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      • August 01, 2024
        Office Hours:
        Thursday, August 1st, 2024, 2:00pm CST
        Join URL:
        Ask a question for the next office hours so we can discuss it live:

        These questions will be prepared, looked over, and answered live on the call!
      • August 08, 2024
        Office Hours:
        Thursday, August 8th, 2024, 2:00pm CST
        Join URL:
        Ask a question for the next office hours so we can discuss it live:

        These questions will be prepared, looked over, and answered live on the call!
      • August 15, 2024
        Office Hours:
        Thursday, August 15th, 2024, 2:00pm CST
        Join URL:
        Ask a question for the next office hours so we can discuss it live:

        These questions will be prepared, looked over, and answered live on the call!


    "Thank you so much for the great edit suggestions on my newspaper ad. It looks and reads so much better now. We've already gotten more calls than with our old ad."
    — G.F.

    "Thank you for the edits on my sales email. That email has already done 60% better than our original! I'm so glad I found you guys!
    — D.C.

    We helped D.S. with his sales email.

    "Thank you Neville and Dan. This letter is so much stronger now!"
    — D.S.

    "Thanks for the great feedback and editing, Susana and Dan. My email welcome sequence is now ready to go. I feel confident that it's the best it can be!"
    — G.M.

    "Thank you, Neville, I appreciate your help on this. Your version of my sales email is much shorter and more persuasive than my original. Your feedback is helping me become a better copywriter."
    — R.M.

    "Thank you all! I've been staring at this home page too long and was stuck. Thank you for the different perspective and the very useful feedback."

    — C.N.

    We helped F.G. rewrite his newspaper ad.

    "Thanks you Susana. This version is much clearer and punchier!"
    — F.G.

    We provided feedback for R.M.'s monthly email newsletter.

    "Muchly appreciated Susana. Some very solid points I will definitely take on board."
    — R.M.

    "Neville, Susana and Dan, thank you so much your amazing ongoing feedback which has helped me create better marketing material and become a better copywriter. You guys are the best."
    — S.R.

    Neville inspired me to step up my game, and, using his trusty 'how much does this actually cost me per day' calculator , I bought a new Macbook Air (replacing an 11-year-old Macbook pro). So much less hassle and time wasted.

    "Hey Team, first I just want to say a big thanks to Neville in the office hours. Last time I saw him he basically said my auto responders were poo and too salesy. And he was totally right.

    After a little cry in the shower, I knuckled and started using AIDA everyday for everything that I am writing.

    Cue 2 weeks later and I have to say (I think) it's made a huge difference to the QUALITY and HELPFULNESS of my emails."
    -- MM

    "Neville, Dan and Susana, thanks for the great feedback! I incorporated all your advice and my website is so much stronger. Email projects up next!"
    — H.C.

    "Thank you so much Dan! I'm so glad I went through this process. Your editing suggestions have made a huge difference in the responses I'm getting from my emails. Thanks again!"
    — H.F.

    "I totally appreciate and respect how reliable you guys are here, with quick responses, great feedback, and strong connection to your community."
    — R.B.

    "Thank you so much for this feedback, Dan. Your feedback is helping me write more compelling emails. Here is my latest draft. Looking forward to hearing what you think!"
    — L.C.

    "I want to thank you guys so much for helping me with your edits and your encouragement to keep up my content creation. I'm building a mailing list and it's great to see people enjoy my writing. I couldn't do this without you!"
    — M.B.

    "Johnny, Susana and Neville — cartwheels, back flips, dancing bears and fire works🎉 I TOTALLY dig allllll of your recommendations. Because of YOU, I deliver Grade A blogs!"
    — J.W.

    GB had 4 FB ads designed inside the forum, and is now testing all of them!

    "Thank you Susana and Dan. You guys have been so helpful helping me with the Facebook ad. I feel like I have my own marketing agency in my back pocket. You guys rock!"
    — R.M.

    "Just landed my first 5 figure client! This has been a goal of mine for the last few months (targeting larger businesses and consistently raising my prices). The number is cool, but mostly it just gets me excited for the future and continued growth."
    - AR

    "I got my first product listed on the AppSumo marketplace and had 5 sales last week.  That means this course pretty much paid for itself 🙂   Thanks Neville and everyone who helped me develop the product and write the sales copy!"
    — J.W.

    "Thank you Dan and Susana for your great help with my sales letter. It's working great for us."
    — H.N.

    "Thank you for your kind words about my progress. I do think my copywriting is getting better. Your edits and suggestions make a huge difference! Thank you so much Neville and the gang!"
    — N.R.

    "Thank you for your help — Dan and Neville. Our blog has started to perform really well and bringing new customers! We couldn't have done it without you!"
    — D.L.

    H.M. just joined the Copywriting Course.

    "I was originally going to sign up for the 3 month subscription but decided to go for 1 year to do exactly what you said..."run all your work by us, just post it here". Sweet deal! You guys are going to make me look good so thanks in advance 😀"
    — H.M. 

    We go Al into writing emails from the course, and he recently send out 25 cold emails and got 3 responses the first day!

    We've been providing edits and guidance with S.M.'s blogs.

    "You guys have taught me much more than just writing. I'm forever grateful and thankful that I have you in my life and on this journey!"
    — S.M.

    "Thanks a lot y'all! So much value here! Worth every penny so far!"
    — S.L.

    "Thank you so much guys for your time, attention and great suggestions. My new autoresponder is working so much better than my original version. I'm so happy I found this course!"
    — B.D.

    "This is such a great course. I love the content and the critiques. It's making me a better writer and business person. Thank you, Neville!"
    — A.C.

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