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    Questions Asked During Office Hours:

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    Getting freelance income writing for a PhD developing a following.

    Natali is a PhD student who writes on the side and developed a bit of a following on Medium. She wants to see how to best parlay this into a business. We show her how to develop a portfolio and get more freelancing clients.  

    Gerard gets one shot to impress a freelance client with a high performing Facebook.

    A video creator wants Gerard to beat his control Facebook Ad, we try to best figure out which one performs, and how to approach clients like this.  

    Publish content on my own site, or on Medium?

    Rob is writing some pretty great articles for his reading videos business, but should he post them on Medium or his own site?  

    How to promote a new business to other blogs?

    Rob is writing some pretty great articles for his reading videos business, but should he post them on Medium or his own site?  
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