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      • September 17, 2024
        Office Hours:
        Thursday, September 17th, 2024, 2:00pm CST
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        Ask a question for the next office hours so we can discuss it live:

        These questions will be prepared, looked over, and answered live on the call!
      • October 03, 2024
        Office Hours:
        Thursday, October 3rd, 2024, 2:00pm CST
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        Ask a question for the next office hours so we can discuss it live:

        These questions will be prepared, looked over, and answered live on the call!


    I am learning so much. Not just about copywriting, but about marketing and business too. So glad to be here!

    Thanks for the headline rewrite on my Facebook ad. It's tripled the click through rate!

    We helped re-write an email for LG, and she got her first response back from one of the clients!

    Thank you for your feedback and this amazing community. I'm so glad I found you guys!

    Great feedback and marketing suggestions. Thank you, guys, for helping me grow my business.

    Wow. Incredible advice and suggestions. You guys constantly keep me on my toes. Learning so much!

    Thanks, Michael, for the great content suggestions. I was really stuck!

    Solid business advice, guys. This solopreneur really appreciates you!

    Thank you, Johnny and Dan, for the great feedback for my LinkedIn outreach. I've been getting responses!

    Thanks for the amazing rewrite of my sales letter! 

    AG just got his entire cold email pitch for a large webinar company re-written.


    Thanks for your input on my ebook. Great suggestions for marketing it also!

    Thanks for the brilliant edits on my autoresponder. I could not have done it without you guys!

    Thanks so much for the good solid business advice. 

    Thanks so much for your always prompt and terrifically helpful edits and suggestions.

    With the help of the amazing moderators and admins on this forum, I've been testing Facebook ad campaigns and getting pretty good results.

    Hey, guys, I loved your feedback the last time round. You totally optimized my Facebook ad!

    Susana, thanks for 🙏 for ALWAYS keeping me honest with my content, context and flow! Your suggestions are priceless.

    Thanks for sharing all your Marketing 🌟 Magic with us, Neville!

    Hey, Michael and Johnny, you guys are soooo good! Your copywriting "prescriptions" are just what the doctor ordered!!!

    Great critiques. Great marketing and copywriting tips!

    Hey, Johnny. Thanks for your great headline suggestions!

    We helped MH optimize the marketing plan and copy for his online business website. 


    Thank you for your brilliant feedback. I'm learning so much about how to improve my writing!

    Thanks for your support and suggestions, guys. My video scripts are getting better and better!

    Thank you, Michael and Johnny, for your rewrite suggestions. You're helping me become a better copywriter.

    @Johnny @Dan - Copywriting Course @Susana Crofton thanks so much for the guidance.

    I changed up the copy a bit to polish the bullet points and put a bit more detail into the story portion.

    My list is used to longer emails as I write about 1,000 words every Friday with an average 28% open rate.

    I did want to give some numbers on this email.  It went out this morning 9/8/2021 @ 9:15 AM EST

    Details as of 9/8/2021 @5:55 PM EST

    Sent to 12,976 people
    Open Rate:  20.5%
    Click Rate: 1.8%
    Purchases: 19 of a $597 product

    I expect that to go up a bit over the next day or so and I will resend to unopeneds with a different subject in about 48 hours.

    On the next email before close this Sunday I will use a visual as @Dan - Copywriting Course suggested.

    Again, just wanted to thank you all for taking the time to help me

    Thanks Dan. You have really good suggestions! It's making a huge difference in my click-through rates!

    Thanks for the great edits and catching the typos. I'd be lost without you guys!

    Being new I feel it's essential that I get feedback on my pieces. It's hard to get better if you don't know what you're doing wrong.

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