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    • Upcoming Events

      • September 12, 2024
        Office Hours:
        Thursday, September 12th, 2024, 2:00pm CST
        Join URL:
        Ask a question for the next office hours so we can discuss it live:

        These questions will be prepared, looked over, and answered live on the call!
      • September 17, 2024
        Office Hours:
        Thursday, September 17th, 2024, 2:00pm CST
        Join URL:
        Ask a question for the next office hours so we can discuss it live:

        These questions will be prepared, looked over, and answered live on the call!
      • September 26, 2024
        Office Hours:
        Thursday, September 26th, 2024, 2:00pm CST
        Join URL:
        Ask a question for the next office hours so we can discuss it live:

        These questions will be prepared, looked over, and answered live on the call!


    "Thank you, Dan, for your insightful feedback. Once again you've helped me write strong and persuasive copy!"
    — J.B.

    "Great edits from all of you! Just when I think my copy is as good as it can be, you guys make it better!"
    — B.R.

    "Wow! Thank you for this re-write! It looks much better! It's finally an email I feel confident sending out. Thank you!"
    — H.C.

    "Thanks very much for all your great feedback. You guys rock. I'm so glad I found this course!"
    — D.W.

    "Thank you everyone for the great feedback! I've implemented most of your ideas and we're getting a much better response rate on our sales emails."
    — S.A.

    RI got his whole first autoresponder email re-written inside the forum area today!

    "I'm learning so much from all of you copy gurus! 🙂  Having my work critiqued by you guys is the best part of this course!"
    — H.C.

    "Our emails are doing sooooo much better from everything I've learned here. We regularly get 30-40%+ open rates!"
    — H.C.

    "I wanted to give a massive shout out to the team: Neville, Dan, Susana and Johnny for all your feedback, comments and advice. And for making me a better copywriter, sales person and psychologist."
    — M.C.

    "Love your feedback. Thanks Dan!:)"
    — T.C.

    "Thank you, Dan and Johnny. Your feedback is so helpful because it shows me how I can improve. I look forward to more critiques."
    — C.H.

    "You have a fab community that is very SUPPORTIVE!  Personally, the hands-on office hours and follow-up outside of office hour are hands down the best in the eCourse industry! (you can quote me on that 😉)"
    — F.P.

    Thank you @Dan - Copywriting Course and @Johnny your feedback is exciting because I now know where I can approve. I look forward to more critique!" --CH

    SL got a flipping blog post and email re-done, with some good guidance given, right on the forum. 


    AI got a "review email" completely re-written and optimized for getting reviews.

    MG got an entire email re-written and re-organized on the forum, and also several ideas for the next emails she's sending.

    "Thank you, Dan! This is exactly what I was looking for. It's the piece that was missing in my marketing strategy."
    — R.G.

    "I just joined Copywriting Course a few days ago. It was recommended to me because of the community. I'm really liking it. I'm so glad I joined. Thank you Dan, Susana and Johnny for your great feedback and rewrite ideas for my sales letter!"
    — A.D.


    "Awesome, thanks for the tips, guys! And I appreciate the re-write on my sales letter!"
    — O.M.

    "This sales letter is so much better now Susana! Thank you. Great edits."
    — N.H.

    PE got a massive amount of advice for growing an email newsletter from 2K to 10K in the Office Hours today.

    JZ got an application essay to a very large financial firm reviewed and changed up drastically for the better!

    MR got a home page copy revamped and image advice for their upcoming SaaS product launch.

    FP got her complete letter to influencers re-written right on Office Hours today.

    "My copywriting is already getting better. A community to grow in has been all I was missing. You guys rock!"
    — S.R.

    "Thank you for your great edits. My landing page is so much more effective now!"
    — M.N.

    LE got his entire local flyer re-written inside the members area.

    "Thanks for the feedback and suggestions! I'm getting more responses to my sales emails than I ever did before!"
    — N.S.

    MM just got his about page completely re-written from head-to-toe. We added a different title, simplified some of the text, added bullet points, and mocked up the "subscribe" section.

    "I love the criticism. It's helped me grow as a writer. This community has provided something I lacked for a long time: well founded constructive feedback."
    — J.M.

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