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    Got a “reflection paper” due and don’t know where to start? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Writing a reflection paper can be tricky. It’s different from your typical writing assignments. And if you don’t get it right, your grades will suffer. In this guide, I’ll not only show you how to write a reflection paper that nabs you an A+, but I’ll also teach you a process to make it as FAST and FUN as possible. Stretch out your typing fingers...and let’s get started.    

    What is a Reflection Paper?

    First things first, what exactly is a reflection paper? Well, it’s really just a personal reflection on a specific topic, usually a lecture, film, book, or idea. Though a reflection paper is a type of academic essay, it’s much less formal than other essays you write in school. You have the chance to take on a more casual tone, adopt the first-person writing style (unless stated otherwise by your teacher), and give your opinion on the chosen topic. Simply put, a reflection paper is your opinion on what you think about the chosen topic. That doesn’t mean you can wing it though. You gotta back up those opinions with EVIDENCE. reflection paper stories examples quotes That said, a reflection paper isn’t an editorial. So there’s no need to explore your topic from ALL angles or address counterarguments. Your opinion is the most important aspect of this assignment. So spend plenty of time reflecting on your thoughts on the topic before picking up the pen (or pecking away at the keyboard!). And remember... Reflection papers are more than just an assignment. They help you grow as a person. In today’s crazy world, we are bombarded by inputs all day long. Most of the time, we don’t have the capacity to stop to analyze how we feel about them. That’s where a reflection paper comes in. It forces you to sit down with your thoughts, sort out your opinions and feelings, and uncover valuable insights that help you understand the world (and yourself) better. thought lightbulb moment    

    Examples of a Reflection Paper

    Reviewing examples of effective reflection papers is a great way to get a better idea of what’s expected. As you’ll see, there are many different “styles” of reflection papers. Try to find a model that matches your assignment’s requirements. Here are a some strong examples to get your idea juices flowing (feel free to take notes): [table id=56 /] These reflection paper examples are good because…. ✅ The include specific stories from the writer’s life ✅ They start with a clear theme followed by supporting ideas ✅ They use quotes to support their thoughts, feelings, and ideas ✅ They show how the assignment inspired deep insights and personal growth However, some of them could improve by… ❌ Using simpler sentences ❌ Avoiding confusing buzzwords ❌ Clearly stating the thesis in the first paragraph ❌ Staying focused and tying each paragraph back into the thesis    

    How to Write a Reflection Paper

    Now that you’ve seen an example of a reflection paper, it’s time to learn how to write one yourself. So, let’s break down the process step-by-step and write one together.    

    Step #1.) Understand the Different Types of Reflection Papers

    The type of reflection paper you are tasked to write largely dictates the actual writing process. The three main types of reflection papers are: How To Write a Reflection Paper Because educational reflection papers are the most common, that’s the type we’ll focus on here. However, all three types of reflection papers share the same basic ideas, so you can apply the following process across the board.    

    Step #2.) Pick An Awesome Topic

    picking a topic   Normally, your teacher will assign the topic for an academic or educational reflection paper. This is often a book, film, or lecture you’ve studied in class. Your task will be to write about personal experiences that connect with the subject matter. Other times, you might be allowed to choose your own topic. Freedom is nice. But sometimes deciding on the right topic can be a stumbling block. Here are some tips to make it easier: Here are some example topics to get your juices flowing…
    • The rabbit vs. the tortoise
    • What we can learn from ants
    • Reflections on the changing seasons
    • Reflections on your hardest crying session
    • How you and your favorite superhero are alike
    • What a Disney movie has taught you about life
    • How a loved one passing away has changed your view on death
    Don’t rush through the topic selection phase. By taking time to choose a compelling subject and strong theme, you’ll have a solid foundation to build the rest of your reflective essay.    

    Step #3.) Brainstorm and Outline

    make a reflection paper Note taking is an essential part of writing an effective reflection paper. It organizes your ideas so you can crank out your final draft as fast as possible. To start, write out your theme or main reflection and how it relates to your topic. From there, jot down a list of potential supporting arguments you could use. Things like…
    • Personal stories
    • Stories you’ve heard
    • Historical events
    • Current events
    • Quotes
    • Etc.
    Remember, the idea of a reflection paper is to present your own opinions. The meat of your essay should be PERSONAL reflections. Quotes and events can strengthen your views, but they shouldn’t be the main focus. Try to list out as many ideas as you can. Later on, you can choose the best ones. When you finish, you should have a rough outline to guide your writing.    

    Step #4.) Organize Your Ideas

    reflection paper animation
    By now you should have a rough bullet list of the ideas to include in your reflection essay. Now it’s time to organize them and give it some “flow”. Here’s how to organize your outline:
    • Ask a Reflective Question – For example, “How does this subject relate to me and my feelings?” This helps set the tone and theme of your essay.
    • Create a Strong Introduction – Get straight to the point with a two or three sentence introduction that states how the subject relates to you.
    • Focus on a Thesis – Quickly introduce a thesis in the introduction that explains what you learned, why you agree/disagree, how your expectations compared to reality, etc.
    • Explain Idea in Body – Use the body of the essay to explain your thesis. Provide details and support for your thesis.
    • Wrap-Up with Conclusion – Add a short conclusion that summarizes your thoughts and feelings on the subject in two or three sentences.

    Step #5.) Write Like Crazy

    happily typing Ok, now for the fun part. You’ve got your outline locked and loaded. Now it’s time to write.


    Write as fast as you can to fill out each section. It doesn’t matter if it sounds good or not. Don’t let your fingers stop typing. Get it all out. By turning off your “writing filter” and quickly unloading everything onto the page, you’ll double your writing speed. Once you're finished, you can go back and quickly polish it up.    

    Step #6) Edit Out The Junk

    editing a document by hand Now that you’ve spilled your guts out onto the paper, let’s clean it up. As you go through the editing process, here are some things to keep in mind:
    • Be Unique – Everyone has their own style of writing a reflective essay. Don’t try to copy someone else’s style. It’s YOUR opinion, so be yourself!
    • Short and Sweet – Most reflection papers are between 250 and 750 words long. Don’t go off on tangents. Only include relevant information.
    • Clear and Concise – Make your paper as clear and concise as possible. Use a strong thesis so that keeps your essay laser-focused.
    • Maintain the Right Tone – Use a professional and academic tone, even though the writing is personal (but avoid confusing jargon)
    • Cite Your Sources – Try to cite authoritative resources and experts to back up your personal opinions.
    • Proofread – Check for spelling and grammatical errors. Remove fluff and tangents. Add transition phrases to make it flow. And make sure to answer the question presented in the introduction.
    If you followed all the tips in this article (and your assignment guidelines), you should now have an A+ reflection paper to turn in. Time to celebrate! Reflection Paper Cheat Sheet Make sure that your next reflection paper includes all the essential information with our reflection paper cheat sheet:


    • Ask Reflective Question
    • Identify the Main Theme
    • Introduce Thesis Statement


    • Explain Your Thesis
    • Discuss Personal Experience with Subject
    • Cite Resources and Experts


    • Answer the Reflective Question
    • Describe Your Overall Response to Subject
    • Conclude with Support for Your Thesis

    Additional Tips:

    • Keep it Short and Sweet
    • Ensure Clarity of Each Sentence
    • Use One New Idea for Each Paragraph
    • Maintain a Professional Tone
    • Focus on Your Thoughts and Feelings
    Keep these important organizational and writing tips in mind, and your next reflection paper will be one for the record books!
    Hope this helps! Sincerely, Mitch Glass
    mitch glass
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