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      • September 17, 2024
        Office Hours:
        Thursday, September 17th, 2024, 2:00pm CST
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        Ask a question for the next office hours so we can discuss it live:

        These questions will be prepared, looked over, and answered live on the call!
      • October 03, 2024
        Office Hours:
        Thursday, October 3rd, 2024, 2:00pm CST
        Join URL:
        Ask a question for the next office hours so we can discuss it live:

        These questions will be prepared, looked over, and answered live on the call!


    Your amazing edits and marketing suggestions have more than covered the price of this course!

    We helped re-write product pages for an online pattern company.

    Awesome rewrites on my sales emails, guys. They're getting much better results.

    Thanks for helping me outline my upcoming ebook. Having this outline will really help!

    We re-wrote KH's sales and follow-up emails.

    We helped GW fine-tune their company's first case study.

    Love getting different perspectives here, they help so much! Thank you all 🙏

    We helped YP rewrite his cold email sequence.

    I'm learning the secrets of a great sales letter. Great edits, guys! Thank you.

    Phenomenal marketing insights, guys! You really keep me on my feet. I'm becoming a better copywriter and marketer every day.

    Thank you for helping me rewrite the copy for my website. It's so much better now.

    We helped GF with a rewrite for his course landing page.

    AR got an entire job listing application re-written and punched up for a major company as Director of Content.


    The email (with your great edits) led my customers to write more product reviews. Yay! Thank you.

    I love your edits for my Facebook ad. And great design suggestions also!

    We helped KJ fine-tune Facebook ads for his real estate business. 

    Wow the subject line "There's something you need to know..." got 19% open rate 5 minutes after sending. At this rate it may be my highest opened other than "welcome."  My average is 36.6% opens.

    Thank you for your positive feedback. I really appreciate it.

    We help WN fine-tune her blogs before she posts them.

    Thank you for the great edits, Johnny, I so appreciate your gift of whittling!

    We helped GK write an auto response sequence to turn her leads into customers.

    Thanks for the useful suggestions, Dan. 

    Thank you for the excellent feedback. Greatly appreciated. 

    Thanks everyone for all the feedback.

    MB got his entire cold email re-written, some great marketing feedback, and is already seeing results. 

    RP got an entire cold email to finance companies re-written in the forum.

    My copywriting gets better with every one of your edit. Thanks for showing me the ropes, guys!

    Oh, wow! Thanks for the feedback. You nailed it!

    Your edits and marketing suggestions are so on point! I feel like I have my own personal marketing/copywriting team!

    Thanks, Dan and Johnny, for the great edits! Thanks for making my copy sizzle!

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