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    Don’t hire a copywriter without reading this first. There’s a big misconception out there about website copywriting services... Many businesses think the best way to increase their conversions is to hire a professional copywriter, tell them what they want written, and wait as the copywriter whips up some magical selling words out of thin air. Don’t get me wrong. This approach can work...but there’s another way, a BETTER way—one that’s not only cheaper and faster, but that also can lead to spectacular results. In a nutshell: Hire a copywriter to write WITH you, not FOR you. Let me show you how….  

    Get Higher-Converting Copy For Less Money:

    When you have a limited marketing budget, paying a copjeywriter several grand to write your sales material can seem unreasonable. After all, how hard can it be to string together a few paragraphs? Well, let’s take a look. Before a copywriter puts pen to paper, they first need a crystal clear understanding of your product, your audience, what makes your company unique, and more. That usually involves… copywriting to-do list It’s a time-consuming process. But the more they understand your target market, the better their copy will sell your product. HOWEVER...

    There is a way to bypass this entire lengthy process, saving you both time AND money.

    Instead of hiring a copywriter and sending them off to figure things out by themselves...you work alongside them. After all, who knows your product and market better than YOU? If you’re already an expert, it doesn’t make sense to pay a copywriter to become an expert too. Instead, why not just join forces? copywriter-business-man-working-together Let me start by saying this approach does involve some writing, but it’s not as hard as you think. All you have to do is transmit your ideas on to the paper and let the copywriter refine them. Easy peasy.
    This is what we’ve been doing recently inside the Copywriting Course Member Forums, and we’ve gotten some crazy results (we’ll get to those in sec). First, let me show you what this “work together” process actually looks like... Step 1. A Copywriting Course Member goes through the video lessons to learn how to write good copy (Time to complete: ~1 hour for “Quick Start Course”) copywriting course member watches videos   Step 2. They use what they learned to take a stab at writing their own copy. (Time to complete: 30 minutes) Copywriting Course members write Step 3. They submit their copy to the forum for professional copywriting feedback (Time to complete: Feedback usually given within 24 hours) copywriting course member submit for feedback Step 4. They rewrite their copy based on the feedback (Time to complete: ~1 hour depending on suggestions) copywriting course rewrite Step 5. Copy goes live for testing! kopywriting Kourse member goes live So instead of waiting weeks (or months) for a copywriter to finish your project, you can essentially have it done—and start seeing results—in a matter of days. Here are some results we’ve gotten so far from our “Work Together” approach…  

    “Work Together” Copywriting Results

    As you’re about to see, sometimes the only thing we need to do is tweak some text and images—it doesn’t take much work, but it gets BIG results. Check these out:  

    Joyce: Helps Musicians Grow Their Business

    Before: 1.77% conversion rate. After Round 1 edits/testing: 6.21% conversion rate. After Round 2 edits/testing: 12.84% conversion rate. Joyce has a website that helps musicians be more creative and productive. She wanted help increasing her email capture conversion rate on her homepage. After following our advice in the KK forums, her conversion increased from 1.77% to 12.84%. copywriting course results joyce    

    Jessica: Amazon Seller

    Before: Product listing converting at 18%. After: Product listing converting at 25%. That’s 3-4 extra units sold per day. Jessica runs an Amazon store and wanted help optimizing one of her product listings. After chatting with us in the forums and tweaking her page, Jessica’s conversion rate jumped from 18% to 25%—boosting sales by and extra 3-4 units per day. copywriting course results jessica  

    Erica: Sells Leads To Lawyers

    Before: 15% of the lawyer contacted wanted more information. After: 27% were interested! Erica owns websites that generate leads for lawyers. She is using cold outreach to find lawyers interested in “renting” these leads. After helping her fine-tune her cold emails, she’s been getting a great response. After her first round of outreach, 15% of the lawyer contacted wanted more information. We tweaked her email, tried again, and 27% were interested! copywriting course results erica  

    Rob: Helps Psychologists Find New Patients

    Rob helps psychologists connect with new patients via his gifted testing directory website. After helping him design a plan in the KK forums, he sent out 12 cold emails as a test, and ended up landing a new $299/year subscriber! He can now systematize this and keep getting more customers with these emails. copywriting course rob results  

    Killer Kopy That Doesn’t Break the Bank:

    As you can see, sometimes it’s simply not necessary to hire a copywriter to write for you. The secret to getting more results for less money is letting a copywriter work WITH you instead of FOR you.

    If you need copy written for your business and don’t have a huge budget, head on over to the Copywriting Course.

    Sincerely, The Copywriting Course
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