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    • Upcoming Events

      • August 01, 2024
        Office Hours:
        Thursday, August 1st, 2024, 2:00pm CST
        Join URL:
        Ask a question for the next office hours so we can discuss it live:

        These questions will be prepared, looked over, and answered live on the call!
      • August 08, 2024
        Office Hours:
        Thursday, August 8th, 2024, 2:00pm CST
        Join URL:
        Ask a question for the next office hours so we can discuss it live:

        These questions will be prepared, looked over, and answered live on the call!
      • August 15, 2024
        Office Hours:
        Thursday, August 15th, 2024, 2:00pm CST
        Join URL:
        Ask a question for the next office hours so we can discuss it live:

        These questions will be prepared, looked over, and answered live on the call!


    "Hey Dan and Susana ... I wanted to take a moment to say thank you for all of your coaching and advice alongside Neville over the past few months. This is my first cold email message that doesn’t require any major edits (and it took me about 10 minutes to write)."
    — H.J.

    We helped K.J. edit her slide deck.

    "Great point Dan! I'll re-work that slide. Thanks 🙂"
    — K.J.

    We helped S.R. with his sales letter.

    "Amazing feedback, thank you Susana. I'll take your feedback and make some tweaks."
    — S.R.

    We gave B.C. feedback on his sales page.

    "Dan, thank you. Great guidance."
    — B.C.


    "Susana, I love, love the rewrite. Thank you so much! I will continue to adjust, based on what my client says, but with your permission I'd like to use this version to build on."
    — S.K.

    We helped G.M. rewrite a blog post.

    "Here's the final draft - shipping it today. Thanks for all the feedback - it was super helpful. 🙂 "
    — G.M.

    We helped P.R. rewrite and reformat his sales page.

    "To keep you update and to THANK YOU ALL!!!!!  Since making your recommended changes on February 17th, we got a 120% conversion increase!!"
    — P.R.

    We gave G.L. feedback and suggestions for a sales page.

    "Thanks for the input! The copy is so much stronger now!"
    — G.L.

    We helped Y.R. reformat a blog.

    "Hi, I completed a rewrite and reorganization based on Susana's recommendations.  Thanks Susana!"
    — Y.R.

    We helped G.M. polish up show notes for her podcast.

    "Thank you for helping me take my writing to the next level.  I appreciate your time. I'll give this another go."
    — G.M.

    We helped P.K. with a cold email draft.

    "Interesting insight! Thanks! I'll rework this letter. I've just finished module 2, so I'm determined to apply what I've learned."
    — P.K.

    We gave G.C. some suggestions for a landing page on his website.

    "Thanks Johnny! It makes a lot of sense. I am going to adjust it."
    — G.C.

    M.P. received lots of great suggestions for his follow-up email.

    "Amazing response from you all. Thanks!"
    — M.P.

    We helped S.H. format his Medium article.

    "Thank you Neville. I appreciate your help and advice!"
    — S.H.

    We helped M.V. rewrite a current blog.

    "I really appreciate your gift of being able to perfectly convey the sentiments I sometimes have difficulty putting on paper."
    — M.V.

    MS is adding her experience in this course in her book.

    We provided H.D. with writing idea and rewrites.

    "Thank you, Dan, for your help!"
    — H.D.

    We helped H.N. rewrite a cold email.

    "That's great feedback, Susana. I appreciate your help rewriting it with me!"
    — H.N.

    "I appreciate all the help and feedback in 2020. It's paid off big time. I'll be posting more "help" Cold Emails soon."
    — H.J.

    We helped M.T. revise her website.

    "Thanks guys! You're the best!"
    — M.T.

    We helped A.H. rewrite a cold email.

    "Thank you for the feedback, Dan and Susana! This sounds so much better!"
    — A.H.

    We helped M.P. rewrite a sales letter.

    "Dan thank you! This is much better."
    — M.P.

    We helped B.E. rewrite a lead magnet.

    "Thanks for the great feedback guys!"
    — B.E.

    We helped M.R. with a newsletter email:

    "Thank you Dan and Susana, these are great ideas that capture the essence of what I'm trying to say. I'm going to try variations of all three of them out over the next few weeks."
    — M.R.

    We helped M.D. improve his sales page.

    "Wow, thanks so much for this, Neville and Dan. Fantastic - thanks so much! Really appreciate your help!"
    — M.D.

    We helped S.D. rewrite and reposition the message on his landing page.

    "Thanks for your advice and decisive edits, Susana – they’ve helped me a lot. I feel the text has much more imperative now. 😀"
    — S.D.

    We provided marketing guidance and a rewrite for N.T.'s prospecting campaign.

    "Thank you very much Johnny and Susana. Not only great comments but also great work on the rewrites 👍"
    — N.T.


    We helped D.W. tighten up the copy for a cold email.

    "Hey Susana, thanks a lot for the tips! It makes total sense to be more specific. It reads so much better now."
    — D.W.

    We helped G.M. with some edits on her newsletter.

    "Thanks for all the help on this one. 🙂"
    — G.M.

    We helped D. M. rewrite an Instagram post.

    "Neville, NOW we know why you're El Jefe! This TOTALLY hits the mark.🎯 One of my specialties is actually numerology! So BINGO, and grazie!🙏"
    — D. M.

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