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      • August 01, 2024
        Office Hours:
        Thursday, August 1st, 2024, 2:00pm CST
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        Ask a question for the next office hours so we can discuss it live:

        These questions will be prepared, looked over, and answered live on the call!
      • August 08, 2024
        Office Hours:
        Thursday, August 8th, 2024, 2:00pm CST
        Join URL:
        Ask a question for the next office hours so we can discuss it live:

        These questions will be prepared, looked over, and answered live on the call!
      • August 15, 2024
        Office Hours:
        Thursday, August 15th, 2024, 2:00pm CST
        Join URL:
        Ask a question for the next office hours so we can discuss it live:

        These questions will be prepared, looked over, and answered live on the call!


    I stole the most stupidly simple template from Neville. It's made starting drafts for my ghostwriting clients 10x easier. If nothing else, it reminds me to think in the AIDA copywriting format. Don't overcomplicate it if you don't have to. 
    - Gus Tiffer

    I launched my newsletter this week! I could never have done it without your feedback and guidance!

    I'm learning so much about persuasive writing and marketing. It's even helping me be a better communicator and more persuasive in my personal life.

    Thanks for your help editing my cold email. It's done better than I'd hoped for!

    I'm learning so much more than traditional copywriting. I'm also learning about marketing and how to promote myself to get gigs.

    Neville's Copywriting Course did not just help me with copywriting, it also entertained me along the way! This helped me learn even faster and apply what I learn in my freelancing business. I go through the course once a year and have "This Book Will Teach You How To Write Better" in my office for quick reference.


    I'm learning so many tricks to make my writing more persuasive and impactful! I'm seeing results already in more social media engagement and better responses to our Facebook ads.


    I was a member of KK/CC for a year or 2. We really benefited from your and the forum's copywriting advice prior to launching our website at hipswan.com. Specifically, advising us to add text overlays to our product images that point out the differentiating features of our socks. The idea of telling the story of the product through images is key. Our CVR now hovers around 5-6% and we just passed 10,000 orders (qualifying us for the entry-level Shopify award).


    Neville's Copywriting Course turns learning into an adventure with its engaging storytelling and copywriting techniques. It's so enjoyable, you can't help but dive in! You'll master the PAS and AIDA frameworks with plenty of examples.

    The key takeaways? Keep it casual, as if chatting with a friend over a drink; make it meaningful—your reader’s time is precious; and always stand out. A huge thanks for the invaluable feedback on my emails and pages over the years—they've reached thousands!



    When I started out as a copywriter, Neville's Copywriting Course and Office Hours were priceless. His advice helped me at every stage of the business, from reaching out to clients, proposing projects, and then completing the actual copy work deliverables. Over 5 years later, I still come back to his resources throughout the year when I need the right template or framework. Most importantly, Neville teaches a mindset about copywriting and business that has helped me focus on what works, and not overcomplicate things.


    The course work is relevant, comprehensive and easy to understand. The mentors are supportive and knowledgeable. I'm so glad I joined.

    Best response yet from a Facebook ad! Thanks for the critiques and feedback! You guys helped me build a hugely effective ad!

    We had an amazing response to our last email. Thanks for the feedback and rewrites!

    This is such an awesome course! I'm learning so much about marketing as well as copywriting. I'm seeing all the mistakes I've made in the past and learning how to correct them! 

    The LinkedIn post we made in Office Hours was our best performing ever. Can we make more?


    Thanks for the support, accountability and valuable feedback!

    The rewrites and critiques on my copy are pure gold!

    This course and the mentors here are helping me rebuild my medical practice with better copy and more effective marketing.

    Thank you for helping me get my first copywriting gig!

    This course material is the best I've seen so far compared to other copywriting courses.

    Q1 has been great for us at Synesthesia. We're gone from strength to strength with subject lines and CTAs. Just one example: now at 4,000 new YouTube subscribers a month because of it. Your advice has been, as always, phenomenal.

    My LinkedIn content is attracting more engagement. Thank you for the rewrites and feedback!

    I'm learning so much from this community, Neville, and the courses. Best of all is the feedback I get on my writing. 

    My Insta followers are growing because of my improved posts and strategies. Thank you for the feedback and great marketing ideas!

    The social media post you helped us to make got over 1,000 impressions which is 5x more than we normally get!
    - CS

    I really appreciate the feedback on promoting my book. It's making a huge difference!

    Our engagement is up on LinkedIn. I couldn't have done it without the support, feedback and rewrites of the mentors on this site. You guys are amazing!

    The insights and tips in this course are amazing. They're short yet comprehensive. Entertaining yet packed with wisdom and insight!

    Thanks for all your help, Susana. I feel much better about the messaging of my video script now!!

    Better copywriting is making a huge difference in all our marketing outreach. Thanks for the feedback and brilliant courses!

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