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    A Copywriting Course win from Nov 18, 2020:

    I've been MUCH more consistent with sending emails which get in the 30-40% open range right now.

    Also, our traffic continues to increase and I feel like my writing has a good flow (thanks in LARGE part to Copywriting Course and consistency). -V

    A Copywriting Course win from Nov 18, 2020:

    "2 months of Copywriting Course made me 23k"

    Hey guys! I just wanted to update you on the results of the B2B email campaigns we worked on.

    I sent 1000 emails to CEOs and had a 68% open rate (the highest in my entire career). The results were 7 meetings, 3 deals, and 23k in sales.

    Second wave of emails is going out tomorrow, I'll keep you in the loop.

    Thanks again! -KV

    A Copywriting Course win from Nov 18, 2020:

    I decided to launch a coaching program in the middle of October. I had a launch date for November 9th.

    My goal was to sell 4 spots minimum, up to a maximum of 8 students before I would stress my whole head of hair out. The Friday before we launched, I LANDED 6 CLIENTS! 6 CLIENTS THAT PAID ME FOR MY FIRST BETA COURSE.

    I almost cried. Now I am in week 2 of my program!! -CC

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