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    A Copywriting Course win from Nov 19, 2020:

    I have always thought of myself as a rather persuasive person, but your Copy Course changed me forever. By the way, it is actually required reading at the company I did work experience at! The course was so good I did it twice! I am trying to get an early start on life, and you have really helped me out with that. I owe you! -ES

    A Copywriting Course win from Nov 19, 2020:

    I just gotta say that you were the first “modern-day” copywriter whose mailing list I joined, and your opening greeting (“Uhhhh hi”) blew my mind after 7 years spent writing for slightly more stuffy (ahem) academic audiences!! Now this looks like a fun way to write, I said to myself…

    And the rest, as they say, is history – now I’m a full-time copywriter! Cheers, Nev, and looking forward to your next post! Keep up the amazing work 🙌🙌🙌! -S

    A Copywriting Course win from Nov 19, 2020:

    I’ve really enjoyed your Copywriting Course. Thanks to you, I now follow your formula of “Result-Objection-Time” on my webinars rather than my previously boring titles.

    I instantly got 2.5X higher attendance rate in 1 week.

    Before applying your material, I used really boring titles for my webinars like “Create Your Digital Strategy” and got 19% attendance. The next week

    I followed your R-O-T approach and changed the name to “Double Your Leads (On Autopilot) In 8 Weeks Using Social Media– Even If You’re a Computer Klutz, Busy, or Been Burnt Before!” … and I got more than 2.5X the attendance rate (49%). Not to mention 4X the number of actual attendees! 

    Same webinar, but with a simple change in copy from your course, it did 4X the volume! -AF

    A Copywriting Course win from Nov 19, 2020:

    The German online portal for franchises to which I submitted a probation text accepted it. They actually really liked it. So from this month on, I'll receive regular gigs from them. Since the beginning of this year, I have made much more progress than in all the time before since I left my regular job. -B

    A Copywriting Course win from Nov 19, 2020:

    My first win is that a big account I had been cold emailing (thanks to Copywriting Course!) finally accepted to meet me for product-show lunch. My second win is that I finally purchased this membership after skimping on the free stuff for the past 6 months! 😇 -AK

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