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    office hours group calls

    Ask a question for the next office hours (these get answered first):

    These questions will be prepared, looked over, and answered live on the call (they also get answered first before everyone else)!

    Office Hours F.A.Q.

    Q: What are these office hours? A: As a paying member of the The KopywritingKourse we give you several months of office hours calls. These happen every 2 weeks. It's a live Zoom call where you can join Neville live and ask questions. The questions submitted through the form above get answered first, then it's open-floor for whoever wants to ask questions. Q: How many people show up during office hours? A: In college some classes are 200+ students, yet only 1% to 5% will show up at the professors office hours. Same with these office hours. This means you can get personalized time with Neville and the group! It's almost like private coaching because the group calls are small and intimate. Q: What if I can't make the next office hours? A: No worries, they are all recorded and posted right here on this page! See them here. Many people will ask questions, then watch the recording later, it's totally cool :)
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