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    In this section we'll help re-write real emails that are going out in the real world. Let's get started!

    Get 100+ people to enter their information from an email

    We see how Neil tried to get 100+ people to enter their Twitter information, and how to make it perform better next time.

    Tightening up two outreach emails for a video learning company.

    We quickly review two outreach emails for Rob’s children's reading company:

    Questions about HIPPA compliance on emails and what not to send.

    Andrew asks for a medical client how long to send emails, and if there’s any issues with sending out certain type of medical promotion.

    Is using images or text in emails better for a fashion company?

    We see if fashion companies should utilize more copy than visual content in their email campaigns.

    Changing a giant companies cold emails and content.

    We go through a large companies cold emails to customers and dive into how they can make much better content for it.

    How can I improve this "Deal" email copy?

    We show Bern how to improve two sets of “deal style” sales copy.

    Optimizing a power washing direct mailer.

    Ryan wrote a power washing direct mail piece to 450 people, let’s see if we can improve it together.

    Writing the welcome email after a customer signs up.

    We help Aaron optimize the welcome email that goes out after a customer signs up to a health clinic.

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