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    • Newsletter Reviews

      This email is def money 💰 👌👌👌


      I always read your SWIPES emails and want you to know how much I value them. Every week, you teach me something new and you always make me smile. Clearly, you've been blessed with wisdom and talents, and you're a great steward in sharing them so generously. Thanks so much for all you do and have a fantastic weekend


      Was looking at your emails lately and thinking, "Man I love how Neville has these great emails that feel skimmable and enjoyable." So you're an inspiration.


      I thoroughly enjoy your newsletter format. Macro and micro information presented as "isn't this interesting?"


      Love the SWIPES every Friday!


      I truly enjoy these emails. Thanks for sharing. Only one I look forward to opening.


      Interesting exercise. I always learn something new in every email you send, thank you so much, Neville.

      This SWIPES email is so good. I look forward to it every Friday now.

      I always look forward to your emails and contents. Great contents right there.


      Neville's SWIPES emails are always packed so full of value that I don't delete them! I will read them once (okay, maybe twice), then I will usually snooze them for a week or two so that they return to my inbox as a 'refresher' of sorts -- a lot of the content is valuable weeks and months later, and I really appreciate the amount of time and energy put into these emails. Thank you, Neville, for providing truly thoughtful and impactful information (and for entertaining me while you do it)!


      Your every email helps me learn something new. Sometimes I save a few emails and read them over the end of the month. This is the one newsletter I read and enjoy most.


      I really enjoy reading Friday SWIPES email and find your interviews super interesting.


      The Swipes Email is the one newsletter I look forward to. There's always something new I'm gonna learn or be interested in.



      I look forward to opening Neville's SWIPES emails each week. They teach me about copywriting and marketing, and are usually funny too!


      I enjoy reading Neville’s SWIPES Email every week. I’m always curious to know what he’s going to share.


      I was first introduced to Neville Medhora through his educational videos on YouTube about copywriting and web design. I continue to look forward to his weekly Swipes Emails. They are both entertaining and educational so never boring.

      Robert and Susan

      Of the hundreds of newsletters and feeds I subscribe to I really look out for and learn from the Swipes email every Friday. I love the layout, the drawings, the data and just the fact that I am sharing the insights of someone so cool and so smart. THANK YOU.


      A long-time reader of your newsletter. I open the email whenever I see your name in my inbox. I've enjoyed the copywriting tips a lot and try to use them especially when writing blog posts & landing page copy.


      I love your swipes newsletter. It has interesting tidbits and as is true with all of your writing, it is funny and engaging. Your writing style made me unafraid to be a lot less "professional ".


      Love this light and fun email. Even when I have a large backlog I still open this one first 🙂


      I've loved your newsletters. They are really helping with my writing.


      I liked this lesson, and every other email you send, Neville. Always sweet, succinct and helpful.


      Great lesson, timing could not have been better.


      This is brilliant, thanks Neville! Been a fan of yours forever, always great stuff.


      Amazing newsletter


      Thanks for this one. Loving your content. 🙂 Keep it flowing!

      R V

      Yea! Friday with SWIPES - right on time to make my day!


      Just wanted to say thank you for all the free stuff you shared over the years. Yours is the only newsletter I consistently open throughout the years. You’ve made me a better thinker and a better writer. I’ve probably shared your works with more than 50 people and I’m sure they’ve leveled up as well.


      I love your emails, they are really easy to read. Even though I skip over a lot of emails that I have subscribed to, I always open yours because of the SWIPES layout, which makes it super easy to read.


      Thank you for your fun emails, insights and inspiration 😊


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