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    A Copywriting Course win from Nov 19, 2020:

    Prior to the lockdown, I never heard of the word "copywriting". I copied word by word in the months of June and July. Then in August, with Nev's Office Hour suggestion, I signed up with Mailchimp. I have no social media accounts. I have not written anything in years. I'm also clueless with techs.

    Guess what? I just launched my first article! I will send out one item per week. I even have CC members my mailing list supporting my growth!

    Joining KK/CC community has been the BEST thing for me in 2020! Thank you Team, Dan, Mitch, Nev, and especially my new friend Shaggy! -RJW

    A Copywriting Course win from Nov 19, 2020:

    The Copywriting Course was essential for us. I knew nothing about writing copy for products and this course set us on the right path to creating great content. Our customers often write to us praising our product descriptions and newsletters for being more useful and thorough than they can find anywhere else. -SA

    A Copywriting Course win from Nov 19, 2020:

    I’ve learned more about copy from this course than in all of my university classes combined. Seriously. I’ve helped businesses with their flyers and brochures and have seen results rise by over 300% just by implementing some simple techniques (like AIDA). The teaching style is simple, but the lessons are profound. Boom. -DC

    A Copywriting Course win from Nov 19, 2020:

    *Office Hours Gold*

    I signed up for Nev’s Copy Course because of his entertaining, generous and witty writing.

    I had NO IDEA how valuable and fun it would be until I logged on for a few of the office hours calls.

    You’ve helped me and my new business in more ways than I can say right now.

    But, at the end of this week’s 2+ hour session…with like 3 people remaining…you showed why these calls are so meaningful.

    You connected with a student (fan) who was searching for a little help and encouragement.

    I was blown away — truly moved — by your advice, empathy, patience, humor and how real you were with him.

    More impressive than being a great writer, it shows what kind of person and friend you are. I told my wife about it the next morning. You’ve got a fan for life. Thanks for everything you do, Nev. It matters. -RR

    A Copywriting Course win from Nov 19, 2020:

    Hi! In the less than two weeks since I started this course, I have:

    • Booked enough clients to have almost covered the cost of KK, my goal was to have this by the end of May
    • Had calls scheduled with clients on much larger projects than I feel qualified for…but my confidence is now really high – I KNOW I have value and am not afraid to charge for it
    • Had over 90% response rate to my upwork proposals
    • Had multiple clients reach out to me first on upwork


    A Copywriting Course win from Nov 19, 2020:

    “Hey Nev you’ve inspired me with your other work to put real effort and passion into my marketing and copywriting and reap great rewards, so the chance to work with you and get your feedback on what i was doing was brilliant.

    I loved the entire process. It was really well organized and executed, fun and educational! And most of all inspirational – you make it fun to learn and do this stuff!!”

    I loved having you video critique my stuff.

    I already had an autoresponder – but looking back after taking your course, it sucked!! There was so little effort in it – it just gave tips for 16 weeks solid, and never even asked for a sale!! Now I have a brilliant autoresponder to implement in their place that culminates in a sale! There’s a difference between knowing technically HOW to setup an autoresponder, and HOW to structure/write one! :)” –DB

    A Copywriting Course win from Nov 19, 2020:

    About a year ago, I launched my first blog with no experience. I had just taken your Course on copy, and decided to format my first blog post in the AIDA format. The “action” portion being basically “hey sign up for my mailing list if you like articles like this”. Within 3 days of posting the article, I had around 2000 “shares” and over 2000 people on my mailing list. So thanks! -BH

    A Copywriting Course win from Nov 18, 2020:

    The client I signed last week (a huge AdWords + Analytics project) said that he contacted (and was “already sold” on) me because he liked the “tone of writing” on my website. He said every other PPC agency sounded super-corporate with jargon he couldn’t understand, but mine was easy to understand, and he knew the benefits of what he would be getting before he called – all thanks to concepts I learned in the Copywriting Course. -NS

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