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    • Upcoming Events

      • August 01, 2024
        Office Hours:
        Thursday, August 1st, 2024, 2:00pm CST
        Join URL:
        Ask a question for the next office hours so we can discuss it live:

        These questions will be prepared, looked over, and answered live on the call!
      • August 08, 2024
        Office Hours:
        Thursday, August 8th, 2024, 2:00pm CST
        Join URL:
        Ask a question for the next office hours so we can discuss it live:

        These questions will be prepared, looked over, and answered live on the call!
      • August 15, 2024
        Office Hours:
        Thursday, August 15th, 2024, 2:00pm CST
        Join URL:
        Ask a question for the next office hours so we can discuss it live:

        These questions will be prepared, looked over, and answered live on the call!

    Recent Office Hours Sessions

    1 month old calculator made in Office Hours is ranking on page 1 and rapidly climbing with 50+ ranking keywords

    Instagram Live resulted in 3+ clients for a guest, need help planning a potential partnership

    Coffee company with 8.4% re-buy rate want to get it to 15%, we go through and make some low-hanging-fruit changes on their checkout page

    Updated the value prop from a corporate training company

    New client introduced them to a larger firm, now making a possible partnership and going ideas on how to work together.

    Micro green company found yoga studios and gyms are great places to setup, and creating a plan to get in front of way more.

    Final website design offer settled, created a cold email, now getting this service on all the major platforms.

    How to grow a personal newsletter.

    Reviewing and changing a calculator for SDR’s that also gets email signups.

    Reviewing a sleep companies Shopify page and identified some conversion mistakes.

    New book planning for Instagram audience

    Optimizing the heck out of lead magnet copy!

    Improving cold pitch for getting people on board for a National Science Foundation program

    Website review ($999 offer) new landing page

    Positioning a new calculator to rank #1 in search engines

    Making a calculator to be used by optical engineers, how to make maximum traffic from this?

    Using lawyer referrals from divorce coaches to supercharge warm outreach

    Website design company service validation, going over new website

    Getting a Reddit post to go viral

    Scaling in-person leadership trainings to online

    New webinar page not converting well, how to increase?

    Got a #1 organic ranking spot on Google almost right away for a big company!

    Made a Canva carousel for Instagram to attract divorce lawyers as future clients.

    Updates on a how-to video.

    Getting leads for divorce lawyers from big Instagram account and sell the leads.

    Got first newsletter made! How to improve it even further.

    How to track on a newsletter

    Positioning AI surveying software to focus on churned users for software and eCommerce companies

    600+ monthly organic traffic from a calculator made 3 months ago, and strategies to further improve traffic and conversions

    Business model research from churned users + Instagram “Broadcast Channel” feature to create an engaged list of divorce professionals

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