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    Below is a big list of titles you can use for blog posts, email lists, subject lines, or whatever.
    • [TOPIC] changed my life forever.
    • The first time I heard about [TOPIC] it changed everything.
    • I never knew the impact [TOPIC] would have on me.
    • The best thing about [TOPIC] was the way it changed my life.
    • When I got good at [TOPIC] it changed my life.
    • The first book I ever read on [TOPIC] altered the course of my entire life.
    • When I started learning about [TOPIC] it felt like I found my calling.
    • There was something just so enjoyable about [TOPIC].
    • I felt completely comfortable learning about [TOPIC].
    • One time at band camp I started [TOPIC] and....
    • What my kids have taught me about [TOPIC].
    • Even my 3 years old understands [TOPIC].
    • [TOPIC] and having kids changed my life forever in a great way.
    • How to explain [TOPIC] to a 4 year old.
    • I never thought [TOPIC] and kids would mix well, but it turns out...
    • What's the point of doing [TOPIC] if it doesn't make my kids proud of me?
    • What I want my kids to know about [TOPIC].
    • How I still manage to run [TOPIC] while taking care of kids.
    • The tools I use to juggle [TOPIC] and kids.
    • Why I'm teaching my kids all about [TOPIC].
    • The full story of my career in [TOPIC].
    • How I accidentally stumbled into [TOPIC] and made a career out of it.
    • [TOPIC] changed my income forever.
    • [TOPIC] was the first smart thing I ever did in my career, and here's how I started...
    • It wasn't until 5 years into my career that I learned about [TOPIC].
    • Excellence in [TOPIC] comes from 3 key things...
    • How to start a career in [TOPIC].
    • How to make a career out of your passion for [TOPIC].
    • It's not hard to make a career out of [TOPIC]. Here's my guide how.
    • The Pro's and Con's of a career in [TOPIC].
    • [TOPIC] changed my income almost overnight.
    • How much money does [TOPIC] make?
    • How you can double your income in the [TOPIC] industry.
    • I had my largest month ever with [TOPIC] by doing this....
    • One of the best money-making niches in [TOPIC].
    • How much money can you make if you consult on [TOPIC]?
    • How much I make doing [TOPIC].
    • 3 tests I did this year that doubled my [TOPIC] income.
    • The economy is shifting, and people in the [TOPIC] industry can thrive.
    • Here's why [TOPIC] is a great side-hustle.
    • Here's why [TOPIC] is a great long-term skill to learn.
    • Most of my best friends I made through [TOPIC].
    • My friends didn't understand [TOPIC] at first, but then I told them this...
    • It was difficult telling my friends at work I was going to quit and start [TOPIC].
    • [TOPIC] lost me a lot of friends.
    • [TOPIC] made me a lot of friends.
    • [TOPIC] took a toll on my closest friendship because that friend was trying to hold me back.
    • Some of my friends HATED that I was so successful with [TOPIC].
    • Soon as I got some success with [TOPIC] my friends started asking about it!
    • It's nice having a community of friends to support me in my [TOPIC].
    • My friends were always so curious how I started [TOPIC] in the first place.
    • How [TOPIC] affected my love life.
    • [TOPIC] was my first real love.
    • "Me and [TOPIC] sittin' in a tree....K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"
    • When I was first learning [TOPIC] it put a strain on my spouse and I.
    • Everyone that loved me was worries.....and that's when I discovered [TOPIC].
    • I don't think anyone loves [TOPIC] more than this guy.
    • A loving spouse is what supported me the early and lean days of my [TOPIC] career.
    • No one actually LOVES doing [TOPIC].....but it's a necessity.
    • Learn to love [TOPIC] and it will make you a lot of money.
    • I met my partner through [TOPIC].
    • How to [TOPIC] for a living.
    • How to use [TOPIC] to double your sales.
    • How one of my students used [TOPIC] to triple her sales in less than 12 months.
    • How to create viral [TOPIC] posts on your website.
    • How to make [TOPIC] proposals to large companies.
    • How to generate tons of leads in the [TOPIC] industry.
    • How to find people looking to buy [TOPIC] services.
    • How to find people looking to buy large amounts of [TOPIC].
    • How to upgrade your [TOPIC] business without spending any money.
    • How to make your [TOPIC] without hiring someone to do it.
    • How to [TOPIC] like a rockstar.
    • How to become the best at [TOPIC] and leave the competition in the dust.
    • How to be the Michael Phelps of [TOPIC] and crush everyone else.
    • How to get into [TOPIC] without spending a dime.
    • When I started [TOPIC] I was scared to death...
    • I felt like I wasn't good enough for [TOPIC] and could never succeed in it....
    • When I first started [TOPIC] I seemed happy on the outside, but on the inside I was dying...
    • I've never told anyone about this from my beginning [TOPIC] days....
    • It's not easy when you first start [TOPIC]. There's a lot of emotional pain you go through first...
    • I didn't choose [TOPIC].  My parents pressured me into it.  At first it was tough....
    • I could believe how good other people in [TOPIC] were.  I felt I'd never get to their level...
    • The first time I succeeded in a [TOPIC] deal I was smiling so hard that it hurt my cheek muscles!
    • I wanted to prove my parents wrong so bad, and that's what pushed me to succeed in [TOPIC].
    • There's no one that's gone through more pain doing [TOPIC] than I have, and I want to show you how to avoid my mistakes.
    • [TOPIC] is super easy if you automate scheduling using this tool.
    • Here's how you use Microsoft Excel to make your [TOPIC] work easier.
    • Here's how to use Google Docs to save all your [TOPIC] files.
    • Here's a trick I use with [TOPIC] clients that blows them away.
    • Put this script in your email footer and you'll likely get 2 more [TOPIC] clients per month.
    • Take 45 seconds to install this Chrome Extension that every [TOPIC] person needs.
    • Here's how Photoshop can improve your [TOPIC] performance.
    • Here's how learning to outsource on Fiverr can help your [TOPIC] business.
    • [TOPIC] + . A complete guide to setting up a [TOPIC] website.
    • A full guide to outsourcing 50% of your [TOPIC] work without paying too much.
    • For a full month I would wake up every night having nightmares about [TOPIC].
    • I was scared the first time I went to a [TOPIC] convention.
    • Fear of succeeding in [TOPIC]....it's a real thing.
    • I don't know about you, but the first time I worked with a [TOPIC] client I was super nervous.
    • How to calm your nerves when giving a [TOPIC] presentation.
    • My trick to calm myself down before giving a [TOPIC] presentation to important clients.
    • Respond to this email and let me know your fears about [TOPIC].
    • 11 ways to make better [TOPIC].
    • Every trick I use to do quality work in the [TOPIC] industry.
    • I could do [TOPIC] without these 13 free tools.
    • In a world full of products for the [TOPIC] industry, here are the only 3 I use.
    • Every successful person doing [TOPIC] uses this trick.
    • Every successful person doing [TOPIC] pays for this research tool.
    • 12 years of [TOPIC] experience and here's the top 3 things I've learned.
    • If you want higher [TOPIC] sales then implement these 4 hacks immediately.
    • The lowest cost (yet highest ROI) trick I've learned in my 8 years of [TOPIC].
    • [TOPIC] tools you can use for less than $50 each.

    Copy all these email list ideas to your own files:

    Copy/Paste all the titles from this box then save them in your own files:
    Title and Headline Ideas for [TOPIC]:
    • [TOPIC] changed my life forever for the better.
    • The first time I heard about [TOPIC] it changed everything.
    • I never knew the impact [TOPIC] would have on me.
    • The best thing about [TOPIC] was the way it changed my life.
    • When I got good at [TOPIC] it changed my life.
    • The first book I ever read on [TOPIC] altered the course of my entire life.
    • When I started learning about [TOPIC] it felt like I found my calling.
    • There was something just so enjoyable about [TOPIC].
    • I felt completely comfortable learning about [TOPIC].
    • One time at band camp I started [TOPIC] and....
    • [TOPIC] and having kids changed my life dramatically.
    • What my kids have taught me about [TOPIC].
    • Even my 3 years old understands [TOPIC].
    • How to explain [TOPIC] to a 4 year old.
    • I never thought [TOPIC] and kids would mix well, but it turns out...
    • What's the point of doing [TOPIC] if it doesn't make my kids proud of me?
    • What I want my kids to know about [TOPIC].
    • How I still manage to run [TOPIC] while taking care of kids.
    • The tools I use to juggle [TOPIC] and kids.
    • Why I'm teaching my kids all about [TOPIC].
    • The full story of my career in [TOPIC].
    • How I accidentally stumbled into [TOPIC] and made a career out of it.
    • [TOPIC] changed my income forever.
    • [TOPIC] was the first smart thing I ever did in my career, and here's how I started...
    • It wasn't until 5 years into my career that I learned about [TOPIC].
    • Excellence in [TOPIC] comes from 3 key things...
    • How to start a career in [TOPIC].
    • How to make a career out of your passion for [TOPIC].
    • It's not hard to make a career out of [TOPIC]. Here's my guide how.
    • The Pro's and Con's of a career in [TOPIC].
    • [TOPIC] really changed my life forever.
    • How much money does [TOPIC] make?
    • How you can double your income in the [TOPIC] industry.
    • I had my largest month ever with [TOPIC] by doing this....
    • One of the best money-making niches in [TOPIC].
    • How much money can you make if you consult on [TOPIC]?
    • How much I make doing [TOPIC].
    • 3 tests I did this year that doubled my [TOPIC] income.
    • The economy is shifting, and people in the [TOPIC] industry can thrive.
    • Here's why [TOPIC] is a great side-hustle.
    • Here's why [TOPIC] is a great long-term skill to learn.
    • Most of my best friends I made through [TOPIC].
    • My friends didn't understand [TOPIC] at first, but then I told them this...
    • It was difficult telling my friends at work I was going to quit and start [TOPIC].
    • [TOPIC] lost me a lot of friends.
    • [TOPIC] made me a lot of friends.
    • [TOPIC] took a toll on my closest friendship because that friend was trying to hold me back.
    • Some of my friends HATED that I was so successful with [TOPIC].
    • Soon as I got some success with [TOPIC] my friends started asking about it!
    • It's nice having a community of friends to support me in my [TOPIC].
    • My friends were always so curious how I started [TOPIC] in the first place.
    • How [TOPIC] affected my love life.
    • [TOPIC] was my first real love.
    • "Me and [TOPIC] sittin' in a tree....K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"
    • When I was first learning [TOPIC] it put a strain on my spouse and I.
    • Everyone that loved me was worries.....and that's when I discovered [TOPIC].
    • I don't think anyone loves [TOPIC] more than this guy.
    • A loving spouse is what supported me the early and lean days of my [TOPIC] career.
    • No one actually LOVES doing [TOPIC].....but it's a necessity.
    • Learn to love [TOPIC] and it will make you a lot of money.
    • I met my partner through [TOPIC].
    • How-to articles are often the most searched articles out there. Why not give people what they want?
    • How to [TOPIC] for a living.
    • How to use [TOPIC] to double your sales.
    • How one of my students used [TOPIC] to triple her sales in less than 12 months.
    • How to create viral [TOPIC] posts on your website.
    • How to make [TOPIC] proposals to large companies.
    • How to generate tons of leads in the [TOPIC] industry.
    • How to find people looking to buy [TOPIC] services.
    • How to find people looking to buy large amounts of [TOPIC].
    • How to upgrade your [TOPIC] business without spending any money.
    • How to make your [TOPIC] without hiring someone to do it.
    • How to [TOPIC] like a rockstar.
    • How to become the best at [TOPIC] and leave the competition in the dust.
    • How to be the Michael Phelps of [TOPIC] and crush everyone else.
    • How to get into [TOPIC] without spending a dime.
    • When I started [TOPIC] I was scared to death...
    • I felt like I wasn't good enough for [TOPIC] and could never succeed in it....
    • When I first started [TOPIC] I seemed happy on the outside, but on the inside I was dying...
    • I've never told anyone about this from my beginning [TOPIC] days....
    • It's not easy when you first start [TOPIC]. There's a lot of emotional pain you go through first...
    • I didn't choose [TOPIC]. My parents pressured me into it. At first it was tough....
    • I could believe how good other people in [TOPIC] were. I felt I'd never get to their level...
    • The first time I succeeded in a [TOPIC] deal I was smiling so hard that it hurt my cheek muscles!
    • I wanted to prove my parents wrong so bad, and that's what pushed me to succeed in [TOPIC].
    • There's no one that's gone through more pain doing [TOPIC] than I have, and I want to show you how to avoid my mistakes
    • [TOPIC] is super easy if you automate scheduling using this tool.
    • Here's how you use Microsoft Excel to make your [TOPIC] work easier.
    • Here's how to use Google Docs to save all your [TOPIC] files.
    • Here's a trick I use with [TOPIC] clients that blows them away.
    • Put this script in your email footer and you'll likely get 2 more [TOPIC] clients per month.
    • Take 45 seconds to install this Chrome Extension that every [TOPIC] person needs.
    • Here's how Photoshop can improve your [TOPIC] performance.
    • Here's how learning to outsource on Fiverr can help your [TOPIC] business.
    • Here's how KopywritingKourse.com helped me increase my [TOPIC] business.
    • [TOPIC] and . A complete guide to setting up a [TOPIC] website.
    • A full guide to outsourcing 50% of your [TOPIC] work without paying too much.
    • For a full month I would wake up every night having nightmares about [TOPIC].
    • I was scared the first time I went to a [TOPIC] convention.
    • Fear of succeeding in [TOPIC]....it's a real thing.
    • I don't know about you, but the first time I worked with a [TOPIC] client I was super nervous.
    • How to calm your nerves when giving a [TOPIC] presentation.
    • My trick to calm myself down before giving a [TOPIC] presentation to important clients.
    • Respond to this email and let me know your fears about [TOPIC].
    • 11 ways to make better [TOPIC].
    • Every trick I use to do quality work in the [TOPIC] industry.
    • I could do [TOPIC] without these 13 free tools.
    • In a world full of products for the [TOPIC] industry, here are the only 3 I use.
    • Every successful person doing [TOPIC] uses this trick.
    • Every successful person doing [TOPIC] pays for this research tool.
    • 12 years of [TOPIC] experience and here's the top 3 things I've learned.
    • If you want higher [TOPIC] sales then implement these 4 hacks immediately.
    • The lowest cost (yet highest ROI) trick I've learned in my 8 years of [TOPIC].
    • [TOPIC] tools you can use for less than $50 each.
    Enjoy the list of topics!  Neville Medhora - https://copywritingcourse.com
      Enjoy all the email list ideas, hopefully they help jog your brain down the right path! Sincerely, Neville Medhora - Kopywriter
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