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    A Copywriting Course win from Dec 06, 2020:

    I am genuinely stoked to have joined the member's area on your website. I get little bouts of excitement every time I log in or just think about it.

    There's only so much you can learn by reading about writing (LOL). That's why your approach is just amazing.

    Because you do what all these fancy copywriting courses preach (but don't really practice): you SHOW instead of telling. That is of more value that any 700-page course packed with theory. Not to mention the review system you have in place, which again, is worth more than any hardcore course. -AF

    A Copywriting Course win from Dec 01, 2020:

    Just wanted to let you know the Copywriting Course was hands down the best value and impact investment I made in 2020.

    Tough to beat real connection, real feedback, and real access to you and other pros.

    Oh and results. I’ve gained 1 partner and at least 3 high-ticket clients because of my time in CC. Not to mention more sales and more client sales from higher-converting ad copy. Plus seeing you in action every couple weeks has made me a better consultant. -KG

    A Copywriting Course win from Nov 25, 2020:

    I wanted to share the first email we drafted in the bootcamp. I turned out to be a success!

    I took the idea of using Canva from Dan and I ended up using GlorifyApp which is also nice 🙂

    I just wanted to say thank you guys!. The next email comes out tomorrow and we will see how it does! -MT

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