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    Questions Asked During Office Hours:

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    Selling a natural vision restoration book

    We go through David’s site that sells a natural vision restoration book and see how we can optimize it for more sales.

    Fine tuning a Animated Sign Programming service website

    Deb made some changes from last office hours that already improved her website big time, and we go through to make some more changes.

    Make your own clothing autoresponder

    We already got a great upgraded video from Juliet, and now we make an autoresponder sequence for her to use.

    Improving a community voting site

    FlashVote sells a service that helps government save up to $30,000,000 in polling fees, and we see how we can improve the conversion rate of some of the pages.

    Feedback on RJ’s About Page

    We give some quick feedback on RJ’s about page for his MS Paint art website.
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