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    Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

    Getting older young to old

    If you're a business owner, where do you see this going?

    What's the 5 year goal/plan?

    If you're a freelancer, where do you see this going?

    What's the 5 year goal/plan?

    If you're an employee at a company, where do you see this going?

    What's the 5 year goal/plan?

    If you're something else, where do you see this going?

    What's the 5 year goal/plan?

    I ask because I always have a tough time with this question. I may know a certain number for FU Money in my head or things like that, but I don't quite know a 5 year plan. It would be really interesting to see other people's 5 year goals/plans!


    Neville Medhora - Short Term Thinker



    P.S. Lemme know in the comments where you see yourself in 5 years, I'm super curious what other people's true motivations are!

     (Feel free to use a fake name if needed)

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    Guest Ed Escueta


    In 5 years, I'm able to grow our sales and scale my graphic design agency and to improve my copywriting skills so that I can write / re-write the sales copy on our website. Possibly to accept copywriting projects as well.
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    Some sort of exit of my e-commerce and software business, not figured out the detail yet!

    I'd then maybe look at consulting for those looking to do what I've done..

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    Guest Dennis Kian L. Paras


    Develop a digital nomad skill set that allows me to help small businesses from around the world. Then get back to a global tech startup and do something that benefits society  while still be able to pay the bills and still maintaining a consulting/freelance work for small businesses
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    Guest Gary Medd


    Complete my masters in Emergency Medicine, get a license and work as a specialist 3 times a week. Along the road write several of feature/pilot screenplays that I’ll sell for production and wait until they’ll make it till the big screen.

    That would be sweet.


    and thank you for kickass motivation and spirit Neville

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    I tell you in five years. Bye!

    Seriously, quit my job and have my own thriving online personal coaching business forevaahhh!! ! 😊

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    Guest John Bullock


    Well, right now, I am broke, unemployed, in the process of divorce and living with my mother, so I have no way to go but up.  In five years, I will own a house, I will be financially independent and debt free and preparing for early retirement and travel.

    I am not sitting on my ass and letting everything fall apart.  See you at the top of the mountain.

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    Work as a freelance consultant in marketing and strategic management. Have a diversified portfolio of clients and earn well enough to see my loved ones happy, and their needs all met.

    I'm hoping something like 500K USD a year minimum.

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    Ideally quitting my corporate jobs in the next 12-24 months and managing my own business making 500k per year within 5 years.
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    Improve my copywriting skills and become a fully fledged freelance copywriter. Maybe take consulting jobs but I want to master copywriting as part of marketing skill first.
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    Guest Drew Johnson


    My plan in the next 5 years:

    Put all my money from the sale of my company into retirement savings. Live below my means and purchase a duplex so that I can rent out one side and live in the other. With the income from my other rentals, my living expenses will be covered. I will then work on making my other businesses as automated as possible so I can work on other projects as I see fit.

    Overall my goal is to spend money on things I enjoy and reduce expenses in other spots so I can enjoy the freedom of working for myself.

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    Guest New Hampshire Man


    1 Year : Make some dough online.

    5 Years : Make enough to replace my day job salary.

    10 Years : Invest in real estate.

    Life : Acquire enough revenue generating assets so my family can live comfortably for eternity.

    Boom !

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    Guest Neville Medhora


    Oh nice Ed! Have you seen graphic design models like DesignPickle.com? I have mixed feelings about that monthly model, but it does seem interesting.

    There's a lot of agencies moving to that model like listed here: https://servicelist.io

    If you ever need help with any copywriting stuff, remember that in the Office Hours we do everyone gets personalized time with me over the course of 6 months!

    Best of luck Ed :)

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    Guest Neville Medhora


    Oh wow, that's pretty specific Dennis! What skills are you looking to do remotely?

    I'd say either: Wordpress design, copywriting, programming etc could be good matches for remote work.

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    Guest Neville Medhora


    Great plan Gary! One suggestion I learned from Neil Strauss is to ALWAYS HAVE A HARD PENCIL-DOWN DEADLINE for any book (or screenplay) you plan to write.

    This is the ONLY way it'll ever get done! Best of luck....lemme know your first deadline :)

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    Grow my current info product business from making a good living for myself to where there is a team in place that takes care of 75% of the work.

    My other time will be spent on running a different business with lower revenue potential but a lot higher social value in the food/agriculture space.

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    Guest Neville Medhora


    Hahahaha, do you have a solid plan in place for it Thom??  Five years is a LONG TIME! You can acquire a lot of skills in that amount of time.
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    Guest Neville Medhora


    Whoa....sounds like you've got some work to do John....fortunately 5 years is a lot of time!

    Hope you have a nice plan in place with long-term and short-term goals to complete this. Best of luck on the climb back up :)

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    Guest Neville Medhora


    Nice! Well, it depends which Forbes list:

    The Forbes List of Most Wanted Criminals??? 😛

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    Guest Neville Medhora


    Very cool Kelly! You should map out a solid 5 year plan of how you can make that happen.
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    Guest Neville Medhora


    Interesting....what if at your corporate job you made $500,000/yr? Would that change anything?

    A lot of people assume I think jobs suck, butI'm a huge fan of GOOD JOBS.


    .....I think starting a business is awesome also, but I know many people who work for great companies who make a ton of money PLUS have the security of a larger company.

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    Guest Neville Medhora


    Oh very nice Eddy.

    One suggestion: The way to accelerate any freelance career is to be associated with some big names first.

    So for example if you worked for Facebook in marketing or something, your value would be much higher in the freelance world than if you only worked for no-name clients.

    This is kind of like "resume-building" for freelancers.

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