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    • Upcoming Events

      • August 01, 2024
        Office Hours:
        Thursday, August 1st, 2024, 2:00pm CST
        Join URL:
        Ask a question for the next office hours so we can discuss it live:

        These questions will be prepared, looked over, and answered live on the call!
      • August 08, 2024
        Office Hours:
        Thursday, August 8th, 2024, 2:00pm CST
        Join URL:
        Ask a question for the next office hours so we can discuss it live:

        These questions will be prepared, looked over, and answered live on the call!
      • August 15, 2024
        Office Hours:
        Thursday, August 15th, 2024, 2:00pm CST
        Join URL:
        Ask a question for the next office hours so we can discuss it live:

        These questions will be prepared, looked over, and answered live on the call!


    We helped M.V. tighten up some copy on her website.

    "Susana, once again, YOU ROCK THE HOUSE with your vibrant finishing touches...🎶"
    — M. V.

    We helped G.J. with a rewrite for his cold email.

    "Thanks Dan. I like the warmer feel. Much better than my version."
    — G.J.

    We gave M.V. some guidance in rewording her website to make it more engaging and user-friendly,

    "I so appreciate all your edits. It's so much better now! Thank you."
    — M.V.

    We helped BC tighten up his cold email.

    "I really appreciate the quick response, and the thorough review. Your polish on the email copy is so good, it read so much better. Thank you."
    — BC

    We provided editing ideas on one of BV's blogs. 

    "You are such a wonderful teacher, Susana. I so appreciate the fact that you always explain the "why" not just provide the "how"...it means a lot!"
    — BV

    We helped WC rewrite a follow-up email.

    "Thank you for your detailed help!  You guys are the best."
    — WC

    We helped SB with his articles for Medium.

    "Thank you for your valuable advice. Let me go back to drawing board and structure my articles. 

    Once again I appreciate your help and input making my learning experience better every-time!"
    — SB

    We helped MP fine tune one of his follow up emails.

    "Thank you Dan and Susana, I'm getting a lot more responses now! And some customers."
    — MP

    GM and so many others appreciate and use our feedback.

    "Susana, thank you for the feedback. I'll make the changes. 🙂"
    — GM

    We helped MV with a rewrite on her website.

    "Oh, Susana, what would I do without your amazing insight? As always, brilliantly reviewed/organized and written so mmmmmuch better."
    — MV

    "I very much enjoyed the Office Hours! it was fun to see Neville rebuild folks stuff by asking questions, pulling out their own words, and organizing them into a cohesive message. Also the interaction and suggestions that ping back and forth. All nicely supportive, too. I like to see work improved in a way that the original writer gets to feel good about it. 

    Thumbs up!"
    — TA

    On our advice, JK took a not-so-great presentation, spent $30 to get it revised on Fiverr, and it came back ultra professional!

    JJ got his first blog up and is posting content already. 

    We gave BD suggestions for improving his website.

    "Thanks again Susana — another update here with your recommendations and trying to incorporate what Neville suggested.

    It feels like the tweaking could be endless but I'm learning so much in the process. Really love all the guidance on this thread - thankyouthankyouthankyou 😊"
    — BD

    We gave GJ some feedback and suggestions for his brochure.

    "Great feedback thanks!"
    — GJ

    We gave CJ direction in creating copywriting packages.

    "Dan, YES, this helps IMMENSELY!! Thank you so much! Love this Kourse!"

    — CJ

    Hey everybody, 

    I just wanted to thank you all again for your help with this email - and everything else so far! 

    Signing-up has been a MASSIVE help so far - it's a no brainer. 

    I sent this email to 1) clients of a cheaper 4-week plan and 2) my general list. 

    I got a ~10% conversion on the cheaper plan!

    Thanks again!

    — TJ

    We helped CM reformat a sales email.

    "Thank you so much Susana. This is really helpful. Sounds like it's better to keep the formatting simple."
    — CM

    YES, this helps IMMENSELY!! Thank you so much! Love this Course!
    — JM

    We're helping GM fine-tune her sales email.

    "Thanks for the feedback! I'll be taking another stab at this this week. 🙂"
    — GM

    We helped LJ with some ideas for her blog.

    "Thank you Susana! 

    Great suggestions! Will come back with a more complete version. 

    Again, thank you so much!"
    — LJ

    We've helped WJ in many steps of her writer's journey. She gets better and more impressive every day! 

    "Thanks so much; I have become MORE because of this course!"
    — WJ

    We gave DR suggestions for improving his sales page.

    "Susana - awesome, thanks for such a detailed response! All great points ... I can see already how that would look better."
    — DR

    We get a lot of these!

    "GREAT FEEDBACK! Thank you."
    — SN

    We gave ES some ideas for improving his Shopify store.

    "There's nothing better than waking up to praise and "small suggestions." Thank you guys so much!"
    — ES

    "Wow! This feedback is great. I'll be implementing the changes this week. Thanks so much!"
    — ES

    We helped TB come up with new headiness for his emails.

    "Thank you Neville. The headings are a great improvement. I will implement them in my email."
    — TB

    We helped MP craft a sales letter to promote his copywriting business.

    "Awesome. Thanks for that pitch. I'll use it."
    — MP

    We gave KJ some helpful tips on SEO keywords:

    "Thank you both Dan and Neville. Super helpful! 🙂"
    — KJ

    We helped DT clean up a Facebook ad.

    "Thank you so much! This is really really helpful. I appreciate you taking the time to help me think through this and improve. THIS is an ad that I would click on."

    — DT

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