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      • September 17, 2024
        Office Hours:
        Thursday, September 17th, 2024, 2:00pm CST
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        Ask a question for the next office hours so we can discuss it live:

        These questions will be prepared, looked over, and answered live on the call!
      • October 03, 2024
        Office Hours:
        Thursday, October 3rd, 2024, 2:00pm CST
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        Ask a question for the next office hours so we can discuss it live:

        These questions will be prepared, looked over, and answered live on the call!


    The client I signed last week (a huge AdWords + Analytics project) said that he contacted (and was “already sold” on) me because he liked the “tone of writing” on my website. He said every other PPC agency sounded super-corporate with jargon he couldn’t understand, but mine was easy to understand, and he knew the benefits of what he would be getting before he called – all thanks to concepts I learned in the Copywriting Course. -NS

    Got another paying client for a $450 website project, and possibly recurring maintenance. -DW

    Posted the article we wrote in the course to Medium and got 123 claps on the same day." -AJ

    I really love your content, and have bought the course. Immediately changed ALL of my customer touch points. This email is absolutely Olympic-medal level outstanding. -PF

    The application we made for the largest startup competition in my domain (Earth Observation) is among the top finalists! -IB

    I've been MUCH more consistent with sending emails which get in the 30-40% open range right now.

    Also, our traffic continues to increase and I feel like my writing has a good flow (thanks in LARGE part to Copywriting Course and consistency). -V

    Kyle V's post is ranking #4 for a highly valued SEO term.

    Richard just got pages made inside Copywriting Course featured on several national news outlets and rankings went up massively.

    "2 months of Copywriting Course made me 23k"

    Hey guys! I just wanted to update you on the results of the B2B email campaigns we worked on.

    I sent 1000 emails to CEOs and had a 68% open rate (the highest in my entire career). The results were 7 meetings, 3 deals, and 23k in sales.

    Second wave of emails is going out tomorrow, I'll keep you in the loop.

    Thanks again! -KV

    I decided to launch a coaching program in the middle of October. I had a launch date for November 9th.

    My goal was to sell 4 spots minimum, up to a maximum of 8 students before I would stress my whole head of hair out. The Friday before we launched, I LANDED 6 CLIENTS! 6 CLIENTS THAT PAID ME FOR MY FIRST BETA COURSE.

    I almost cried. Now I am in week 2 of my program!! -CC

    For the very first time, I'm writing the copy before jumping on the design 😄-CH

    I applied the AIDA framework for the first time to a B2B sales email that someone from our sales department originally wrote. Shortly after the email was sent out, he received 5 replies which have turned into very promising leads that he is hoping to close by the end of the week (fingers crossed!).

    He was so surprised by the results. He told me he usually MIGHT receive 1 reply back to his email. The big boss even reached out to me to let me know how great the email was, and this NEVER happens where I work.

    I am so pleased with the recognition I received even though I know I have a lot of work to do before it reaches the quality of writing I aspire to create. -NB

    Dan got his article featured in Traders Daily.

    I just 50% increased my image production. -NC

    Mitch got featured in Forbes!

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