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    The SWIPES Email (Friday April 12th, 2024)


    Edition: Friday, April 12th, 2024
    An educational (and fun) email by Copywriting Course. Enjoy!

    🎤 Listen to this email here:


    While this chart isn't visually very interesting, but the content is very juicy!

    This is USA data from 2023 that shows your age and net worth, and what percentage you fall in compared to others.


    Example: You're 32 years old and have a $500,000 net worth, this makes you richer than 90% of people your age. 



    How did I not know this before? 

    Even number interstates: Side to Side 
    Odd number interstate roads: Up and Down

    I love it when a simple graphic like this teaches you something useful!


    The last episode of My First Million Podcast was recorded from my office with the standard 1080p webcam on the iMac M3.

    Sam Parr initially thought this was the DSLR camera feed! I still think a DSLR camera looks better, but these webcams are getting good!


    I still think a full DSLR setup look best, but the iMac and iPhone aren't too far behind. 
    Same lighting, same positioning, different webcams:
    • Sony a6400 DSLR
    • iPhone 14 Pro
    • iMac M3 webcam
    • iMac M1 laptop webcam


    In Austin, TX. we got a 100% eclipse blackout, but it was super cloudy!

    So I couldn't really see the eclipse itself too well, but the whole place went dark which was really neat:

    Here I am watching the eclipse from home:

    It was fun seeing all the neighbors from every house out as well (also you can see the auto-sensors on the downtown building lights turned on when it got dark)!



    One of my goals this year is to treat my business more like a 9-5 job.

    This means:
    - A little less needless goofing off during the day.
    - Finish my entire to-do list during biz hours.
    - Just because I don’t have anything to do, doesn’t mean I HAVE to do nothing.

    When I was younger and with less obligations it was easy to spread out work across all 16 waking hours. But with more social/family/friend stuff going on, time becomes more precious.

    The 9-5 time block makes a lot of sense, as most of the world operates around this schedule.

    A few benefits I have are:
    - Not having to commute and deal with traffic.
    - This 9-5 schedule is *self* imposed, not forced.


    I have a quick request for you 👇🏼


    All you have to do is reply back to this email with a testimonial for either Copywriting Course, The Swipes Email, or stuff you've learned from me.

    Different types of testimonials you can respond with:
    Level 1.) Respond with anything nice to say about me or Copywriting Course. 
    Level 2.) Respond back with a lesson you learned, applied, and did better with. 
    Level 3.) Respond back with something you improved, and send visual proof or numbers of it improving! 
    Level 4.) Respond back with a video testimonial. 

    I read every single one of these! I appreciate it so much!!

    **Let me know if you want me to anonymize your name on the testimonial.

    Neville Medhora



    Recommended Comments

    • Administrator

    This might be a solid option to use going forward Goutham, thanks for the rec!

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    Guest Leighton

    Greetings from Montreal! We had a great eclipse viewing here, right from my balcony.
    I was a member of KK/CC for a year or 2. We really benefited from your and the forum's copywriting advice prior to launching our website at hipswan.com. Specifically, advising us to add text overlays to our product images that point out the differentiating features of our socks. The idea of telling the story of the product through images is key. Our CVR now hovers around 5-6% and we just passed 10,000 orders (qualifying us for the entry-level Shopify award). 

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    • Administrator

    That's so amazing Leighton! 

    Congrats on the Shopify awards qualification 🙂 

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    Of the hundreds of newsletters and feeds I subscribe to I really look out for and learn from the Swipes email every Friday.  I love the layout, the drawings, the data and just the fact that I am sharing the insights of someone so cool and so smart.  THANK YOU. 

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    • Administrator

    Yup, I actually have those! 

    I mainly use my DSRL camera so I don't use it much, but it's nice to have in case the main camera craps out!

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    I enjoy reading Neville’s SWIPES Email every week. I’m always curious to know what he’s going to share.

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    Strange, Interstate 50 and 60 don't exist. I wonder if those were originally proposed when they created the interstate system and somehow made it on that map?

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    • Administrator

    Thank you so much Robert and Susan for the kind words!!

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    Guest Robert and Susan

    I was first introduced to Neville Medhora through his educational videos on YouTube about copywriting and web design.  I continue to look forward to his weekly Swipes Emails.  They are both entertaining and educational so never boring.  

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    I look forward to opening Neville's SWIPES emails each week. They teach me about copywriting and marketing, and are usually funny too!

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    I read your tiny white book on writing better.

    I had no clue about what copywriting was and how it could help me communicate better and write better copy for a service or product. 

    The first envelope exercise your describe made the copy thing click for me.

    It was simple yet profound. Thanks for sharing that (and your swipe Fridays emails — they are fun, entertaining, and useful)

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    Ten years ago I was broke, literally working at McDonalds, when I read a book called "Education of Millionaires" which got me interested in Copywriting. Then through a Tim Ferriss blog post by Noah I discovered Appsumo's emails and bought the "Sumo buisness blueprint". I was impressed with the email copywriting and it led me towards a path or starting my own business, working at start ups, and eventually a career. Today I am a marketing Manager. Copywriting course, which includes all the previous products of Neville, is my secret weapon!

    Edited by Camron Sabour
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    I have been following you for a while now and LOVE the content.

    I have learned so much. I am not a member only because I work on the french market. I would definitely be a member if I was working on an english speaking one.

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    • Administrator

    No worries Leo, so glad you enjoy all the other stuff we put out!

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    I love the weekly SWIPES emails as they contain fun, quirky, and informative stuff. It has the right mix of text, images, and illustrations which makes it so engaging. The copywriting course contains not only copy stuff but covers many topics related to copywriting. I have learned a lot. Neville's team is awesome, friendly, and approachable.

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    Guest Natalya

    I love these emails! 

    They are fun, well-written and always practical or educational. I am always surprised by them and look forward to them. Lots if them are also saved!  

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    • Administrator

    Thank you so much for this great review and testimonial Natalya!

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