up a new auto-responder

    There’s a MILLION AND ONE advanced features on auto-responders….but let’s keep it simple. I’m going to show you the bare-minimum method I use to setup all my auto-responders.  Follow along and you’ll have one setup by the end:

    VIDEO 3: Embedding a new form

    If you have a webpage, here’s how you get people to singnup to your email list. Fortunately Aweber has one of the best form-generators around, so it’s REALLY simple to get a REALLY attractive form made:

    VIDEO 4: The new Aweber email creator….

    Watch this real quick before moving forward, it will show you the difference between the old Aweber and and new Aweber email creators:

    VIDEO 5: Some key things you should know.  Let’s start with “Followups”

    “Followup Emails” are what the actual auto-responder is….simple!

    VIDEO 6: Sending “broadcast emails”

    Broadcasts messages are just regular ole’ emails you send out. They only get sent out once….like a regular email:

    HOMEWORK: Tell me which autoresponder system you use (or have used in the past).

    Have any experience at all with any autoresponder system such as Aweber, ConverKit, InfusionSoft, MailChimp?
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