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      • May 23, 2024
        Office Hours:
        Thursday, May 23rd, 2024, 2:00pm CST
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        Ask a question for the next office hours so we can discuss it live:

        These questions will be prepared, looked over, and answered live on the call!
      • May 30, 2024
        Office Hours:
        Thursday, May 30th, 2024, 2:00pm CST
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        These questions will be prepared, looked over, and answered live on the call!
      • June 06, 2024
        Office Hours:
        Thursday, June 6th, 2024, 2:00pm CST
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        Ask a question for the next office hours so we can discuss it live:

        These questions will be prepared, looked over, and answered live on the call!


    After sending out two emails Dan helped me write I’ve made all my money back and then some from this course. Thanks again for creating this community. It’s been extremely helpful as a scrappy first time business owner! -SO

    Completed all tasks on the local listing:
    - Posted more pics - done
    - Trip advisor registration and pics, profile - done
    - Requested customers to post google reviews - done
    - Taking notes and reviewing videos 'real local business advice' - done

    After 1 month of FB ads testing the front end is doing as follows:
    - 30% ROI.
    - 150 new customers.
    - Landing page converts at 2% to cold traffic (increased to 3-4% lately, thanks)!
    - 42% take the upsell.

    You have no idea how much I need this kind of input! Thank you so so so much! I will definitely use this. -JL

    Thank you guys for guiding me. You asked me to write anything, 10 articles. Here are 3 of them. One minute reading each is my goal. I will complete all 10 before New Year. Joining this class was the BEST decision in 2020! -RJW

    So far I have finished my first sales page in English, my first FB ad and I have first sales (3 so far) I greatly appreciate help. -TJ

    Conversion shot up to 3-4% after changing the format with your comments! -MF

    SE got a new slide format for his content presentations done right inside the forum.

    RC already got some great advice on how to spruce up their popular fruit stand with simple local SEO tactics.

    I started posting student case studies as recommended & they've gotten some responses already! -CS

    This community is amazing! -WS

    I love you guys!!! So responsive! 🙂-HS

    I am genuinely stoked to have joined the member's area on your website. I get little bouts of excitement every time I log in or just think about it.

    There's only so much you can learn by reading about writing (LOL). That's why your approach is just amazing.

    Because you do what all these fancy copywriting courses preach (but don't really practice): you SHOW instead of telling. That is of more value that any 700-page course packed with theory. Not to mention the review system you have in place, which again, is worth more than any hardcore course. -AF

    Just letting you know I've got a decent amount of my clients from your Office Hours alone! - SM

    Just wanted to let you know the Copywriting Course was hands down the best value and impact investment I made in 2020.

    Tough to beat real connection, real feedback, and real access to you and other pros.

    Oh and results. I’ve gained 1 partner and at least 3 high-ticket clients because of my time in CC. Not to mention more sales and more client sales from higher-converting ad copy. Plus seeing you in action every couple weeks has made me a better consultant. -KG

    Thanks so much for all the feedback! I am so happy to be here. I've learned so much here already and plan to get even more involved! Very much appreciate the insights! - LD

    I wanted to share the first email we drafted in the bootcamp. I turned out to be a success!

    I took the idea of using Canva from Dan and I ended up using GlorifyApp which is also nice 🙂

    I just wanted to say thank you guys!. The next email comes out tomorrow and we will see how it does! -MT

    MA scripted out a full video in the forum, made it, and got 1,000+ views in 1 day!

    From the content I had 138 and as of now I'm 424. My views are up a lot more too. I was around 1,500 and now I'm over 25k! -HK

    Got our first client from one of the emails you helped us write. It's our first official client with this new messaging. Thank you! -JA

    Thanks again everyone for your help - this community has already been well worth the money! -JT

    spacer.pngNeville This is awesome, the amount of ideas from the tools is insanely many. Mind blowing.

    - Dang Quang Nguyen

    I found out about Copywriting Course through a Facebook Group. It's had a huge impact on my work life. If you're a part time blogger, it might help you take the leap. -KV

    I've been binge-watching Copywriting Course, absolutely loveee it!!

    This is by far the most supportive and helpful community I've ever been part of. -CC

    I feel incredibly supported by this community... tears in my eyes with joy - incredibly supported... Thank you! -JA

    I randomly came across this course on Google and it changed my life. I didn’t just learn how to write compelling copy — I learned how to effectively communicate my thoughts in any situation in a way that appealed to other people’s wants and needs.

    It also taught me how to write emails properly. The same email techniques that helped get Tucker Max, Casey Neistat and the founder of WeWork to speak at Hustle Con. It was a low-time-investment, yet super-high-return for me.

    There are 5 books/courses/other things out there that I claim actually changed my life. This is one of them.

    -Sam Parr 

    spacer.pngHi Neville, your tips helped me get much better response rates on surveys (22% response rate now whereas before I was getting 10%). The change I made? Wrote in simple, human language rather than a business tone. I also feel better sending a message that’s more casual. Feels more human. 😊 Thank you!  - Eddy Malik

    This course has been awesome! It has helped me:

    ⇨ Gain new subscribers.
    ⇨ Make money.
    ⇨ Discover SEO and pander to inner geek 🙂
    ⇨ and…. most importantly…. realize how much I actually love writing!

    So yeah, thank you Neville 🙂

    Joyce Kettering
    Mad Lass Music

    "I have rewritten almost everything on our website thanks to your Copywriting Course."  

    spacer.pngHi Neville, I am the Marketing Communications Assistant and aspiring copywriter at my company. I have rewritten almost everything on our website thanks to your Copywriting Course.  - Andrew Gabbert

    spacer.pngNeville, Just completed the Copywriting Course. Thank you for doing that by the way. I‘ve read the Boron Letters, and various other bits and pieces of other copywriting books. Your course, for me, was the best thing that I‘ve been through so far. I‘m a visual learner so it was super helpful to get a chance to see you displaying your “skillz” live…or as close to live as a recorded video can get.

    -Trenton Switzer - Roof Sales Mastery

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